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CandleStick 2010-02-22 22:40

I don't know how to embed pictures here but MG Wing Gundam from ngeekhiong. This opens up a whole new possibility for MGs........... AHHHHHHHHH

vektar 2010-02-22 22:59

just seen it, man i hated the anime wing but i do like normal wing, its so much cooler to me then the ver. Ka im gonna pre order it for sure. I dont care if it has any problems with detail or articulation its a must have.

cf18 2010-02-22 23:02

MG Wing
MG Musha Mk II - June, 6000 yen

April: HG 1/144 X, HG 1/144 Astraea Type F
May: HG 1/144 God, HG 1/144 1 Gundam
June: HG 1/144 ZZ, HG 1/144 Avalanche Exia

kakakka 2010-02-22 23:06

Oh my, MG Wing. I am really tempted to buy another MG now... Though I'll still wait until Deathscythe has a chance :heh:

Ardi220288 2010-02-22 23:40


Originally Posted by cf18 (Post 2928508)

MG Wing, MG Musha Mk II
HG 1/144 Avalanche Exia
April: HG 1/144 X
May: HG 1/144 God
June: HG 1/144 ZZ

HG 1/144 Astraea Type F
HG 1/144 1 Gundam

wow seriously did Bandai went nuts not that I'm complaining though :D (Astraea Type F 1 gundam and Wing must have!)

EDit: well with this I guess HG 1/144 Cherudim Saga just a matter of time :D

LoweGear 2010-02-22 23:41

HG 1/144 Astraea Type F images:

The GN-XII Bazooka + Dynames GN Pistols + Kyrios Missile Launcher + GN... Hyper Hammer? This is crazy :eyespin:

Also announced are the HG Avalanche Exia and HG 1 Gundam, which are surprising, if not unexpected announcements.

But the MG Wing Gundam TV version and the HG God Gundam?!?! :eek:


GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-02-22 23:43

Why does that Astraea come with weapons that don't belong to it?

What GN Hyper Hammer? I don't see it...

LoweGear 2010-02-22 23:50


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2928574)
What GN Hyper Hammer? I don't see it...

Rear shot of Astraea on the 3rd pic by the Astraea's left hip, and bottom right image on the 2nd pic, you can see what looks like the Gundam's Hyper Hammer there.

Edit: Supposedly the katakana mentions the weapon as "GN Hammer".

Alexus_Z3 2010-02-22 23:52

I don't really mind ..... In fact I largely welcome it :D

1 gundam :love: Cherudim Saga ...... just a mattter of time

hope that they would made other 00V GN Cannon Superbia would also be a large welcome for me :D

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-02-22 23:55


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2928586)
Rear shot of Astraea on the 3rd pic by the Astraea's left hip, and bottom right image on the 2nd pic, you can see what looks like the Gundam's Hyper Hammer there.

Edit: Supposedly the katakana mentions the weapon as "GN Hammer".

Ah, I see it now. But why is it coming with so much stuff. It's like...10 in a 1 deal.:twitch:

LoweGear 2010-02-22 23:58

Justification for rereleasing what basically amounts to an Exia remold? Either way, not like I mind because it's very awesome. Not to mention that those who don't want to get the HG GN Arms Type D to get the HG Dynames' GN Pistols can just buy an HG Astraea and be done with it, those with the HG Kyrios can now use the missile launcher, and those with HG GN-XIII's and HG Aheads can have their bazookas.

Hence, Happy people :nod:

Okamidum 2010-02-23 00:02
mg wing gosh?

Ardi220288 2010-02-23 00:02


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2928606)
Justification for rereleasing what basically amounts to an Exia remold? Either way, not like I mind because it's very awesome. Not to mention that those who don't want to get the HG GN Arms Type D to get the HG Dynames' GN Pistols can just buy an HG Astraea and be done with it, those with the HG Kyrios can now use the missile launcher, and those with HG GN-XIII's and HG Aheads can have their bazookas.

Hence, Happy people :nod:

LOL or the opposite those who doesn't think of buying Dynames Kyrios GN-X Ahead before would buy one now :D

justavisitor 2010-02-23 00:06

HG ZZ!!!
Guess I am the only one in here who is excited on this first (or actually second, but I remember this one a lot better) gundam series!! and I think ZZ is the first (maybe even "only") one who can combine and transform...hope HG will reproduce that feature

Wait: HG is not HGUC anymore??

LoweGear 2010-02-23 00:21


Originally Posted by justavisitor (Post 2928625)
HG ZZ!!!
Guess I am the only one in here who is excited on this first (or actually second, but I remember this one a lot better) gundam series!! and I think ZZ is the first (maybe even "only") one who can combine and transform...hope HG will reproduce that feature

Wait: HG is not HGUC anymore??

Beat you to the excitement a few posts back :p I've been wishing for an HG 1/144 ZZ for a long time now, so this announcement is all sorts of win :D

Also, I heard that the HGUC line is being merged as a single HG line under the "Across the Universal Century" label, which is where the HG Gundam X and HG God Gundam will be coming from.

Hamachi 2010-02-23 00:40


Originally Posted by Okamidum (Post 2928614)

Ooooh refreshing to see the original Wing.

Okamidum 2010-02-23 00:44


Originally Posted by Hamachi (Post 2928671)
Ooooh refreshing to see the original Wing.

No release yet but it's definitely going on my shelf as soon it comes out.

Okamidum 2010-02-23 00:54

Also, to be released in May

Sworra 2010-02-23 00:58

Holy Bandai just went off the rocker with kits being released. But im glad they are releasing MG Musha Gundam Mk. II That thing is just bad ass. I liked the Musha Gundam but this one is far better in looks, first time i seen it was in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2. I'm glad that i waited but now i know which is my next MG.

Blazer-X 2010-02-23 01:13

MG Wing is REALLY unexpected (and its totally awesome since I just started rewatching GWing under the 2006 remastered version)

Hope that means MG TV Wing Zero and Epyon in the future...

Oh, and seeing how they're finally making a kit for Gundam X.... hopefully, an MG version of it will come out soon.

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