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Butagami 2011-10-19 11:37


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 3814917)
:x just got my trio set of Jestas.

they are all broken, it looks like someone jumped on the package, most of the sprues are broken/snapped.

the kits are unopened, the plastic is sealed, can you return it to HLJ and get replacement kits? this has never happend before, i dunno what to do, contact them by email with pictures of the boxes?

does anyone know where you can order trees and " grass " for dioramas? the store around here closed down and i can't take a trip to the bigger cities due to work/birthdays in the next 2 months :x

Man that sucks! I hope it works out with the replacing.


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3815026)
i got a very big announcement.......THAT I WON 4 in 1 PGs!!!!! o.O

Holy crap are you lucky! Congratulations, have fun building. I wouldn't sell any of them, are you sure you want to?

duotiga 2011-10-19 11:42


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3815046)
Holy crap are you lucky! Congratulations, have fun building. I wouldn't sell any of them, are you sure you want to?

Thanks Thanks

space is really an issue right now :uhoh:
The most be keeping Red Frame

wonder will they sudden plus in the special parts for red frame, Strike Freedom & 00 riaser? :eyespin:

Appel 2011-10-19 12:01


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3815043)
most probably keeping Red Frame , the rest might sell off for future funding =x :heh:

The MGs set i have in fact all of them =x (sinanju is titanium thoughbut unfixed, so is red frame ) :eyespin:

excellent choice! XD the red frame is an amazing model, im really happy that i got it^^

and yeah, i have most of the kits in the MG prize pack, too. only that i have the unicorn and the sinanju as the ver.ka titanium finish versions, the wing gundam as the EW and not the TV version and the astray as the PG so i didnt bother buying the MG (i dont really like having the same suit twice).

and selling those that you dont want is probably the best idea if you dont need them^^ personally im totally not interested in them though. i already have the wing zero in MG form which is enough for me and the strike freedom and OO raiser have too many issues for my tastes

StrikeFreedomV2 2011-10-19 12:21


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3815026)
i got a very big announcement.......THAT I WON 4 in 1 PGs!!!!! o.O

Gongrats, thats amazing!

If you end up selling some of them, make sure to tell us :D

And for those that you keep: Have fun with your kits :)

Appel 2011-10-19 12:32


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 3815094)
Gongrats, thats amazing!

If you end up selling some of them, make sure to tell us :D

And for those that you keep: Have fun with your kits :)

he already said that he wants to keep the red frame and sell the rest^^ which is the best choice in my opinion, the PG astray is amazing :D

StrikeFreedomV2 2011-10-19 14:15


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3815108)
he already said that he wants to keep the red frame and sell the rest^^ which is the best choice in my opinion, the PG astray is amazing :D

He said, he MIGHT sell them. So I assume he isn't sure of that yet :p

Appel 2011-10-19 14:55


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 3815239)
He said, he MIGHT sell them. So I assume he isn't sure of that yet :p

maybe i missed that part^^ i donated almost a liter of blood plasma today, im still a little groggy XD
if i had won that package i MIGHT have kept the strike freedom and the OO raiser. they do have flaws but having them for free would make them SO much better^^

i also ordered decal paper and mr. metal primer to try making some custom decals :P (the primer is for fixing the ink on the paper). to try this out i first want to make some custom decals for the action base i ordered for the FA unicorn^^ the bases of my sinanju and unicorn both came with decals, the FA unicorns base would look a little bland without them.
edit: and looking at the status of these packages it looks like they will both arrive tomorrow^^ too bad that i will be at work then XD

Sworra 2011-10-19 16:20


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3815026)
i got a very big announcement.......THAT I WON 4 in 1 PGs!!!!! o.O

Congrats Duotiga, Hope you have a Blast building them. :) That is if you decide to keep them.. I don't own a PG yet but i agree with everyone else with the Red Frame, Read reviews and not one person put that one down..


duotiga 2011-10-19 19:55

i dont own PG also ...that wld be my pre christmas pressies already ^^

casval cehack 2011-10-19 20:08

Congratulations duotiga. Why not keep them all?

duotiga 2011-10-19 20:43

space is a real issue right now.....

decided once collected the prize b keeping Red Frame & Strike Freedom =x

pumpkins 2011-10-20 05:12


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3815694)
space is a real issue right now.....

decided once collected the prize b keeping Red Frame & Strike Freedom =x

congrats duotiga! have fun with your 1st and 2nd PG builds! :)


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3815283)
i also ordered decal paper and mr. metal primer to try making some custom decals :P (the primer is for fixing the ink on the paper). to try this out i first want to make some custom decals for the action base i ordered for the FA unicorn^^ the bases of my sinanju and unicorn both came with decals, the FA unicorns base would look a little bland without them.

wow, where do you get decal paper from?

duotiga 2011-10-20 07:27


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 3816184)
congrats duotiga! have fun with your 1st and 2nd PG builds! :)

thanks :heh: now counting down the days for collection :eyespin:

Appel 2011-10-20 08:43


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 3816184)
wow, where do you get decal paper from?

you can just order it online^^ its waterslide decal paper and it comes in clear and white and also for laser and inkjet printers (which is a big difference in this case).
the white paper is for colored decals since most printers at home cant print with white ink (the white will just be the white of the paper). the problem with those is that you have to cut out your decals absolutely perfectly because otherwise you have white edges.
the clear decal paper is for black or very dark decals or for white decals on a white surface.

you can then just design your decals on the PC, print them out and fix them with something like the mr. hobby metal primer that i ordered.

for now i only ordered one sheet to test the whole thing. even if it fails it wont really matter since the FA unicorn will be released in about 2 months^^
the guys at HLJ just messed up my order... i ordered the action base together with the FA unicorn but for some reason they decided to ship the base already >__> so i figured i might as well get the decals for it now and have it ready when the unicorn arrives :P

suiton629 2011-10-20 09:59

Hey... I've been considering whether or not I should get the SD Unicorn and MG Unicorn OVA Ver.

I've seen all the video reviews from YouTube from like vegeta, Prime, etc etc... But what else can you guys say about the 2 kits?

Appel 2011-10-20 10:03


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 3816478)
Hey... I've been considering whether or not I should get the SD Unicorn and MG Unicorn OVA Ver.

I've seen all the video reviews from YouTube from like vegeta, Prime, etc etc... But what else can you guys say about the 2 kits?

the SD unicorn is just as solid as all the other SD models so you can get that one^^
the MG unicorn looks awesome, is a great build but its also a MASSIVE bitch to get into any poses XD i can recommend it but its not the best model out there.

StrikeFreedomV2 2011-10-20 10:08

@Appel: HLJ didnīt really mess up the order. They ship whatever item you ordered, as soon as they got in stock. If you preoder 2 items, that are to come out in November, but one at the beginning of the month and the other at the end, they ship them seperate.

Thatīs one of the reasons I rarely buy from them nowadays. I prefer hobbysearch for pre-ordering stuff, because they ship when either everything is in stock or at the end of the month.

I ordered the new RD Unicorn at HLJ only because at HobbySearch the reservation was closed :(

suiton629 2011-10-20 10:18


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3816487)
the SD unicorn is just as solid as all the other SD models so you can get that one^^
the MG unicorn looks awesome, is a great build but its also a MASSIVE bitch to get into any poses XD i can recommend it but its not the best model out there.

The thing is, you all know that I'm a 00 series fan, and I've never liked UC stuff. I did see the episodes out so far for Unicorn anime, and it was cool~ But ... >_< ...

pumpkins 2011-10-20 10:35


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 3816509)
The thing is, you all know that I'm a 00 series fan, and I've never liked UC stuff. I did see the episodes out so far for Unicorn anime, and it was cool~ But ... >_< ...

rather than the MG unicorn why not get the 2 HGUC ones so you can have it both in destroy and unicorn mode?

anw a qn about HG 00 kits.. how many of them have more than 1 beam rifle in a kit? not those add-on barrel extenders stuff. >.< i can only think of the Arios GNHW and Astraea type-f.

duotiga 2011-10-20 10:43

MG Unicorn, The transforming gimmicks makes it hard to pose & have to make either Unicorn mode or Destroy mode.

UC MS are more conventional looking design than 00/Wing/X/G/Seed/Destiny

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