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DarkWarrior 2010-10-27 12:32


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3317587)
Preview of the HGUC Extreme Gundam, showing off a strange feature...

Spoiler for HGUC Extreme Gundam:

Er.. yeah.. certainly not Okawara's best work. :heh:

LoweGear 2010-10-27 20:39


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3317671)
What the hell is up with those legs?

Woops, I meant bottom left when I was mentioning the odd pose of the legs on the Extreme. That seems to be the position the Extreme Gundam takes when docked in Carnage Phase mode.

LoweGear 2010-10-28 07:16

New, larger images of the MG 00 Qan[T] :

jonli 2010-10-28 07:47

I can't really make out the pictures on the Extreme Gundam scan. Can anyone tell me if it acutally is just the Gundam turning it head 180 degrees to his next face, or is there some kind of transformation mechanic like the Unicorn?

Please don't tell me he's going to do another 180 degrees transformation mechanic like the Reborns Gundam, I always thought that was incredibly stupid (even though Reborns Gundam looks cool, and plays like a beast in the VS games....still).

LoweGear 2010-10-28 07:53


Originally Posted by jonli (Post 3319204)
I can't really make out the pictures on the Extreme Gundam scan. Can anyone tell me if it acutally is just the Gundam turning it head 180 degrees to his next face, or is there some kind of transformation mechanic like the Unicorn?

For the head itself, the second Gundam face forms the back of the head, with its eyes hidden by a folding V-fin that raises up when the 2nd face is shown. Though asides from the head transformation we don't really know anything else about it at the moment.

bio9205 2010-10-28 08:09

That's it. Stupid Bandai. 00Q will be my first MG. Stupid boxarts...

Chiu_fan 2010-10-28 08:19

If I remember correctly it has a gun in the shield binder right? Will it be featured in the MG?

LoweGear 2010-10-28 08:26


Originally Posted by Chiu_fan (Post 3319250)
If I remember correctly it has a gun in the shield binder right? Will it be featured in the MG?

It should be, despite the fact that we don't know what it's supposed to look like yet.

Aoi Toori 2010-10-28 08:52

finally bigger ver. of the boxart. it's kinda weird when in small picture, but it's look cool now IMO :D

btw about full saber, is it already colored or is in gray color like XN raiser?

Chiu_fan 2010-10-28 08:55


Originally Posted by Helios Olympus (Post 3319299)
finally bigger ver. of the boxart. it's kinda weird when in small picture, but it's look cool now IMO :D

btw about full saber, is it already colored or is in gray color like XN raiser?

It's just blue and clear green parts.

LoweGear 2010-10-28 08:55


Originally Posted by Helios Olympus (Post 3319299)

btw about full saber, is it already colored or is in gray color like XN raiser?

The GN Sword IV will be molded in blue, with clear green parts for the blades. So you'll need white and grey paints to complete the default color scheme for the GN Sword IV.

Aoi Toori 2010-10-28 09:47

@Chiu_fan&LoweGear : thx for the info :) so it means it would look like this without paint right?

hmmph, looks like I have to PO this quick on HobJap
really addicted to 00-quanta (even though I haven't watch it yet) :D

jonli 2010-10-28 10:01


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3319210)
For the head itself, the second Gundam face forms the back of the head, with its eyes hidden by a folding V-fin that raises up when the 2nd face is shown. Though asides from the head transformation we don't really know anything else about it at the moment.

So...what happens to the original face? Does it get hidden? Oh man this is such a dumb design.........they wasted a slot in Extreme Versus for a stupid original gundam. Could've taken the chance to put in more fan favourites like Ecole Du Ciel or Sentinel or w/e...sigh.

LoweGear 2010-10-28 10:01


Originally Posted by Helios Olympus (Post 3319364)
@Chiu_fan&LoweGear : thx for the info :) so it means it would look like this without paint right?

hmmph, looks like I have to PO this quick on HobJap
really addicted to 00-quanta (even though I haven't watch it yet) :D

Yes, those are the unpainted images of the GN Sword IV. What you see is what you get in this case.

pumpkins 2010-10-28 10:45

hrms.. should i get the hg 00q and pick up the full saber parts... or get the mg 00q. :( :( i dont think there's any chance of full saber parts in 1/100.

Araxiel 2010-10-28 16:45

Are the Full Saber parts in that magazine 1/100 or 1/144?

Edit: Just out of idle curiosity from looking over the Rezel pics a few pages back, where does the term 'wave rider' for a transformable MS's flight mode come from?

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-10-28 17:26


LoweGear 2010-10-28 19:54


Originally Posted by jonli (Post 3319379)
So...what happens to the original face? Does it get hidden?

From the image we see, it doesn't get hidden when the second face is used.


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3319869)
Are the Full Saber parts in that magazine 1/100 or 1/144?

They're for HG 1/144.


Edit: Just out of idle curiosity from looking over the Rezel pics a few pages back, where does the term 'wave rider' for a transformable MS's flight mode come from?
"Wave Rider" is an actual aeronautics term to refer to an aircraft that uses the shockwaves generated from supersonic and hypersonic flight to create lift.

Wikipedia: Wave Rider

Dragonar Fan 2010-10-28 22:58


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3317587)
Preview of the HGUC Extreme Gundam, showing off a strange feature...

Spoiler for HGUC Extreme Gundam:

That pose is reminicent of the Scopedog (in this case Marshydog)

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-10-29 00:12

The Extreme Gundam is just....terrible, absolutely terrible.

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