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Token-Blackguy 2004-08-03 23:41

Naruto Universe Makes no Bloody Sense.
I know i really shouldnt be worrying about this, but in order to be properly validated, i need to know if anybody else has noticed the the NAruto universe makes no bloody sense!!

I first read this manga thinking: "Ninjas...Its set in ancient feudal japan, right?"

Dead wrong.

I continued to think this until the chuun final episode, where i notice chouji (shikamaru's mate, the silly fat wanker) eating crisps. not just any crisps, but pre-packaged, mass-produced crisps. Now i think "feudal japan didnt have factories or construction lines or air-sealed packaged foods!" but since the animation was in hyperbole form, where the artist shifts from realistic art to near-chibi over eggageration(sp?). This happens a lot, and usually in animations that trancend laws of phsics and ect. Therefore, i toss it.

HOWEVER, i cant ignore the repeating image of sasuke's brother, (i cant remember his name, but hes a prick and a nutter so i will just call him PAAN)
PAAN, on that pole looking very swanky and stylish. Then i notice it is a bloody TELEPHONE POLE. If not a telegraph pole. ( noticed the transformers and others so i discarded the telegraph theory) There was no way i could write that bit off. I thought it was simply a production error or something of the like until i finished downloading the naruto power remake of the episode with old hag Tsunade. As shes doing her little flashback scene of how she was a great tosser with big knockers in her day, she wanders around in the present..until she stops and plays pringo. BLOODY PRINGO! (Those who dont know what that is, its a little game in japan where you buy a load of these litle silver balls and try to get them into a slot and win money, like in the carnival games or in dodgy gambling houses) With big flashing lights and music like a slot machine. Now i cant write this off. Logic train.

-> = needs

Pringo Machine -> electric cords

electric cords -> eletric lines

electric lines -> electricity

electricity -> power genorator

power genorator -> CHEMICAL COMBUSTION

Now if you have the chemical combustion to run a power generator (Most power genorators run off of petrol, i am aware there are alternate methods such as nuclear[DUH!] and wind, and hydro-eletric, and solar, but ALL THESE need combustion to build, to the parts they need are made using combustion)
You must have the chemicals to make the combustion engine(also needed for electricity) and from there, cars.
If this is so (obviously) you would have guns, trains, ect.
Of course one can say that these just werent invented yet, but if you look at the manga and anime, there are technologies that are apparent (like the stamp card the perv. sennin had for the brothel: you need the movable print press AT LEAST for that) that could not have been invented without the use of cars, trains and other modern things. This would have mde the shinobi useless and the universe illogical.

also a note, if the chips are made in a factory by a company, then the world naruto is in must be a post-ind. revolution world in which there is a modern economic system, with factories, urbanization, mechanised lines, ect.

Im sorry, even though this IS an anime, i cant seem to follow it if the whole bloody base of it makes no bloody sense!

*heavy breathing*

I think ive had a bit too much expresso. *wheeze*

HinatasFanBoy 2004-08-03 23:43

eh it shudnt really matter much, alot of things dun make sense in anime, not that big of a deal, so they can use head sets in that time period, eh not that it matters much, besides its got a good story and has characters like Hinata and Gaara so its all good ^_^

anime_luver 2004-08-03 23:58

It doens't have to make sense, lol. Just think of the idea first of all. Ninjas who practically fly with blue stuff coming out/flowing through their bodies. It is like science fiction. It's crazy, but soemtimes, it makes for a really good story.

BTW, when did the writers mention that the story took place in feudal times? It was your assumption, therefore your mistake. This story seems to take place in present times for me. I never thought it took place earlier. There are many villages in this world that still have old fashioned stuff, but they have tech.

I notice I sound like some Naruto fanatic going wacko. But I just thought I should say this.

yinstro 2004-08-04 00:04

this takes place in a different world, not feudal japan. probably not even japan. I i never saw japan specificall mentioned) this is a world with modern tech, but the ninja artform is much more used, and theres a dif system of government, and war. Its a totally different world

raikage 2004-08-04 00:05

Well, you do have to keep in mind that this IS a series aimed at the...preteen/teenage boys segment. Despite the ridiculousness this forum goes into when we discuss things, this is still a shounen manga/anime. This particular show is not meant to be historically accurate in any way, shape, or form.

And if you choose to think of them as not ninjas, but rather as magicians/mercenaries, it'll make a lot more sense.

Zek 2004-08-04 00:11

Naruto is NOT set in feudal Japan. It's a completely fictional world.

jc1104 2004-08-04 00:25


Originally Posted by yinstro
this takes place in a different world, not feudal japan. probably not even japan. I i never saw japan specificall mentioned) this is a world with modern tech, but the ninja artform is much more used, and theres a dif system of government, and war. Its a totally different world

I agree. Just because it's a japanese anime, it doesn't mean it's set in Japan. I think that's a common mistake with a lot of people... I also thought about some of these things about animes and then I correct myself by saying "it's an anime, etc.. anything can happen."

orochidp 2004-08-04 00:25

Anko also uses a TV/VCR in the one test.
You know. That test. Chuunin Exam.
The first one.
Oh well.
Oh, by the way, you should remember this: It's a cartoon.
The fact that they don't use guns blows your realism detector, but sealing giant 9-tailed foxes in belly buttons and summoning giant frogs is perfectly normal?
Someone's got issues...

EfrainMan 2004-08-04 00:26

Don't forget the TV in Sasuke's room ;)

And the headset walkie-talkies ;)

And the motorboat and other machinery in the Wave country arc ;)

And in the pilot manga, they had guns, too ;) They're prolly not too effective against shinobi, newayz :p

Just think of them as a traditional society that has picked and chosen which technologies to "allow" or something. No need to get all logical about it. :eyespin:

ragnarokex 2004-08-04 00:34

dude nothin will make sense like my cuzzing stealing my bottle opener instead of my other more expensive stuff *points at my sp ipod so on* :heh:

Darth_E_ 2004-08-04 00:44

I am not a fan of making theories or discussing animes in general, but I ll just note two contradictions I saw in the anime, and I though they are quite amusing ;)

1. In episode 34 ( or was it 35?), They had a camera in the tower which recorded the instant Garaa stepped inside, yet they need Gaurd posts to watch over for enemies in episode 67. Wouldnt it be wiser to install security cameras instead since they can use that technology ? ;)

2. They can use wireless communication ( episode..err..5-6? , The short "capture the missing cat" mission ^^ ), yet they have to call each other in person instead, even when its an emergency,..whats the use of wireless communications then ? ;)

Anyways, its only an anime, no need to come up with some bizarre reasons/theories,...I just thought those were a bit "interesting" :)


Syurge 2004-08-04 01:17

Some of the idiocracies of Naruto are pretty blantant, however, there could possibly be an explaination for each of them... Like maybe they only have the tech for small area transmitters, which would mean that sending a message across the city would be impossible via headset/otherdevices of the ilk... And perhaps they don't have an abundance of security cameras because they don't have the ability, or power necessary to run many camera's at once.. again, perhaps they lack the technology... :thinker:


Perhaps people are reading way too much into a fictional story in a fictional world. :)

When you are working within no parameters, or a world which is not set on this planet, you can take certain liberties... and sometimes you can make mistakes, and don't really need to explain them, cause hey, its your world, it can have whatever you want it to have and that's that. :twitch:

HoboGod 2004-08-04 01:19

yea, i'd have to agree with Raikage here, nothing will make sence if you refer to them as ancient ninjas, even the fact that they are ninjas. Ninjas don't wear flashy clothes and publish adult novels. Better to think of them as half-baked mercinaries with magical powers that pretend to be ninjas, but are too stupid to buy guns.

The-Wolf-Of-Mibu 2004-08-04 01:26

Umm since when was feudal japan made up of water, fire, wind, snow countries?

Kurz 2004-08-04 01:36

If anime was based on Real life would it be interesting to watch?

Just my little question to those who think this world of anime is crazy ;)

Lost World 2004-08-04 01:37




It is a modern world in which guns don't exist. Kishimoto officially stated this.

OhJustSomeRandomGuy 2004-08-04 02:16

All you need to know is this. When Kishimoto decided there's tech, it's there. When he forgets about's not there.

Don't think of it a feudal Japan though...think of it as a modern day parallel world without gunpowder.

Inuzuka 2004-08-04 02:34

Close this thread dammit'.The creater of this thread's stink is all over it,can't stand it any longer,plz.
(*I know this is a crap post,but then again i would proberbly be worth it...*)

VMLM3 2004-08-04 03:06


Originally Posted by Token-Blackguy
I know i really shouldnt be worrying about this, but in order to be properly validated, i need to know if anybody else has noticed the the NAruto universe makes no bloody sense!!

I first read this manga thinking: "Ninjas...Its set in ancient feudal japan, right?"

Dead wrong.

I continued to think this until the chuun final episode, where i notice chouji (shikamaru's mate, the silly fat wanker) eating crisps. not just any crisps, but pre-packaged, mass-produced crisps. Now i think "feudal japan didnt have factories or construction lines or air-sealed packaged foods!" but since the animation was in hyperbole form, where the artist shifts from realistic art to near-chibi over eggageration(sp?). This happens a lot, and usually in animations that trancend laws of phsics and ect. Therefore, i toss it.

HOWEVER, i cant ignore the repeating image of sasuke's brother, (i cant remember his name, but hes a prick and a nutter so i will just call him PAAN)
PAAN, on that pole looking very swanky and stylish. Then i notice it is a bloody TELEPHONE POLE. If not a telegraph pole. ( noticed the transformers and others so i discarded the telegraph theory) There was no way i could write that bit off. I thought it was simply a production error or something of the like until i finished downloading the naruto power remake of the episode with old hag Tsunade. As shes doing her little flashback scene of how she was a great tosser with big knockers in her day, she wanders around in the present..until she stops and plays pringo. BLOODY PRINGO! (Those who dont know what that is, its a little game in japan where you buy a load of these litle silver balls and try to get them into a slot and win money, like in the carnival games or in dodgy gambling houses) With big flashing lights and music like a slot machine. Now i cant write this off. Logic train.

-> = needs

Pringo Machine -> electric cords

electric cords -> eletric lines

electric lines -> electricity

electricity -> power genorator

power genorator -> CHEMICAL COMBUSTION

Now if you have the chemical combustion to run a power generator (Most power genorators run off of petrol, i am aware there are alternate methods such as nuclear[DUH!] and wind, and hydro-eletric, and solar, but ALL THESE need combustion to build, to the parts they need are made using combustion)
You must have the chemicals to make the combustion engine(also needed for electricity) and from there, cars.
If this is so (obviously) you would have guns, trains, ect.
Of course one can say that these just werent invented yet, but if you look at the manga and anime, there are technologies that are apparent (like the stamp card the perv. sennin had for the brothel: you need the movable print press AT LEAST for that) that could not have been invented without the use of cars, trains and other modern things. This would have mde the shinobi useless and the universe illogical.

also a note, if the chips are made in a factory by a company, then the world naruto is in must be a post-ind. revolution world in which there is a modern economic system, with factories, urbanization, mechanised lines, ect.

Im sorry, even though this IS an anime, i cant seem to follow it if the whole bloody base of it makes no bloody sense!

*heavy breathing*

I think ive had a bit too much expresso. *wheeze*

lol, I guess you're right, but you might as well look at it this way, if only for the sake of sanity. Shinobi represent military power in this fictional world. It's been this way a long time. So let's say some where along the line BOB our friendly parallel universe inventor somehow figures out combustion. It thrives in those areas where it can. HOWEVER, in order for guns to thrive and become their modern selves (automatic weapons and what not, remember the first guns where heavy, slow, one shot arkebuses) they have to be effective, which they aren't against ninja, too slow, too heavy, too loud. So ballistics never moves beyond thrown objects, gun weaponry is never developed, neither is heavy missle weaponry. Ninja prevail and are not mowed down by handheld uzis. ;) Meanwhile Thomas Edi-san discovers electricity and some guy invents the first telecomunication devices, your mental health is secured, the naruto wolrd makes perfect sense. :D :twitch:

Alfzilla 2004-08-04 03:37

The Naruto universe makes perfect sence since its just not our universe or our time line. Its totally made up that’s why they have engines, TV’s, electricity, things like walkie-talkies and if u want to go into food then forget about the chips how about all the instant ramen that Naruto eats? That is obviously mass produced in factories. They don’t however have guns and even thought they have engines they don’t seem to have any cars. Maybe things like guns were invented in some point or another in there universe but were found useless because off all the crazy stuff they can do with there own bodies.

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