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Pellissier 2008-11-14 14:37

Kannagi - Episode 7 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Kannagi, Episode 7.

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serenade_beta 2008-11-15 03:28

Why is this episode called the latter part, I wonder... When did we watch the first part...?
Looking forward to what is in stored...

Umm... Cinocard, why are you voting 10 already? It hasn't aired yet.

margafred 2008-11-15 08:58

From the images i saw on Taiwan BBS,seems like today's episode is not following chapter 12 of the manga.Seems like a filler..i guess?

Gonna watch it later to confirm it.

Owh and...

Off topic

Seems like Kannagi's extremist fans on 2ch raged after knowing that Nagi has a bf,and thinking that Nagi may already lost her about real otaku here.

/Off topic

karinvampire 2008-11-15 09:22

Hope so tbh Chpater 12 was my least favorite of all the chapters I seen and read.

Edit:Exactly is one of the reasons why I'm NOT a otaku.

ayu 2008-11-15 09:22

Spoiler for spoiler:

doesn't that count as a spoiler?

margafred 2008-11-15 09:43

Er the part where Nagi revealed herself that she already has someone she liked was mentioned in episode for the virginity one knows.Not even the manga ever mention about it.Its just a stupid assumption made by those otaku.

I'm not sure if this is the ending for ep 7 or not,but seems like it...

serenade_beta 2008-11-15 10:32

Yeah... This episode seems to be some original...
Haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet... Too heavy... ( -_-)

Arabesque 2008-11-15 10:33


Originally Posted by margafred (Post 2054751)
Er the part where Nagi revealed herself that she already has someone she liked was mentioned in episode for the virginity one knows.Not even the manga ever mention about it.Its just a stupid assumption made by those otaku.

People always love to jump to conclusions.

Originally Posted by margafred (Post 2054751)
I'm not sure if this is the ending for ep 7 or not,but seems like it...


kingsky123 2008-11-15 11:10

does it matter if shes a virgin? isnt she a god or something? do gods abide by human laws??

serenade_beta 2008-11-15 11:18

Uhaa... Completely original... And let's not talk about that virginity thing in the anime threads, yes?

Spoiler for ep7:

margafred 2008-11-15 11:50

Spoiler for Episode 7 of Kannagi:

karinvampire 2008-11-15 14:55

Good filler episode I've seen better from Kannagi but still good.Towards the end of it it become funnier.

Arabesque 2008-11-15 15:22

Spoiler for Episode 7:

Midonin 2008-11-15 15:53

Spoiler for Episode 7:

ZODDGUTS 2008-11-15 16:32


Originally Posted by Arabesque (Post 2054806)
People always love to jump to conclusions.

Well at least their being realistic because she's already been in a relationship. Then again maybe she's gone as far 2nd or 3rd base. heh. :heh:

Sides 2008-11-15 18:57

Really enjoyed this episode, best part was akiba's appearance

Kaoru Chujo 2008-11-15 20:22

Ep7 was far from my favorite, but still enjoyable. The delicious irony for me was that Akiba "saved the day" by bringing Nagi two versions of the thing she wanted, both in formats she probably couldn't play: Blu-Ray and Beta.

It's like Yamakan included a covert joke at Sony's expense in his product placement. The rumor that he may have been fired by KyoAni for refusing to do enough product placement in Lucky Star adds another nice level of irony.

This "filler" episode was storyboarded by Yamakan himself, as was ep1. Lead writer Kurata Hideyuki has written all the episodes.

kittybear 2008-11-15 20:43

The ending was funny and disturbing:heh::uhoh:.... but overall 10/10
Seriously i just spit out my cereal when akiba said "its a sony"

herbert 2008-11-15 21:50

This episode re-proves one thing: Zange-chan is the only true goddess.

I can't believe Nagi fears the bug. Come, the cockroach is one of your children if you claim to be the goddess who gives birth for all life forms in that area.

shomazta 2008-11-15 23:40

Spoiler for ep 7 commentary, pics, rambling and such:


Originally Posted by Arabesque (Post 2055186)
Spoiler for Episode 7:

the best part is that ed sequence, I can't stop laughing at that truck scene xD and it is interesting to finally have Daitetsu do anything o=

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