a question about HG overflag and HG graham's overflag (all the way back to the season 1)
Any difference between them beside the rifle?? I don't like the Graham's rifle because it only used once or twice before switching to the standard overflag's liner rifle...but I am afraid that those two flags look different (body, fin, chin, etc) and I want Graham's flag..hence the question |
I suggest getting the 1/100 Overflag as it's one of the best kit of it's scales Bandai had pushed out. The HG 1/144 is just too brittle and filmsy. |
Thanks for tips MakubeX2
I seriously can't be the only one who wants a MG Gadessa, right?
I love the alien-like design of the Gadessa, even if it does get destroyed a lot in the show. Even though it's unlikely, it could mean a lot of re-releases for Bandai, maybe even a MG Raphael..... I just need to have all of Tieria's Gundams in 1/100. |
If I could pick, though, I'd rather MG Reborns. |
Am i mixed up here? I thougth that Bandai was planning on releasing a MG 00 Raiser.. In this pic that MakubeX2 took awhile back its shows a posting of the MG 00 Raiser
http://forums.animesuki.com/showthre...23320&page=878 Unless Bandai changed there minds or the pic was fake i dunno. |
finished >_< [well this pic is the unfineshed ver but i love the pose] here you go http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g2...a/IMG_9461.jpg http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g2...a/IMG_9457.jpg http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g2...a/IMG_9462.jpg http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g2...a/IMG_9472.jpg http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g2...a/IMG_9466.jpg more at my blog :) http://vixion.wordpress.com/2010/09/...ild-2009-2010/ |
Holy shit. That is amazing. Love what you did to Arios GNHW's missile containers there.
Look at the bottom right of the pic. |
Love this one wayyyy more than the original color scheme. The photos are so perfect that they actually looked like rendering in the first few posts lol. |
Meh 00Q MG. The only movie kit I'll even think of getting is HG Seravee II.
I dont think it's been posted yet so here's HG Harute in all it's glory :D
http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_no_toriko/DSCF4940.JPG http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_no_toriko/DSCF4966.JPG http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_no_toriko/hg-harute.html |
Before mass production starts, the engineers needs to literally cast the mould of the parts in metal. This is an expensive and tedious process, that's why Bandai tend to reuse parts whenever possible in order to the most out of their investments. MG OOQ happened to have it's structure and various parts in common with the MG Exia. That's why we have it fast. |
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