I have finished my HG Nu-Gundam
Lol, it made the Hg 00 look like a child :heh: |
Wonder how my FB Strike Freedom is gonna be. I already KNOW there's a flaw in its wings :( But i am lookin forward to Infinite Justice build :) |
so there is no way to have articulated hands for 1/100 NGs?
I've always been bugged with that, i just wished those 1/100 ngs could do the peace sign and give the finger X_X |
i was talking about the 1/100 NGs like the 1/100 OO/cherudim/red frame astray/etc..
but I've heard of what you're talking about MGs =) |
I was thinking about buying 1/100 Arios Gundam, but after pages of this thread, I can't make up my mind. To my eyes, the non-grade 00 1/100 gunpla are as detailed and accurate as the 1/144 HG ones...but if this was really the case, the 1/144 models wouldn't even exist in the first place, if I didn't take in account that they are way cheaper...
Now I know that Bandai releases the MG models to be both big, accurate, and detailed (and because of that, expensive), but does that mean that the only good thing about buying an 1/100 non-grade over a 1/144 00 or 1/144 HGUC is that it's bigger, and the smaller models are superior in every other area? Cause if's that the case, I think I'll get the 1/144 one... Regarding Cherudim Gundam, I think the 1/100 is cooler than the 1/144 one because of the action base that lets you imitate the shield seen in during the attack to Memento Mori. Btw, I finally purchased 1/144 HGUC Nu Gundam and 1/100 Non-grade Saviour Gundam, and I must say, they are both pretty good. I knew Nu Gundam would be, but I had my doubts with Saviour because of what I've just said. (besides, guys from here told me that 1/144 HG models from Seed Destiny weren't that good to begin with). |
That, and many detailed gimmicks can't physically fit in an HG frame. (Virtue Gundam, for example.) Overall, I don't see a clear preference in the customer base. There are those who only buy 1/100 NGs because they like the size for the cost, and there are those who only buy HGs because they are cheaper and you get a larger selection. |
• JPN retail 2,600 JPY • The Arios Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam OO" in the 1/100 scale that so accurately highlights the unique characteristics of Mobile Suits! • Transforms from MS mode to flight mode. • Utilizes lock systems to ensure excellent stability and posability in both modes. • Includes accurate details including the fuselage in flight mode and the arm-mounted GN submachine guns. • Includes two GN beam sabers, a GN twin beam rifle, and joint parts for action base (one for MS mode, one for flight mode). http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/57734_k.jpg • JPN retail 1,800 JPY • The OO Raiser joins the OO HG series, complete with special markings and colors! • The special color edition of the HG OO Gundam and the HG O Raiser can be combined with the OO Raiser! • Faithfully reproduces the colors as seen in designer Kanetaka Ebikawa's illustrations! Also includes original markings. • Includes a custom display stand that can accommodate display in a variety of forms. • Weapons include two GN sword IIs, GN sword II linkage part, two GN beam saber hilts, and two GN shields. http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/57733_k.jpg • JPN retail 1,000 JPY • The veil is lifted as the Seraphim Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam OO" joins the HG lineup! • Transforms from Mobile Suit to backpack mode. • In backpack mode, can be combined with the HG Seravee Gundam (sold separately). • Chest slides open to form "Face Burst Mode." • Includes two GN beam sabers of different lengths. img]http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/58126_k.jpg[/img] •JPN retail 3,500 JPY • The mass-produced Mobile Suit that evokes the lineage of "Operation V," the Ver. 2.0 GM, joins the MG lineup! • Incorporates an inner frame similar to that of the Gundam Ver. 2.0 (sold separately) for unparalleled posability and accurate proportions. • Underneath the armor plates, the inner frame features accurate mechanical detail. • Includes two types of front armor skirt arrangements for modelers to select: three-panel and two-panel. • Beam Spray Gun can be disassembled (incorporates an outer housing and inner unit.) • In addition to the Beam Spray Gun, includes two beam sabers, a Hyper Bazooka, and a shield. http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/57737_k.jpg •JPN retail 4,800 JPY • A limited-edition model of the Hyaku-shiki, released in conjunction with the "Mobile Suit Z Gundam" Blu-Ray Memorial Box. • Normally matte parts such as the waist have been gloss-injection molded for added luster. • Includes foil decals and original markings. • Includes beam rifle, Clay Bazooka, and two beam sabers. http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/57732_k.jpg •JPN retail 2,200 JPY • A 1/144 scale set of mecha from a One year War battlefield. • Set includes an HGUC mass-produced Zaku, two Type 61 tanks, two Wappa vehicles, and eight Zeon soldiers. • Zaku is molded in a realistic color scheme. • Weapons include Zaku machinegun, Zaku bazooka, Heat Hawk, foot missile pods (left and right), two "cracker" units, and two "Sturmfausts." • Includes rocket-launching "effect part" for the Zaku bazooka and explosion cloud effect parts for the Type 61 tanks, allowing you to replicate One Year War battlefield conditions. |
hg Sergei's Custom Tieren Taozi
http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/58131_k.jpg |
- MG Unicorn Coating Ver. - 8,000 Yen 模型 MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam Coating Ver (RX-0 ユニコーンガンダムVer.Ka コーティング版) 8,000Yen 新開発の「特殊ホワイトメッキ」版。白く輝くユニコーンの特徴を、組み立てただけでより美しく仕上げる為に 、“新開発のホワイトメッキ”で全身のホワイト部分をスペシャルコーティング。ボディの仕上がりに合わせ、 角のゴールド部分には“箔デカール”により“眩しいゴールド”を再現。 【付属品】ビーム・ライフル�1、シールド�1、ビーム・ライフルスペアマガジン�2、ビーム・バズーカ� 1、ビーム・サーベル�4 http://i40.tinypic.com/52jt49.jpg - 1/100 Astray Green Frame - 2,500 Yen 模型 1/100 Gundam Astray Green Frame (ガンダムアストレイ グリーンフレーム) 2,500Yen グリーンフレームが1/100シリーズに登場!新規型、追加部品として、武装「ツインソードライフル」が付属。ビームライフルとビ ームソード形態の2形態を再現。1/20トロヤ・ノワレが付属。 【付属品】ツインソードライフル�1、シールド�1、ビームサーベル�2 http://i39.tinypic.com/152cmqg.jpg - HG 1/144 Garazzo - 1,500 Yen 模型 HG 1/144 Garazzo (ガラッゾ) 1,500Yen 多彩な格闘ギミックを搭載した「ガラッゾ」がHGシリーズに登場!ナックル部は可動式。劇中再現用のスタン ドが付属。GNフィールド発生時のシールド展開ギミックを搭載。 【付属品】ビームサーベル�2、握り手�2、平手�2、専用スタンド�1 http://i41.tinypic.com/23vcifn.jpg April: - MG Sword Impulse Gundam - 4,500 Yen 模型 MG 1/100 Sword Impulse Gundam (ソードインパルスガンダム) 4,500Yen 「凝縮されたギミックの数々」と、「洗礼されたプロポーション」で登場!ソードシルエットから着脱されたビ ームブーメランは連結した状態で大型ブーメランとして使用可能。ソードシルエットへの分離ギミックを完全再 現。 【付属品】エクスカリバーレーザー対艦刀�2、ソードシルエット�1、フラッシュエッジビームブーメラン� 2本、ビームシールド�1、ビームライフル、ブーメランエフェクト�2、エクスカリバー用エフェクト�2、 ノーズコーン�1、ソードシルエット用台座�1 http://i44.tinypic.com/mt8654.jpg - HGUC Nu Gundam HWS - 2,800 Yen 模型 HGUC 1/144 Nu Gundam HWS裝備(νガンダム (ヘビー・ウエポン・システム装備型)) 2,800Yen リアルスケール初キット化。「機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア」のMSV(モビルスーツバリエーション)「CCA-MSV」に登場するνガンダムの強化追加装甲を装着した機体、ヘビー・ウエポン・システム登場! 【付属品】ハイパー・メガ・ライフル�1、大型シールド�1、ビーム・ライフル�1、シールド�1、ビーム ・サーベル�2、フィン・ファネンル�1 http://i43.tinypic.com/14ukroo.jpg - HG 1/144 Ahead Smultron - 1,200 Yen 模型 HG 1/144 Ahead腦量子波對應型 Smultron(アヘッドスマルトロン) 1,200Yen アロウズMS揃い踏み!アヘッドスマルトロンが登場!劇中のレンズ効果表現のためマスク・頭部・額をクリア パーツで再現。 【付属品】専用ビームライフル長距離・短距離�1、専用シールド�1、シールドジョイント�1、サーベル� 1 - BB Senshi 00 Raiser - 1,000 Yen 模型 BB戰士 No. 322 SD 00 Raiser (BB戦士 No.322 SDダブルオーライザー) 1,000Yen オリジナルギミックを多数搭載しプレイバリュー満載!ダブルオーガンダム+オーライザーでダブルオーライザ ーへ。GNソードIIのビームサーベルモードはクリアパーツで再現。3つ(バードモード・ファイターモード ・ライダーモード)のSDオリジナルギミックを搭載し遊びの幅がさらに拡大! 【付属品】GNソードII�2、GNシールド�2、GNソードIIビームサーベルモード用パー ツ�2 http://i41.tinypic.com/213gi81.jpg |
Are Sword Impulse's swords shorter than Force Impulse's?
BB 00 Raiser, can we get an individual 0 Raiser release? :D |
But I remember that Force Impulse seems to have that Excallibur which is a lot longer than the MS itself, maybe the Sword Impulse has a new way to hold it on its back
The Excaliburs on that MG Sword Impulse image look taller than the Impulse to me, and Excaliburs have always been taller than Impulse even in lineart :heh: And the Sword Impulse is the only one that can store Excaliburs.
One wonders with only a 300 yen difference between the HGUC Nu and the HGUC HWS, is Bandai generous enough to include all of the NGUC Nu with the HWS parts ?
Or will they replace the outer platings of the Nu with the HWS armour ? |
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