hmmm..... i wonder if they mention any future SD kit.......there are so many of them that i want them to redo :heh:
i FINALLY got the letter from the customs office so that i could pick up my OO raiser today!^^
gonna build it later today. but just by browsing through the manual a little its pretty clear that this is basically the OOQ with a few changes here and there XD but in my opinion that isnt a bad thing. the QAN[T]is amazing! and it explains why the OO raiser got so much praise recently. |
So I finally got my 00Q today, and i've never built a model before, but the instructions are understandable.
I just need to know if the plier I have is acceptable to be used to nip the parts or not. I'd rather not buy a new one and would prefer to use the current one I have. |
i dont thing thats gonna work. the pliers that you have are blunt and can only crush stuff.
you need a side cutter: they arent expensive, about 3 bucks for a cheap one. id get a good one though! its worth it. with a good side cutter you basically have no excess plastic one the pieces that you would have to cut off with a knife! i got mine from a gamesworkshop and i could be happier! cost me about 8€, thats about $10 edit: i just built the O raiser sidebinder just to test if i get the NG 1/100 OO LEDs to fit in there. it does work but you have to alter them quite a lot to make them fit. but once they are in everything works properly^^ |
Now just need to wait till the end of the month....... It's gonna be long wait Lucky still have 4 PG at home need to finish:D |
im done with the head, torso, arms and shoulders now. well, and one sidebinder of course because there i tested the no grade LED :P so far its a really neat model.i think im going to finish it today^^ |
i'm currently working on MG Astray Red Frame, so far only finish all the weapon, it will take a while, since i just got couple new games thanks to PSN :heh: |
here is a little progress shot: just got the backpack, the weapons and the O raiser left to do :P |
and done^^ this kit is pretty awesome! great articulation, tons of accessoires and what really surprised me, there are almost no balance issues! its not leaning forwards here, it can stand upright with the O raiser attatched^^ that spretty impressive! im also very pleased with the GN sword III. the connection to the arm is rock solid and it wont fall off at all, even with the huge effect part for the raiser sword. it pops out of the peg on the hand all the time but the connection to the arm is strong enough by itself. |
You know any examples of such a piece? I would like to get them online prefably. |
This one is a must A little expensive but for tiny pieces and to save time (I used to clean my pieces with a hobby knife but not anymore) ;) |
and if you want to spend a little less: |
Thier craft knife is quite nice too. Very sharp blades, ergonomic handle and all that. Games Workshop's stuff is quite expensive, but good quality. |
Edit: WIP pics on my Virsago: Spoiler for Virsago:
And a few little extras: Spoiler for tiny:
Nice to see a suit from X. Hope it turns out nicely.
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