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Meehlimo 2008-12-23 13:57


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2123584)
Same here, all the Strike variants have the screws, and as far as I know, all have difficulties putting it in :heh:

Just get a big jewelers screwdriver they go in very easy.. they really r not hard to do at all. i have countless MG models over 70ish (prob more havent counted in a while) never once had trouble with screws. infact u want screws as they give u longer lasting tighter joints that dont wear anywhere near as fast as basic ones.


Originally Posted by Miyamoto Shin (Post 2123789)
ZGMF-X11A...Regenerate Gundam...Another Mod??...If so, What is it's modded from??...

Looks to be a freedom mod. i can see quite a number of MG parts in there

Nightwing(T_T) 2008-12-23 14:33

How I wish they sell this kit in 1/100 scale

Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2123204)
Gundam Sefer Rasiel, and GN Proto Bits in action


Originally Posted by Ardi220288 (Post 2123312)
Don't know how many it can be attached but it seems that one of those could be attach to almost everything

more GN Protobits on action

PS: Cherudim looks really great. The colour is really sexy:p. Wonder if there're any secret for this kit?

Cox 2008-12-23 15:59

WTF GNR-Sefer has a GN Arms variant also?

vektar 2008-12-23 17:08

so i guess all gundams in 00 will get a add on booster pack of some sort...

LoweGear 2008-12-23 17:14


Originally Posted by Cox (Post 2123927)
WTF GNR-Sefer has a GN Arms variant also?

If you mean the GN Sefer attached to the GN Arms, probably. Keep in mind that all of these combinations are model kit only possibilities, and not likely canon.


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2123994)
so i guess all gundams in 00 will get a add on booster pack of some sort...

Not necessarily. In S1, only the Exia and Dynames got the GN Arms, while the Kyrios had its Tail attachments. Virtue got none at all.

Rising Dragon 2008-12-23 17:29


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2123999)
Not necessarily. In S1, only the Exia and Dynames got the GN Arms, while the Kyrios had its Tail attachments. Virtue got none at all.

Technically, Virtue WAS the booster pack. Sort of.

MeesesGlokmah 2008-12-23 17:35


Originally Posted by Rising Dragon (Post 2124017)
Technically, Virtue WAS the booster pack. Sort of.

I actually consider Nadleeh to be the extra boost, but I could see it either way.

Double_Edge 2008-12-23 19:24

Since they could detach, what are those big red and black tube things on the GN Archer for?

Knight_SV 2008-12-23 19:54

most importantly cherudim 1/100 should have waist joint....

and can i ask something about kotobukiya plamo??
waht is the difference between bandai and kotobukiya plamo?

Kagekyuubi 2008-12-23 23:58

This just occured to me. Since the feds know that the 00 has a unit to boost it, who's to say they won't start doing the same with their own suits. Imagine a whole bunch of red sefers against CB.

MeesesGlokmah 2008-12-24 00:12


Originally Posted by Kagekyuubi (Post 2124561)
This just occured to me. Since the feds know that the 00 has a unit to boost it, who's to say they won't start doing the same with their own suits. Imagine a whole bunch of red sefers against CB.

If the two opposing forces keep 1-upping each other, eventually the Gundams will have to combine into the one big Gundam apparently nobody here ever wants to see the light of day! I, for one, am for the combining gimmick, but from what I've read on this forum, a lot of people are opposed to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they do it, which would help them sell more kits and make more money!:eyespin:

Speaking of combining, I read a post on another forum that suggested maybe all the Gundam's support units could combine into one Gundam. 0 Raiser + GN Archer + whatever Seravee has hidden + a Cheridum support unit could = something cool.

Kagekyuubi 2008-12-24 00:38

If anything going to show up as a giant gundam, I'm willing to bet whatever machine VEDA is being stored in would show up as one. At least as a monster unit. I don't think there will actually be a Cherudim support unit. Maybe a whole lot of back-up GN shield bits but I doubt a support unit.

If they just released the Sefer as a HG, they'd be making a lot of money even if they didn't release Rasiel.

Gevurah 2008-12-24 01:13

I want that guy's Federation jacket.

gsquared 2008-12-24 01:43


Originally Posted by MeesesGlokmah (Post 2124583)
If the two opposing forces keep 1-upping each other, eventually the Gundams will have to combine into the one big Gundam apparently nobody here ever wants to see the light of day! I, for one, am for the combining gimmick, but from what I've read on this forum, a lot of people are opposed to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they do it, which would help them sell more kits and make more money!:eyespin:

Speaking of combining, I read a post on another forum that suggested maybe all the Gundam's support units could combine into one Gundam. 0 Raiser + GN Archer + whatever Seravee has hidden + a Cheridum support unit could = something cool.

Gundam arms race, anyone? i think the two sides should continue to 1 up each other, but sometimes, its hard to keep up with all the new stuff bein introduced

RDF2050 2008-12-24 02:17


Originally Posted by MeesesGlokmah (Post 2124583)
If the two opposing forces keep 1-upping each other, eventually the Gundams will have to combine into the one big Gundam apparently nobody here ever wants to see the light of day! I, for one, am for the combining gimmick, but from what I've read on this forum, a lot of people are opposed to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they do it, which would help them sell more kits and make more money!:eyespin:

Speaking of combining, I read a post on another forum that suggested maybe all the Gundam's support units could combine into one Gundam. 0 Raiser + GN Archer + whatever Seravee has hidden + a Cheridum support unit could = something cool.

You are dreaming about Power Gundam Ranger :eyespin: :cool: :p

Papaya 2008-12-24 02:17


Originally Posted by Kagekyuubi (Post 2124561)
This just occured to me. Since the feds know that the 00 has a unit to boost it, who's to say they won't start doing the same with their own suits. Imagine a whole bunch of red sefers against CB.

Why would they do that when they could just make another suit though?

GNWeapon 2008-12-24 04:06

Just got my HG 1/144 Arios earlier today, sweet stuff.

MakubeX2 2008-12-24 04:08

Sinanju is out. For about SGD$150 you can own one. 0rz.

StratoSpear 2008-12-24 04:08

150...!? Pity my wallet.

Celestial 2008-12-24 04:09


Originally Posted by Gevurah (Post 2124659)
I want that guy's Federation jacket.

You'll have to join Bandai's gunpla department to get one of those, unfortunately. :heh:

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