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RX93-2 2012-02-17 10:56


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4010906)
Official. Screw the AGE series MG kits. I was going to get it but they definitely went the lazy and cheap route and couldn't even give us parts for the black section on the knees?

WTF Bandai! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Not like you are done building your own kits yet anyway.

suiton629 2012-02-17 10:57


Originally Posted by RX93-2 (Post 4010922)
Not like you are done building your own kits yet anyway.

I will eventually. It's called work, life, etc. GunPla doesn't take priority over those, but I will buy the kits that I like.

RX93-2 2012-02-17 11:03

Ah yes, because every other person making gunpla does not have a job or a social life. We all spend our time just brooding on the internet complaining about minor issues in models kits...

Anyway I looked at the plates for MG age1 and although the knees are not black, they did mold the parts separately in dark grey. So while it is indeed slightly disappointing it will be a quick spray/brush away from being black.

Appel 2012-02-17 11:11

say, did anyone mention the extra joint in the thumbs already? :O now THAT is pretty awesome!
a fully posable thumb but fixed fingers... i think thats a pretty ideal combination!

kakakka 2012-02-17 11:29


People flip out because of the knees?

maknaedik 2012-02-17 11:35


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 4010988)

People flip out because of the knees?

Yes, but looking at it so for, as long as that part is separate, then painting it will be no problem.

My only problem of not having a multi-colored A Plate is because I'm gonna miss it and that's is. Small complaint #2

I personally am disappointed on the absence of sliding panels for the legs of Duel only because we've seen it in MG Strike and it's a pity we don't see it in its fellow brethren. Yes, small complaint #3

But I'm not whining, I'm just saying that things could've been better. I can live with that and I'm still willing to buy MG Aegis and MG Titus :)

Appel 2012-02-17 15:07

do you remember this connector? (drag the link to your address bar)
if so, you probably know what that means...

MG duel is compatible with ALL striker packs for the MG strikes right out of the box! XD

Bonta Kun 2012-02-17 15:35


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4011253)


No sliding knee panel?

...yea I don't rreally care.

Duel with IWSP?!

Fuck Yeah!

Looks like I'll need to pick up on all them stikes I've wanted now, Duel, Strike+IWSP and Noir.
Shit thats really gonna cost me!>__<

LoweGear 2012-02-17 16:03


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4010848)

The black on the knees aren't black parts apparently? DAMN! Pictures have fooled us!!


I'm gonna miss the old multi colored A Plate T_T

They're not black parts that much is true. They're grey parts on the J runner, as seen on your link. Also, refer to Appel's post above for the pic of the unpainted MG AGE-1 with no decals.

So they're not black, but they're molded as separate parts, and the grey itself is actually dark enough that even on an unpainted build the MG AGE-1 still looks presentable. Not their best effort, but nothing worth raging about IMHO.

Appel 2012-02-17 16:21


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 4011326)
They're not black parts that much is true. They're grey parts on the J runner, as seen on your link. Also, refer to Appel's post above for the pic of the unpainted MG AGE-1 with no decals.

So they're not black, but they're molded as separate parts, and the grey itself is actually dark enough that even on an unpainted build the MG AGE-1 still looks presentable. Not their best effort, but nothing worth raging about IMHO.

exactly. i can see why they did that! they probably tried to save money by not designing a multicolored A runner. so instead of giving us a tiny runner with just two black pieces they incorporated the knees into the inner frame. i actually like that because it still looks good and you can paint it very easily because the pieces are seperate from everything else. no masking needed, just slap the paint on and you wont need the stickers^^
although, since they did give us seperate pieces for the knees the stickers would work pretty well, too.

casval cehack 2012-02-17 18:27


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 4010988)

People flip out because of the knees?

I can only imagine the no. of post here if Bandai announced something that will result in no more new Wing MGs for the year or next.:D

Regarding the MG Age-1 plates, the lack of a multicolor A-plate must be related to Age-1 multi wear design. Plus the recent campaign by Bandai to simplify gunpla construction and reduce cost (by limiting the wasted PS/ABS in the plates).

maknaedik 2012-02-17 21:12


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 4011326)
They're not black parts that much is true. They're grey parts on the J runner, as seen on your link. Also, refer to Appel's post above for the pic of the unpainted MG AGE-1 with no decals.

So they're not black, but they're molded as separate parts, and the grey itself is actually dark enough that even on an unpainted build the MG AGE-1 still looks presentable. Not their best effort, but nothing worth raging about IMHO.

That's why I've calmed down :)

pumpkins 2012-02-18 01:12


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4010916)
wow, thats gonna be one hell of a boring MG!^^ they really did go the cheap way with that kit! not a single multicolored plate? jeez...


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4010999)
My only problem of not having a multi-colored A Plate is because I'm gonna miss it and that's is. Small complaint #2

hm, just wondering what's so special about a multi-coloured A plate?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-02-18 01:22


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 4012047)
hm, just wondering what's so special about a multi-coloured A plate?

Me too. :confused::heh:

HasuMasu 2012-02-18 01:28

Well it looks encouraging, like you really want to build it or something like that.

Not that big a deal, but it looks cool.

maknaedik 2012-02-18 04:02


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 4012047)
hm, just wondering what's so special about a multi-coloured A plate?


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4012063)
Me too. :confused::heh:

Consider it as a tradition. Bandai kits always have a mutli-colored A Plate. Even non-Gundam ones follow this standard. That, for me, makes it special. But then again, that might be a selfish reason of mine so you're not responsible to be bothered :P

MoonLightShadows 2012-02-18 07:30

:heh: Everytime I take plates out of the model box. I always know without looking wich one is the A plate, usually because its the one that has Red, Yellow an Blue (now it seems the 'A' colors Blue, Yellow an Red are Now A-B an C) o.o

From looking at those pictures, the black stickers on the MG Age 1. I don't mind I didnt even put the stickers on my HG AGE. :p

Appel 2012-02-18 10:48


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 4012047)
hm, just wondering what's so special about a multi-coloured A plate?

for some reason it just makes a cheaper impression on me without a multicolored plate^^ kinda makes it look like they spent less time planning it and just rushed it out to save money :P
but in the end it only depends on how good the model really is.

suiton629 2012-02-18 10:51


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4012734)
for some reason it just makes a cheaper impression on me without a multicolored plate^^ kinda makes it look like they spent less time planning it and just rushed it out to save money :P
but in the end it only depends on how good the model really is.

Yup! =)

I hope the MG AGE-1 Normal is a good kit. Just a bit annoyed about the knee part.

duotiga 2012-02-18 11:23

For me i'm happy that MG Age-1 can put the Dodds rifle behind the waist which can do alot more pose frm there

suiton629 2012-02-18 11:24

But those knees...ugh...stickers?!

StrikeFreedomV2 2012-02-18 11:42


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4012799)
But those knees...ugh...stickers?!

Dude! Get over it! Or paint it yourself, if you don't like it, but quit complaining, please. The kit looks great imo, and that's all that counts. For me, anyway.

LoweGear 2012-02-18 12:37


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4012799)
But those knees...ugh...stickers?!

Then, don't use them. The MG AGE-1 as shown already looks good OOB, and the legs look as they should even without the stickers. All you're getting by putting the stickers is making those parts darker than they already are.

RX93-2 2012-02-18 13:49


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4012799)
But those knees...ugh...stickers?!

:rolleyes: I could find this here within 30seconds so click this and stop complaining:

MrSubstitute1 2012-02-18 14:10


Originally Posted by RX93-2 (Post 4012981)
:rolleyes: I could find this here within 30seconds so click this and stop complaining:

I have a feeling that he would say they are not black.

suiton629 2012-02-18 21:39


Originally Posted by MrSubstitute1 (Post 4013008)
I have a feeling that he would say they are not black.


Well they're not black. Hm. They decided to go with the inner frame color? Not bad I guess...

I plan on putting a gun metal color on all inner frame kits (with the gray frame) anyway so I guess it wouldn't be too bad?

maknaedik 2012-02-19 01:08

-Clear green part for the scope looks good.
-It actually retained the circle thingy under the skirt armor, which I thought they'll eliminate.
-As far as I can see, I think it's SEAMLESS :)))))
-No need to line those tiny lines because the inner frame is exposed underneath. It's actually good since my rule is: gray lines for the white parts and black lines for the rest.

Now I can't wait for Titus :)

casval cehack 2012-02-19 01:39


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4013597)

-Clear green part for the scope looks good.
-It actually retained the circle thingy under the skirt armor, which I thought they'll eliminate.
-As far as I can see, I think it's SEAMLESS :)))))
-No need to line those tiny lines because the inner frame is exposed underneath. It's actually good since my rule is: gray lines for the white parts and black lines for the rest.

Now I can't wait for Titus :)

Looks like a great build for the new MG concept, but IMO has little to offer from the 1/144 version, lead gundam collecting-wise.

pumpkins 2012-02-19 02:50


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4013597)
-It actually retained the circle thingy under the skirt armor, which I thought they'll eliminate.
-As far as I can see, I think it's SEAMLESS :)))))

hm. what circle thing are you referring to? the leg joint?

maknaedik 2012-02-19 03:54


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 4013730)
hm. what circle thing are you referring to? the leg joint?

Yeah, that's it :)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-02-19 04:07


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4013597)

Is that separate finger movement that I see? :uhoh: I also noticed the absence of pegs on the hands or the weapons. If it’s so, I just hope that the fingers aren’t loose.

At least the articulation is more than decent. Ironically, the AGE-1 Normal never had that intense movements in the anime beside by-the-numbers slashing, punching and shooting. Usually, the Gundams’ movements & articulation in the anime are too extreme the kits can’t keep up. But here, the kit's articulation & movement are actually way better than in the anime.

Yeah, I also can't wait to see MG Titus even though I hate the blue back-fin/wing on it. Can't wait to have it doing some wrestler poses :D.

maknaedik 2012-02-19 04:38


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4013817)
Is that separate finger movement that I see? :uhoh: I also noticed the absence of pegs on the hands or the weapons. If it’s so, I just hope that the fingers aren’t loose.

At least the articulation is more than decent. Ironically, the AGE-1 Normal never had that intense movements in the anime beside by-the-numbers slashing, punching and shooting. Usually, the Gundams’ movements & articulation in the anime are too extreme the kits can’t keep up. But here, the kit's articulation & movement are actually way better than in the anime.

Yeah, I also can't wait to see MG Titus even though I hate the blue back-fin/wing on it. Can't wait to have it doing some wrestler poses :D.

The thumb is on a ball joint and has a knuckle joint as well. You could say that it's similar to 2.0 kits, but found in the thumb instead.

I'm gonna do a LOT of wrestling poses with it, that's for sure. A very poseable bulky MS like Titus is a dream come true for me.

RX93-2 2012-02-19 05:10

Looks like a good, solid kit really.
And I rather have these somewhat more simple frames (It is still a full frame with good detail anyway) than even higher pricing due to oil prices.

MakubeX2 2012-02-19 05:46


Originally Posted by Chiu_fan (Post 4009096)
An unpainted review by Hacchaka is available. Now I'm impressed by it. I'm surprised that they redesigned the rifle, I thought they would just re-use the ones that were from the Strike Noir. The Assault Shroud parts look kinda loose though.

Hmm, it seems that there's a mention about "the waist being unrotatable" at the end of the review (腰があまり回らない点だけ残念でしたが). So far, this is the only review that brings this point up. So anyone can confirmed this ?

LoweGear 2012-02-19 06:00


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 4013925)
Hmm, it seems that there's a mention about "the waist being unrotatable" at the end of the review (腰があまり回らない点だけ残念でしたが). So far, this is the only review that brings this point up. So anyone can confirmed this ?

If I have to hazard a guess from the images on that page, I think the Assault Shroud is so bulky that it inhibits the waist motion. Without the extra armor, the Duel's waist rotates and twists as expected.

casval cehack 2012-02-19 06:00

Looking at Hacchaka's gallery, the assault shroud parts hinders articulation in the waist area.

MakubeX2 2012-02-19 07:38


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 4013940)
If I have to hazard a guess from the images on that page, I think the Assault Shroud is so bulky that it inhibits the waist motion. Without the extra armor, the Duel's waist rotates and twists as expected.


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4013941)
Looking at Hacchaka's gallery, the assault shroud parts hinders articulation in the waist area.

Of course. As evident from a shot of the plain Duel which I failed to noticed earlier :-

But still the postioning of the waist plating prevents it from rotating fully. A point that is also made clear from Hacchaka :-
(ただ今回腰が少ししか回らず、これ以上曲げるとグレーのパーツが外れるような仕様だったのが残 念。)

Un1ver5e 2012-02-19 08:27


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 4014084)
Of course. As evident from a shot of the plain Duel which I failed to noticed earlier

That range is just about what the human waist can twist. I suppose it should not be a problem to anyone since posing the Duel beyond the ranges of that articulation would make it look unnatural.

Appel 2012-02-19 08:38


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 4014166)
That range is just about what the human waist can twist. I suppose it should not be a problem to anyone since posing the Duel beyond the ranges of that articulation would make it look unnatural.

i really dont get how so many people always complain that you cant rotate the waist and head 180 or even 360 degrees :P its not like this benefits posing!
human-like posability is all you really need. and the duel seems to nail that pretty well!

maknaedik 2012-02-19 09:04

For me, the head must at least turn sideways. Waist rotation, hmmm.. I think at least it must turn sideways as well. If not, I'll complain and looks like Duel can't rotate its waist sideways

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