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xris 2007-03-03 07:51

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha licensed by Geneon
It appears that Geneon has registered the following domain name (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)

Since we haven't seen any official announcement, then AnimeSuki will consider the title as unlicensed at this point in time. For now, this thread can be used to discuss aspects of the rumoured license. It is also unclear just how much of the series they might be considering to license, they might see how the sales go with the first series before committing to the second and (forthcoming) third series.


Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc.
2265 East 220th Street
Long Beach,, CA 90810
Record created on 12-Jan-2007

Bloodseeker 2007-03-03 07:55

I've said this before on other forums, and I'll probably say it a few more times before the DVDs are released (or possibly before its even licensed, if this turns out to be nothing): I really hope that Nanoha doesn't get the niche anime that the company has no faith in treatment. It really deserves better than a half-assed dub, a cheap flimsy art box, and bare-bone DVDs with only the usual extras (previews and non-subtitled promos) and nothing else.

Granted, I've never seen half-assed work from Genenon (except for Tenchi, but that's pretty old), but I can't help but feel a little pessimistic about it...

Village Idiot 2007-03-03 12:28

Second Hint:

"Summer '83, it wasn't quite summer of '69, but for some, it was still the most memorable summer of their short lives."

The 'latest' license is definitely Higurashi.

Now all that remains is to find out for certain that Nanoha's been licensed or not, though I'd imagine with Geneon registering the domain name that it has been.

Someone better get the mangas over here too.

relentlessflame 2007-03-03 12:42

Do you really think someone would license the manga? I guess it's kind of possible, but it's the sort of thing that can only work because of timing. It's not just some manga you could put on the shelf whenever and have it make sense -- you have to have watched the first and second seasons first, because it's designed to fill story gaps leading to the third season. So I just don't see it as a very likely thing for anyone to license. The only would way would be if Geneon themselves gets it and includes it as a bonus with StrikerS DVD 1 (or A's DVD 3/4), but there isn't much precident for doing something like that. There aren't that many licenses for manga based on anime.

Shadow Angel 2007-03-03 18:03

I'd totally enjoy it if Nanoha was dubbed been really hoping that it might happen some day.

Aisa 2007-03-03 21:55

Hmm... Geneon is a really good company, so I'm excited to see what they'll do with the Nanoha series X3 though I'm finding it hard to imagine a good voice on Nanoha or Fate... I don't think anything can be as good as their original VAs.

panzerfan 2007-03-03 22:53

Well, Nanoha's already licensed in places such as Singapore and Taiwan, so it's about time that N.America catches up with it.

Dragnfly@Gamefaqs 2007-03-03 23:29


Originally Posted by Aisa (Post 850934)
Hmm... Geneon is a really good company, so I'm excited to see what they'll do with the Nanoha series X3 though I'm finding it hard to imagine a good voice on Nanoha or Fate... I don't think anything can be as good as their original VAs.

I figure if they get their VA's to sound like kids like in GSG, for example, they'll do fine. If they get it into their heads that they need unnaturally high-pitched screechy voices, it'll go right to hell.

All in all I'd have faith in the dub. Nanoha would be a 100% or a 0% in the west. And a lot of things could make or break it, like how many episodes go on the first disc. If the first disc only has 3 eps, they've just killed the series right there.

LoweGear 2007-03-03 23:35

Dun worry... Courage can turn 0% into 100%!!!! :D

As long as the dub remains tolerable, I'd like to see it. Although the novelty of the Devices speaking english will be lost in any english dub. Which raises the question: Would they keep the VA's for the Devices intact, or will they totally re-dub them (Or even better, re-do the dubs with the original VA)?

Deathkillz 2007-03-04 03:56

^ haha i will be funny if they decide to make the devices more talkative XD but i think there will be a high chance the engrish being removed by perfectionists (but no matter what everone else says i like the original engrish :))

i wonder if fate will get a sexy voice :rolleyes:

Shadow Angel 2007-03-04 04:43

Hopefully she will, though I wonder who would be a good voice for her?

Dragnfly@Gamefaqs 2007-03-04 04:51

Since they have access to the original tracks of the devices just like everyone else, I think they'd do well to save the money and cancel risks of bad dubbing by just leaving the original voices in. There wasn't that much engris, really. It's mostly all single names of spells.

dkellis 2007-03-04 05:12

Personally I'm wondering if there'll be some editing done to remove the Japanese subtitles during the times of Engrish.

Unless the R2 DVDs already removed them, in which case, never mind.

I'd prefer some of the more awkward Engrish corrected, myself. Raging Heart is the prime offender, but Bardiche had his moments as well.

Not like I'd watch the dub, though. Yukari Tamura probably can't be imitated in English.

Bloodseeker 2007-03-04 05:25

Dubs don't need to and shouldn't try to imitate the original voice over. They should find the VA that sounds the most natural voicing the character, and then the VA should act out the character to the best of their ability, not giving any thought to trying to sound the same as their Japanese counterpart. That goes double for high-pitched female characters.


Originally Posted by Dragnfly@Gamefaqs
Since they have access to the original tracks of the devices just like everyone else, I think they'd do well to save the money and cancel risks of bad dubbing by just leaving the original voices in.

Raging Heart: "I can be shot!"

Viewer: "WTF?"

The other devices are fine, but Raging Heart needs a new voice over.

Deathkillz 2007-03-04 06:11


Originally Posted by Bloodseeker (Post 851336)
Raging Heart: "I can be shot!"

Viewer: "WTF?"

and given what most westerners think about the lolicon issue in this series already that "WTF" will be quite a big one :heh:

Bloodseeker 2007-03-04 06:49

They won't be thinking about lolita during the fights. I sure as well wasn't, and I'm about as anti-lolita as they come. :D

(well, as anti-lolita as you can get without getting to the point of "I won't watch this series if it tries to appeal to lolicons")

But Raging Heart really needs a new voice over for the dub.

"Call me Excellion Mode!"

Dragnfly@Gamefaqs 2007-03-04 07:25

Darnit! If James Earl Jones wasn't already voicing Fate, he'd be perfect for Raging Heart. I doubt they could afford to get him to do double roles though:)

Seriously, though. I agree with Bloodsucker. A good dub is perfectly possible for Nanoha provided they focus on the path to making it good. Only bad VA's try to mimic the japanese ones. And I don't mean bad as in unskilled, I mean bad as in unintelligent:)

Bloodseeker 2007-03-04 08:16

You're like the third person on this site to call me that! Its BLOODSEEKER, dammit! Two Es, no Us, no Cs!

On topic: Indeed.

SpaceDrake 2007-03-04 11:34

The original Nanoha is going to be a bit of a tough sell, given the somewhat dull, loli-like nature of the first five or six episodes. The only thing I could really see working is a three-disc set, with 1-4, 5-8 and 9-13. If this series is sold in segments of 3, the curious will be turned off by disc 1, most likely.

I almost wonder if A's might get released first. It's far easier to sell in terms of what the Nanoha franchise is actually about; Geneon could then go back and release season 1 as an "Origin" thing.

Aisa 2007-03-04 12:58

The original devices voices were great! I really hope they don't change it. The English was also fluent and completely understandable. Well at least to me X3

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