HG 1/144 00 Raiser Condenser Type - October release, 2,100 Yen (inclusive of tax).
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4105/...d59f0111d3.jpg HG 1/144 Brave Commander Test Type - November release, 1,680 Yen (inclusive of tax). HG 1/144 Brave Regular Test Type - November release, 1,680 Yen (inclusive of tax). http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4087/...fd1dd6544e.jpg |
After the long months that i've stopped collecting gunplas, It finally broughts back! I've just bought 00 Quanta for only RM60 @ Time Machine, Berjaya Times Square.
http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/7973/img0338p.th.jpg After few hours of build: http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/8968/img0339g.th.jpg 00 Legacy http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/5825/img0341l.th.jpg |
just a dream wish...will they make Gn Flag??? since now they have the tech taken frm masarao/susanowo & brave.....
just a wishfull thought..... |
On another note, what happened to HG GN-XIV? Any news on that? |
Guys, does anybody know where to paint what for 00 Quanta in order to "complete it"? As in make the coloring complete.
The only ones I know so far are the feet. There needs some grey in some parts to match the lineart colors. But I have not noticed others yet, can somebody point them out to me? I'm sure some parts would need some grey, usually they're the ones that the kit lef out. Like the HG Seravee has alot of missing grey on it. |
The blue on the forehead is stickered. You might want to paint that. There's also some white on the shield that's stickered. Other than those 2, I can't think of anything else. And that's one of the reasons I'm getting Raphael - very little stickers for the important parts, since I'm not much of a painter. :heh: |
It looks decent unpainted, but usually it looks netter when t is painted. I guess I want to just complete it now before Ifind it out later and have to devotez time to paint it.
I don't mind stickers that much, I'm more on completing what's that has no colors on it by default when it should by the original colors. --------------- -HG GN-X IV has not been announced yet. -The Brave IS the GN Flag model. The Flag is just one of a lineage anyways, the predecessor being the Realdo. So a sucessor would not be called the Flag and the Brave is the sucessor. I really want a HG GN Flag though, as bad as the HG Flags are generally. |
Of I found another one I guess, the helmet needs some grey on it on the sides, like around 3 and 9 o clocks. The soles are suppose to have grey to. Decide to improvise some on certain places even if I'm not sure.
The right arm plate, inside the shield. I still have a feeling I've missed one somehwere. Oh well, guess I'll do the linings and complete it tomorrow. |
Sonic, do you use a gray Gundam marker for those areas? I realized the Harute needs lots of gray painting as well.
Oh, and seems Harute doesn't have a clear visor - just a green sticker. And the real visor is purple. Why, Bandai? |
The "REAL" Unicorn Gundam
Spoiler for :
Elegant and graceful <3
But where's the Gundam form? |
I don't use markers anymore, I use a paintbrush with Mr Color oil based paint. I'm not sire what type though but I know it's oil based. It's not that much different from markers, you just take paint and apply it. I find using markers harder since the tips are not as thin as the thinnest brush. And maybe you just need to thin it a bit. I have almost no brush experience prior to this as well, and still an amateur now actually. |
Not sure if official or not.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-...2_776639_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-..._4982058_n.jpg |
I was just on Youtube and someone said, according to the Stark Jegan's model kit, the faceless ace pilot we saw battling Mairda Cruz in episode 1 of Unicorn was present during the events at the end of CCA. Can anyone confirm this?
Bandai needs to make an HG Efreet or GM Cannon
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