Mere appearances don't amount for much of anything though, especially since many designs have functions not reflected in their design at first glance - if you showed a person the PG 00 Raiser GN Drive or the Exia/GN-X/00Q GN Drive and asked him how it's activated, he wouldn't know how to open them due to lack of a visible switch. And for the 1/100, the switch is visible, but it's integrated into the GN Drive itself, and not on another location.
There's also the fact that Bandai has had experience with locking mechanisms on their mechs for a while now starting with the PG Zeta Gundam, and the HGUC Kshatriya being a most recent example. And said locking mechanisms are the ones that are visible externally. while Bandai has kept light switches on mechs highly inconspicious. |
I am happy to see something being attached though that may possibly try to resolve the weight issue. It also makes the model aesthetically nicer in my opinion. Quote:
Of course, I'm just hoping that it can just hold the 0 Raiser properly. And with this line of discussion my prior HG00Q query is buried...............T___T |
Speaking of the MG OO....
I'll be very surprise if the kit is released on scheduel, going by the current state Japan is in. |
Hi :)! I made a progress on my 00 Qan[T]
The leg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-3...0/P3020172.JPG Foil sticker inside of the clear part https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-G...0/P3060191.JPG With the clear part https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-U...0/P3060192.JPG Waist https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-n...0/P3070200.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-N...0/P3070199.JPG Chest https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-J...0/P3070205.JPG GN Drive https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-s...0/P3070201.JPG Innerframe untill now https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-n...0/P3070207.JPG Difference between primed pieces and not primed pieces https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-o...0/P3070196.JPG Well that's my progress so far!. Sorry about the small pictures, is that I have an original but it would be too big for the forum. The real-size images can be seen in my blog Eiko's Gunpla,along with more pictures. Just click in the pictures in my blog and then you will see them in real size and better quality also. |
I want to say those are some sort of locking mechanism on the MG 00. I've been staring at the thing and I noticed (and this could just me and I may be hallucinating by this point) that the right shoulder "lock" is all the way down, and so is the right shoulder GN Drive mount. On the left shoulder, the "lock" is slightly raised, and it looks like so is the left GN Drive mount. If you picture a parallel line along each mount piece and lock piece, the left is a straighter line than the right.
And now I'm gonna go lay down. |
rrobbert184 has a video of his thoughts on the MG 00 Raiser. If you look under its binders you get an impression of maybe two locking mechanisms. One could be hidden underneath (about 1:29 in) to hold the 0 Raisers wings like Kshatriya's. The second lock the one, We see untop could be used to put the flat piece in place the GN Drive hooks onto for better support. :heh:
Spoiler for :
I tried it once with my HG Astraea F that I wanted to make into a normal Astraea, however it turned out horribly. not because of the prime mine you, I had other unfortunates that happened but it affected the final result nonetheless. I'm still not sure quite how you put primer, do you brush it off or airbrush it? |
You can spray it on with a can.
Hey all, if you want $15 or $10 off at gundamstoreandmore.com use the codes 15off and 10off respectively. I just bought Qubeley MK. II MG and used the 15off one, go save! :D
Edited: $15 not 15% :P |
Is there anybody who has pictures of the runners for Shenlong?
Anything indicating a possible release for Nataku? (A bit like for Deathscythe) |
Even at first glance, it's quite clear that the runners are designed to accomodate more parts in the future, likely for an MG Nataku release. |
i agree. there is more than enough room for the extra parts and the rest can be packed on a few extra runners, just like they did it with the deathscythe and the deathscythe hell. from that point of view this is a very easy way for bandai to make a lot of money very easily. im not surprised that they are so crazy about wing anymore :P
on a different note, i REALLY hope we get a MG unicorn banshee^^ and if we do i hope we get it sooner than later! =D its the same as the unicorn unit 1 except for a few VERY minor changes, so that would be no problem at all! i really want that one next to my unicorn! a banshee has been among my most wanted kits for a long time |
I would like a MG Unicorn Full Armor mode:) with green innerframe!
but im sure that id give that one a pass. i already have the ver.ka titanium finish version of the unicorn and i dont like buying the same kit multiple times, even if they add a ton of cool new stuff. the exception would be the banshee (its a different unit, so thats ok for me) and the MG OO raiser (i already own the 1/100 NG version but i SO want a MG!). also, im sure that the full armor unicorn would be a brick on an action base, just like the EX-S! XD with all that stuff loaded to it im sure that you cant move it very well. its more like a ship than a MS in that mode! but yeah, im sure they will give us a banshee and a full armor unicorn. bandai LOVES selling the same runners in different kits over and over again so we dont have to fear anything in that regard^^ they will probably release those kits shortly before the episode airs in which they will appear. and since the unicorn entered the earths atmosphere at the end of episode 3 and because the banshee is being tested on earth im pretty sure that we will see that one sooner rather than later^^ |
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