Some upcoming November and December releases, including MG 00 QAN[T], HGAW Gundam X Divider and BB 00 QAN[T] MG 00 QAN[T] looks kinda bland for now, need better pic. Bad news though, it doesn't seem to include the LED for GN Drive and requires separated purchases |
I definitely agree with you guys, however it may be that way so that it can have more mobility in terms of moving the leg upwards (i.e. kicking). For the ppl out there who have the PG 00 Raiser, the same part covers the ball joints but it slightly restricts mobility in terms of moving the leg upwards
In my opinion, its a very minor flaw and i believe articulation is always more important Also thanks to all the guys who posted links :) |
so happy hgaw x divider got bazooka!!!! must get for me!!!! ^^
MG 00 Qan[T] promotional poster: New, if minor addition of articulation to the shield |
Aren't the legs a bit too short comapred to the original? Looks odd.
Not too impressed with it at the moment, however I hope I'm proven wrong when it comes out.
I don't buy a lot of MGs so I'll definitely get the one of one of my favourite mechs, hope it will be worth it. I do like the handles on the Sword Bits and I suspect the GN Sword V can be posed as it was depicted in the anime lineart, something the HG version cannot do. |
It has been a while since the last time I bought a model kit, 00Q will definitely be my next. The promotional pic doesn't look so good now, there seems to be a lack of detail. I hope the final product will look ok. Shame about lacking of LED unit though. Perhaps a special edition coming up?
Maybe it will be separate like the Mg GN-X's LED.
Ngeekhiong's Last Post
It's a very sobering read, but also quite accurately reflects the state of the mecha fandom imho. |
Well, whatever. Though I wouldn't need such a long speech to justify my fears about cutting myself away from something I was a part of for such a long time. |
Internet IS a hate machine. Moreover, he put himself the spotlight in the first place, of course he is going to meet trolls and ragefffffffs. To make matter worst, he tried to reason with his /b/, that's like a fireman hosing down a class 5 fire with a tank of gas; of course it's going to blow up in his face. What he should of done is post only on a western gunpla forum and let the mods deal with the shit storm that follows. Like many people said: if you want to be on the stage, you better be ready to dance on fire that will roast you slowly and painfully. |
Yes, because mods are the end-all of control on the internet. >.> There's nothing stopping said mods from allowing such hate to go on unchecked because they agree with those viewpoints, or because the mods don't care for the subjects.
Hell, look at this forum. We've only had one moderator for a long time, and then he upped and disappeared. And now he's back, only he's not a moderator anymore, so we're on our own. So there's nothing moderating this place. |
no offense, but this place don't have as many /b/ rolling around as you think, that's why it can survive without a mod. NK took as far as even going against _chans /b/, that's where most of his hurts came from.
I knew that he was frustrated with the different factions, but I had no idea that he actually received hate mail and threats! NK's not blameless since he made his contact information public, but that was uncalled for.
It's also depressing that he sees his attempt to unite the fans by sharing news as a failure that did the opposite. |
considering how horrible the Exia LED system is (a nightmare to get it on) im glad they are taking out the LED system. I never use it anyways, scared of batteries running out
I was thinking about getting into gunpla and I really like the 00 Series. Which model from 00 do you think is good for beginner to invest in.
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