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duotiga 2012-02-22 08:58

getting the Limited Clear ver. Guess what im going to do with these? =x

Ring frm BTF full saber & i have the base 1 & 2 clear green

suiton629 2012-02-22 09:13


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4019194)
getting the Limited Clear ver. Guess what im going to do with these? =x

Ring frm BTF full saber & i have the base 1 & 2 clear green

Oh? Another 00 fan... :D

duotiga 2012-02-22 09:17


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4019213)
Oh? Another 00 fan... :D

as mention before , fan of all series , but in particularly some units i will get more than 1

RD figures gives me an idea

Appel 2012-02-22 10:25


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4019178)
Any lets-build-duel photos?

too late, im done^^ photos later :P

but this thing is amazing! some of the assault shroud parts are a little lose and the nubs are pretty bad but other than thats its a great kit! :O

edit: here we go

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-02-22 11:10


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4019194)
getting the Limited Clear ver. Guess what im going to do with these? =x
Ring frm BTF full saber & i have the base 1 & 2 clear green

Good Idea.

Still, it's disappointing that Bandai didn't give us the 'burst' mode of the MG Qant's chest-core like the RD. That kinda make any efforts fail unless you made the the burst core yourself. Nevertheless, I'm very interested to see your final product ^^.

That looks great. Btw, exactly what part of the Assault Shroud that is loose? And are the joints solid? I want to see it pose with Bazooka Striker XD.

Appel 2012-02-22 12:11


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4019418)
Good Idea.

That looks great. Btw, exactly what part of the Assault Shroud that is loose? And are the joints solid? I want to see it pose with Bazooka Striker XD.

the additional front skirts fall off all the time. but other than that every thing is solit, including the joints^^

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-02-22 12:25


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4019503)
the additional front skirts fall off all the time. but other than that every thing is solit, including the joints^^

That’s good to hear. Ok, I’ll add this to my must-buy list. I know, it's gonna be a LONG list since the other GAT MGs will be coming soon XD. I just hope Justice will join the party soon too.

Appel 2012-02-22 14:16


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4019530)
That’s good to hear. Ok, I’ll add this to my must-buy list. I know, it's gonna be a LONG list since the other GAT MGs will be coming soon XD. I just hope Justice will join the party soon too.

they just might make a justice. who knows! since they are making the GAT series suits they might as well finish the ZGMF series.

the duel has one more flaw though by the way, some of the decals dont make a lot of sense. some of them are just dark grey on a slighly lighter grey which makes them hard to read. they are a little too sublte. and some of the other decals were just impossible to put on for me, i hate those decals that you have to wrap around a piece XD it always looks terrible when i try it :P

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-02-22 14:47


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4019664)
the duel has one more flaw though by the way, some of the decals dont make a lot of sense. some of them are just dark grey on a slighly lighter grey which makes them hard to read. they are a little too sublte. and some of the other decals were just impossible to put on for me, i hate those decals that you have to wrap around a piece XD it always looks terrible when i try it :P

Are you talking about rough-transfer of peel-off decals? If it’s a rough-transfer, then I gotta agree that it’s kinda difficult to put one rt-decals on more than one side well. So far, I only experienced ‘1 rt-decal vs 2 sides’ and (fortunately) I did it well. As for peel-off, I rarely have a hard time putting them on, unless the spot is really small or too narrow for my fingers. I’ve put a po-decal around MG Wing Custom’s thigh and it’s pretty easy and looks good. Where exactly are those ‘impossible’ decals' spot(s) located? I’m curious ;).

PS: btw, aren't you gonna do a vid-review of Duel for Youtube? If you gonna do it, do it in HD! :D Lucky for those who have nice camcorder T-T.

Appel 2012-02-22 14:53


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4019704)
Are you talking about rough-transfer of peel-off decals? If it’s a rough-transfer, then I gotta agree that it’s kinda difficult to put one rt-decals on more than one side well. So far, I only experienced ‘1 rt-decal vs 2 sides’ and (fortunately) I did it well. As for peel-off, I rarely have a hard time putting them on, unless the spot is really small or too narrow for my fingers. I’ve put a po-decal around MG Wing Custom’s thigh and it’s pretty easy and looks good. Where exactly are those ‘impossible’ decals' spot(s) located? I’m curious ;).

PS: btw, aren't you gonna do a vid-review of Duel for Youtube? If you gonna do it, do it in HD! :D Lucky for those who have nice camcorder T-T.

im talking about the sticker decals. the dry transfer ones are actually working well on the duel^^
the ones im talking about are on the legs and the arms. for some reason they always look bad when i try those :P

and as for a video about it, i simply dont have the time for it right now. or the talent, im a terrible video editor XD and while my camera does record 720p videos the quality simply doesnt cut it for me because of the terrible lighting conditions in my apartment.

edit: i also just saw that the duel is at the top of the "whats hot" list over at HLJ! im really not surprised about that^^

RX93-2 2012-02-22 15:26

Appel, you are from the Netherlands are you not?
What topcoat do you use and where do you buy it?

If you are from somewhere else nevermind. :)

Appel 2012-02-22 15:49


Originally Posted by RX93-2 (Post 4019750)
Appel, you are from the Netherlands are you not?
What topcoat do you use and where do you buy it?

If you are from somewhere else nevermind. :)

close but no cigar! XD im from germany^^
the top coat i use is "the army painter super matt varnish". i buy at a local games workshop. at 11 bucks for a 400ml can its pretty expensive but its worth it! the finish is amazing and its dry enough to work with within an hour, unlike other brands of top coat that need like a day or more to fully dry :P

RX93-2 2012-02-22 16:51

Games workshop, Welp.
I usually get my stuff from a paintstore in bulk, but top coat has been hard to find somewhere lately so thanks. Never thought about those games workshop places.

duotiga 2012-02-22 19:29

Guess the MG Duel front skirt issue is the same as the 1/100 ver which is kinda loose also

casval cehack 2012-02-22 20:27


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4019664)
they just might make a justice. who knows! since they are making the GAT series suits they might as well finish the ZGMF series.

the duel has one more flaw though by the way, some of the decals dont make a lot of sense. some of them are just dark grey on a slighly lighter grey which makes them hard to read. they are a little too sublte. and some of the other decals were just impossible to put on for me, i hate those decals that you have to wrap around a piece XD it always looks terrible when i try it :P

If there are only two minor flaws and one of them is unique to Duel, then Buster will probably close to perfect.

suiton629 2012-02-22 21:34

It's not surprising that the Assault Shroud parts are loose. They probably did that so you can take it off easier.

maknaedik 2012-02-22 23:39

MG 1/100 Marasai (Release Date: May 2012, Price; 4000 yen)
MG 1/100 Blitz Gundam (Release Date: Jun 2012, Price: 4000 yen)
HGUC 1/144 Anksha (Release Date: May 2012, Price: 2600 yen)
HG 1/144 M1 Astray (Release Date: Jun 2012, Price: 1400 yen)
RG 1/144 Gundam Mk-II Titan Color (Release Date: Apr 2012, Price; 2500 yen)
RG 1/144 Gundam Mk-II A.E.U.G. Color (Release Date: Apr 2012, Price; 2500 yen)

- Damn! MG Marasai!!
- I knew it, 2 MGs for May
- Blitz went ahead before Buster? That's WEIRD!

casval cehack 2012-02-22 23:46


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4020424)

MG 1/100 Marasai (Release Date: May 2012, Price; 4000 yen)
MG 1/100 Blitz Gundam (Release Date: Jun 2012, Price: 4000 yen)
HGUC 1/144 Anksha (Release Date: May 2012, Price: 2600 yen)
HG 1/144 M1 Astray (Release Date: Jun 2012, Price: 1400 yen)
RG 1/144 Gundam Mk-II Titan Color (Release Date: Apr 2012, Price; 2500 yen)
RG 1/144 Gundam Mk-II A.E.U.G. Color (Release Date: Apr 2012, Price; 2500 yen)

Damn! MG Marasai!!

Gundamn, 2 RG Mk-IIs!

maknaedik 2012-02-22 23:50


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4020435)
Gundamn, 2 RG Mk-IIs!

I speculated that the other, whichever they choose, will become a web exclusive. Bandai is being generous :)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-02-23 00:33


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4020424)

MG 1/100 Blitz Gundam (Release Date: Jun 2012, Price: 4000 yen)

- Blitz went ahead before Buster? That's WEIRD!

OMG! Is it real? My favorite of the 5 GAT series is next?! Oh yeah, stealthy Gundam ftw!

I too am surprised since I'm quite sure that they'll do Buster first after Duel (they're buddies after all :D) and saving the fans' favorite (Aegis) for last.

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