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RAVNEN 2013-11-22 21:32

Those red angelic WOL look better than the previous blue WOL...i like most of the Star Build Strike gimmick & weapon,it has so much playability. Thank goodness they give an extra part for the extended shield. :D

Blazer-X 2013-11-23 00:21


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4918485)
There's nothing wrong with having a wishlist. The problem is when certain person(s) post it in every post.

It's perfectly healthy to debate things, so long as everyone has an open opinion. Not a brick wall, I'm right you're wrong attitude.


But I think part of the reason why I'm shying from it is that said person(s) is/are has gotten so infamous that the act of wishlisting has become tainted.

Skye629 2013-11-23 01:24

Anyone here have the HG Ahead from 00 Season 2?

For some strange reason I wanted a model after seeing it in the debut of Season 2 while rewatching

Oddly of the review pictures and videos I have seen, half of them makes the kit looks goofy, while the other half makes it look really cool like it was in the first episode of Season 2 when it was slaughtering the Katharon units and battling Exia

Any personal input on the kit? I also sort of want it for an A-Laws unit for my Federation GN=XIII to battle

ZeroXSEED 2013-11-23 01:37

Ahead looks goofy because it's a half-assed crossbreed of GN series and Tieren, and they only look menacing for their brutish, hulking appearance compared to Gundams (so when you need to take photo, pair it with smaller MS kits, use perspective trick so Ahead look even larger than actually)

Ahead Bushido even moreso :heh:

GN-XIII is cool, and in my opinion far cooler than Ahead. But again, your judgment. (I saw them at the nearby shop, assembled)

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-23 02:31


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4918730)
Anyone here have the HG Ahead from 00 Season 2?

For some strange reason I wanted a model after seeing it in the debut of Season 2 while rewatching

Oddly of the review pictures and videos I have seen, half of them makes the kit looks goofy, while the other half makes it look really cool like it was in the first episode of Season 2 when it was slaughtering the Katharon units and battling Exia

Any personal input on the kit? I also sort of want it for an A-Laws unit for my Federation GN=XIII to battle

Aheads are great HGs! I own a bunch of them and none looks as long as you display them properly^^Articulation-wise they are so great

Skye629 2013-11-23 02:42


Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED (Post 4918743)
Ahead looks goofy because it's a half-assed crossbreed of GN series and Tieren, and they only look menacing for their brutish, hulking appearance compared to Gundams (so when you need to take photo, pair it with smaller MS kits, use perspective trick so Ahead look even larger than actually)

Ahead Bushido even moreso :heh:

GN-XIII is cool, and in my opinion far cooler than Ahead. But again, your judgment. (I saw them at the nearby shop, assembled)

Im with you on the main GN-X line (fun fact: the Ahead shares the GN-X designation as well) as they're my all time favorite grunt units

On the Aheads, well what I like about them, is like you said, their hulking appearance, and also their very simple and effective design (less details and clutter than the GN-X and the thrusters). Their portrayals in episode 1-2 of season 2 was also quite stellar as far as grunts went, though it went downhill from there to mostly plain cannon fodder

Personally I also like Mr. Bushido's Ahead, Im a sucker for Samurai stuff lol, as for the Smultron.....meh its ok


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4918791)
Aheads are great HGs! I own a bunch of them and none looks as long as you display them properly^^Articulation-wise they are so great

Ah someone who has them!

I have no concerns on posing, this may sound a little arrogant but I'm quite capable of making extremely nice poses off the top of my head, even with a standard included in box base, I have yet to get an action base 2, but once I get some my shelves will definitely improve big time lol

Whats confusing me the most is how well they look in person. All the videos and pictures i have seen seems to have different aspect ratios, so sometimes they appear squat, sometimes taller, and sometimes balanced, so I have no idea what to go by, other than Mr. Bushido's Ahead, which my bro has

How does the normal one compare to it in height/width etc.?

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-23 04:06


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4918797)

Ah someone who has them!

I have no concerns on posing, this may sound a little arrogant but I'm quite capable of making extremely nice poses off the top of my head, even with a standard included in box base, I have yet to get an action base 2, but once I get some my shelves will definitely improve big time lol

Whats confusing me the most is how well they look in person. All the videos and pictures i have seen seems to have different aspect ratios, so sometimes they appear squat, sometimes taller, and sometimes balanced, so I have no idea what to go by, other than Mr. Bushido's Ahead, which my bro has

How does the normal one compare to it in height/width etc.?

They all share the same main body. So all have the same height disregarding the different thrusters. The hips are pretty aritculated, so depending on how the positioned, the Aheads can look different sized, but overall are not^^ I can recommend all of them, best AU-Grunt IMO, toghether with the GN-X III

Skye629 2013-11-23 04:40


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4918848)
They all share the same main body. So all have the same height disregarding the different thrusters. The hips are pretty aritculated, so depending on how the positioned, the Aheads can look different sized, but overall are not^^ I can recommend all of them, best AU-Grunt IMO, toghether with the GN-X III

Ah kk, Ill think of picking one up then (standard version)

IMO the best AU grunt is actually the GNX-IV, due to being GNX, Ahead, and Gundam all rolled into one

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-23 04:46


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4918870)
Ah kk, Ill think of picking one up then (standard version)

IMO the best AU grunt is actually the GNX-IV, due to being GNX, Ahead, and Gundam all rolled into one

I just meant the design in terms of best Grunt-Suits^^ Perfomance-wise they are of course way below the GN-X IV

Skye629 2013-11-23 05:03


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4918875)
I just meant the design in terms of best Grunt-Suits^^ Perfomance-wise they are of course way below the GN-X IV

I was talking about both performance and design

But of course when it comes to design its all subjective ^^

ZeroXSEED 2013-11-23 05:30

So I receive that Granslam bootleg today

I can't believe I say this but the plastic quality is unbelievably high, smooth and shiny almost like a real sword (and being a medic, I can even see resemblance with incision blade)

Even the Forbidden's scythe can't match it, shame on you bandai. If only you produce that kit enmasse...>.>

EDIT: The original kit in question

suiton629 2013-11-23 14:45

Went a little SD crazy =D

SD Exia
SD 00 Raiser x2
SD Exia R2
SD 00 Qan[t]
SD 0 Gundam
SD 00 7 Sword
Action Base 2 Sparkle Green x7

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-23 15:47


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4919401)
Went a little SD crazy =D

SD Exia
SD 00 Raiser x2
SD Exia R2
SD 00 Qan[t]
SD 0 Gundam
SD 00 7 Sword
Action Base 2 Sparkle Green x7

Don't feel stupid buying and selling the same kits over and over again? I remember you buying these kits last year and shortly after selling them again. It's your money of course, sure, but in my opinion your wasting it

suiton629 2013-11-23 17:55


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4919454)
Don't feel stupid buying and selling the same kits over and over again? I remember you buying these kits last year and shortly after selling them again. It's your money of course, sure, but in my opinion your wasting it

You remember? Please provide evidence.

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-23 18:08


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4919563)
You remember? Please provide evidence.

Here you go

suiton629 2013-11-23 18:54


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4919569)

Thanks for the view. ;)

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-23 19:13


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4919621)
Thanks for the view. ;)

You're welcome, I guess... -_-

suiton629 2013-11-23 19:14


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4919641)
You're welcome, I guess... -_-

:D :eyespin: ;)

Shinobi2013 2013-11-24 02:15

Back to the topic, I should be glad that they made the microwave panels as clear parts instead of just flat blue on the upcoming MG Gundam X but they color it into clear purple? I wish they change it into clear blue to make it more TV accurate.

Knight_SV 2013-11-24 02:26

wishlist game?
here's mine:
-MG GP01 2.0
-MG GP01FB 2.0
-MG GP02A 2.0
-MG GP03S2.0
-MG ZZ 2.0
-MG FAZZ 2.0
-MG Ez8 2.0
-MG Alex 2.0
-HGAC Wing Zero EW
-HGAC Wing Gundam EW
i'm mainly hoping bandai to release HG and renew MG for all main leads Gundam first. I hope bandai also will do renewal for early release of HGUC for main lead Gundams

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-24 06:36


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 4920014)
wishlust game?
here's mine:
-MG GP01 2.0
-MG GP01FB 2.0
-MG GP02A 2.0
-MG GP03S2.0
-MG ZZ 2.0
-MG FAZZ 2.0
-MG Ez8 2.0
-MG Alex 2.0
-HGAC Wing Zero EW
i'm mainy hoping bandai to release HG and renew MG for all main leads Gundam first. I hope bandai also will do renewal for early release of HGUC for main lead Gundams

I second this wishlist. Let me add a HGAC Wing Gundam EW to it^^

Knight_SV 2013-11-24 06:44


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4920153)
I second this wishlist. Let me add a HGAC Wing Gundam EW to it^^

It been fixed:cool:
And i hope bandai also do 2.0 to God and shining gundam though actually the current MG is already good enough
Current Freedom is also has best detail despite being an MG that released almost 10 years ago

suiton629 2013-11-24 07:30


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4920009)
Back to the topic, I should be glad that they made the microwave panels as clear parts instead of just flat blue on the upcoming MG Gundam X but they color it into clear purple? I wish they change it into clear blue to make it more TV accurate.

Same. I think that was something people worried about. So now it gives us hope that they will properly do the X Divider and Double X relatively soon; early 2014?



Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 4920014)
wishlist game?
here's mine:

i'm mainly hoping bandai to release HG and renew MG for all main leads Gundam first. I hope bandai also will do renewal for early release of HGUC for main lead Gundams

Problem is that those aren't actually 'relevant' to what is being done in manga or animated form. Nor have they gotten a recent, related release. The 1 I think would be likely is the HGAC Wing Gundam EW especially with the Wing Zero (TV) coming out in HG now. Though speaking of Wing, I think more people would be surprised, happy, and inclined to purchase a MG Wing Gundam EW 2.0 and MG Wing Gundam Zero EW 2.0 especially after the MG Wing Gundam TV and MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-11-24 07:53


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 4920014)
wishlist game?
here's mine:
-MG GP01 2.0
-MG GP01FB 2.0
-MG GP02A 2.0
-MG GP03S2.0
-MG ZZ 2.0
-MG FAZZ 2.0
-MG Ez8 2.0
-MG Alex 2.0
-HGAC Wing Zero EW
-HGAC Wing Gundam EW

i'm mainly hoping bandai to release HG and renew MG for all main leads Gundam first. I hope bandai also will do renewal for early release of HGUC for main lead Gundams

That's a very nice list, Knight ;). I especially support the MG ZZ 2.0.

And statement like "Problem is that those aren't actually 'relevant' to what is being done in manga or animated form" is full of BS (and guess who said it :rolleyes:). We got MG Turn X and MG X on the horizon. Both of them come from "irrelevant" series who have finished airing long ago and no recent tie-in.

Bottomline, Bandai can make anything anytime. It only depends on their mood and how profitable they think the release is.

Providenceangle 2013-11-24 08:00


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4920224)
That's a very nice list, Knight ;). I especially support the MG ZZ 2.0.

And statement like "Problem is that those aren't actually 'relevant' to what is being done in manga or animated form" is full of BS (and guess who said it :rolleyes:). We got MG Turn X and MG X on the horizon. Both of them come from "irrelevant" series who have finished airing long ago and no recent tie-in.

Bottomline, Bandai can make anything anytime. It only depends on their mood and how profitable they think the release is.

I'm sure a lot of the release is based on the management too. I'm sure certain employees may pitch the idea and the company goes along with it. I've had my ideas taken up by management before, at some jobs.

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:00


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4920224)
That's a very nice list, Knight ;). I especially support the MG ZZ 2.0.

And statement like "Problem is that those aren't actually 'relevant' to what is being done in manga or animated form" is full of BS (and guess who said it :rolleyes:). We got MG Turn X and MG X on the horizon. Both of them come from "irrelevant" series who have finished airing long ago and no recent tie-in.

Bottomline, Bandai can make anything anytime. It only depends on their mood and how profitable they think the release is.

Exceptions to the rule; especially since how niche of a fanbase they both have. What you're listing out is mainstream series.

Wing EW, Unicorn, Age (sort of?), Seed HD, Seed Destiny HD, 00 (apparently with RG Exia and MG Exia R2), Build Fighter, Thunderbolt, and Origins.

I think those are the current 'relevant' series.


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4920234)
I'm sure a lot of the release is based on the management too. I'm sure certain employees may pitch the idea and the company goes along with it. I've had my ideas taken up by management before, at some jobs.

That too. Problem is that most companies large enough to have 'upper management' is filled up with old farts that like to do things traditionally and follow traditional business decisions.

NeutralZero 2013-11-24 08:02

mainly all MG, nice but...
aren't there any HG of the same unit?
its sad but our salary can't handle those MGs
are they also gonna realease all of those unit in HG
in their HG all gundam project?

Shinobi2013 2013-11-24 08:03


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4920212)
Same. I think that was something people worried about. So now it gives us hope that they will properly do the X Divider and Double X relatively soon; early 2014?


I don't think color mistake of X has something to do for pushing the releasing of X Divider and Double X too goddamit early, you're too delusional.


Though speaking of Wing, I think more people would be surprised, happy, and inclined to purchase a MG Wing Gundam EW 2.0 and MG Wing Gundam Zero EW 2.0 especially after the MG Wing Gundam TV and MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW.
They already did released Wing Gundam EW version and it's officially in line with the other MG EW kits, I don't think Bandai will make a risk of redoing it especially most people already have it by now and surely make them angry or pissed.

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:03


Originally Posted by NeutralZero (Post 4920237)
mainly all MG, nice but...
aren't there any HG of the same unit?
its sad but our salary can't handle those MGs
are they also gonna realease all of those unit in HG
in their HG all gundam project?

I think the 'All Gundam Project' refers to releasing or re-releasing lead suits in HG. I'd rather spend the extra money and get a few MGs and few RGs (some SDs here and there), than just buy a crap ton of HGs.

And grunt suits.. I expect a few regular releases and a lot of online exclusives. Bandai seems to love online exclusives these days.


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4920239)
I don't think color mistake of X has something to do for pushing the releasing of X Divider and Double X too goddamit early, you're too delusional.

They already did released Wing Gundam EW version and it's officially in line with the other MG EW kits, I don't think Bandai will make a risk of redoing it especially most people already have it by now and surely make them angry or pissed.

Not like they haven't done it before...

HG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam HD Remaster (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: ¥1,200)
HG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam (Release Date: Feb 2014, Price: ¥1,365)

Yea. They'll do it.

NeutralZero 2013-11-24 08:07

it ok if we're good at building but since we're almost a total newbie at that,
HG the best we can ever wished for the time being esp if we're trying our hands on customizing a gunpla...

duotiga 2013-11-24 08:07

i'm happy with the RG releases even though it has its own issues but be collecting all...

MG now i'll take as look & see approach

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:08


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4920249)
i'm happy with the RG releases even though it has its own issues but be collecting all...

MG now i'll take as look & see approach

MG & RG ... I generally get all variants of the lead and that's it. This includes online exclusives.

ZeroXSEED 2013-11-24 08:08

So I completed HG Destiny today

I know non-Remaster SEED have bad proportion but Destiny are simply awful. :heh:

The wings are cool though, Sei need to eat his heart out.

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:10


Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED (Post 4920251)
So I completed HG Destiny today

I know non-Remaster SEED have bad proportion bu Destiny are simply awful. :heh:

The wings are cool though, Sei need to eat his heart out.

Go with RG if you want the 1/144 scale.

Shinobi2013 2013-11-24 08:10

Not like they haven't done it before...

HG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam HD Remaster (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: ¥1,200)
HG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam (Release Date: Feb 2014, Price: ¥1,365)

Yea. They'll do it.[/QUOTE]

HGs are less risky to redo since it's cheaper, the MGs are more risky since it's more expensive, COMMON SENSE DUDE.

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:11


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4920253)
HGs are less risky to redo since it's cheaper, the MGs are more risky since it's more expensive, COMMON SENSE DUDE.

Everything in life has risk. Just be careful and take your time with all GunPla.

NeutralZero 2013-11-24 08:11

how bad proportioned are the non remastered version?
and did they correct that with the remastered version or they just add something up?

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:13


Originally Posted by NeutralZero (Post 4920257)
how bad proportioned are the non remastered version?
and did they correct that with the remastered version or they just add something up?

Unless I'm mistaken, they've remolded the kit quite a bit.

ZeroXSEED 2013-11-24 08:14

At least Akatsuki wasn't half as bad, though still below my Forbidden (Remaster)

The only MG I probably aim for is MG overflag, the price tag is extremely nice. And the experience with HG version gave me a bit more idea about how much complex it would be.

suiton629 2013-11-24 08:16


Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED (Post 4920261)
At least Akatsuki wasn't half as bad, though still below my Forbidden (Remaster)

The only MG I probably aim for is MG overflag, the price tag is extremely nice.

They never made MG Overflag.
There's an HG..

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Akatsuki.. They need to MG those 2 as well (Oowashi & Shiraniu). I'm concerned about the gold plating making the price crazy high; probably like 7000 Yen each.

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