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Pellissier 2007-08-04 12:15

Lucky Star - Episode 18 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Lucky Star, Episode 18.

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shaoron 2007-08-04 12:19

wait... it's out already!?

Risaa 2007-08-04 14:30


Originally Posted by shaoron (Post 1077716)
wait... it's out already!?

The thread is created a day before the episode airs.

Vexx 2007-08-04 19:33

Some people watch the raws after that and the rest of us patiently wait for one of the fine subgroups to do their magic.

Unfortunately, its summertime --- sub releases always slow down in the summer and around any semester finals. Add to that the dialog of this show being a bit tricksy and we're starting to lag behind the broadcast air dates.

Hey, at least it isn't like some series that are just sitting half finished in what approaches year-long limbo (Hidamari Sketch, Negima!?, some unnameable-in-this-forum series, many others).

WanderingKnight 2007-08-05 01:57


Hey, at least it isn't like some series that are just sitting half finished in what approaches year-long limbo (Hidamari Sketch, Negima!?, some unnameable-in-this-forum series, many others).
Not to bring this thread into an offtopic rant, but unnameable series? Licensed series discussion is allowed (though not particularly discussion about fansubs and fansub support of those series). At any rate, Negima!? has been licensed so it should be unnameable, by what you say :heh:

At any rate, there was an episode 17 release (not by afk, but the guys did a good job anyways).

41nano 2007-08-05 10:49

I'm really wondering what will be the ED this week.
I can't see Shiraishi again, he was always funny but i think it's time for a change (main cast maybe ?)

41nano 2007-08-05 12:15

Raw is out

Luminisk 2007-08-05 12:59

I see we have a share user among us.

Let us burn him at the stake.

pomps 2007-08-05 13:52

Spoiler for ep18:

41nano 2007-08-05 14:06

Spoiler for ep 18:

Kinny Riddle 2007-08-05 14:13

Outside references are minimal today, some of the highlights:

Kona-chan tries to compare her friends with animals according to personality. Gotta love Kagamin's reaction at being described as a rabbit, but the ultimate sucker punch is Kona-chan saying Miyuki would be a cow, simply because she's, er, "big". :heh:

Kona-chan expressing how difficult it is to explain what exactly is "moe" to Tsukasa-chan. Just make a joke, force Kagamin to go into a reaction and then point and say, "That's moe for you!" :heh:

Kagamin discourages Tsukasa-chan from having a dog. Note how her ribbon falls as poor Tsukasa-chan looks sadder and sadder. (Kona-chan, once again, this is "moe". :love: )

After tricking Kona-chan into reading light novels last week, so eager was Kagamin for Kona-chan to finish the book so she can discuss the story with her, that she just stared at Kona-chan non-stop, unsettling poor Kona-chan greatly. :heh:

Kona-chan explains why guys in uniform don't seem to mind mind running in the rain as much as girls do: Because guys don't have to worry about bras showing through the wet semi-transparent shirt.
(Note Akira-sama in raincoat at end of this sketch)

Notice how the attitude of Yu-chan's classmate changed after Kona-chan emphasized she's a "Third Year". :D

Plenty of focus on the new characters in the second half. Introducing Yu-chan and Minami's otaku classmate Tamura Hiyori as well as Patty, who we've already seen.

If only Hiyori's Saimoe group's voting took place after today, then she could still make it into the tournament proper, unluckily for her, it was not to be.

Anyway, Hiyori is voiced by Shimizu Kaori, who I'm more used to her voicing "mature" girls, like Takano Akira in School Rumble and Signum in Nanoha, so it's refreshing hear see her do something wacky for once.

Hiyori not only is an otaku, but she's also a doujin artist, in which plenty of her Minami x Yutaka fanart in her room got busted by Patty. LOL Luckily for her, both Yu-chan and Minami doesn't seem to "get" it, instead complimenting her on her art skills.

Patty describes her "Holy Places" that require visiting in Japan includes: Akihabara in Tokyo, and Nipponbashi in Osaka. LOL

Also, while Hiyori is a yuri fangirl, Patty is quite the yaoi fangirl. When she explains about Otome Road to Yu-chan, Yu-chan thinks to have the completely wrong idea of what it is, thinking it to be some Disneyland-like place, until Patty says it's a place for Fujoshi, AKA "Rotten Girls". :heh:

Kagamin's classmates Misao and Ayano also gets more airtime than usual.

Nothing special about today's Lucky Channel, just Shiraishi introducing the six other girls, to the annoyance of Akira-sama.

Today's ED is again sung a live action MV sung by Shiraishi, perhaps he could sense the grievances of some section of the fans for "screwing around" too much, this time he's actually singing quite well, with the occasional off-key, but overall, less fooling around.

The name of the song, with music and lyrics apparently credited to him, is "Kaorin's Theme". The MV basically shows a girl in a bride gown walking to meet her love, I'm not entirely sure, but I guess that's Fukuhara Kaori (Tsukasa), as the song seems to be named for her. In terms of prettiness, she certainly won't lose to Hirano Aya.

Meophist 2007-08-05 14:50

I loved that scene.

41nano 2007-08-05 15:02

Thanks a lot Kinny Riddle, now i understand that episode :)

Originally Posted by Kinny Riddle (Post 1079403)

Hiyori not only is an otaku, but she's also a doujin artist, in which plenty of her Minami x Yutaka fanart in her room got busted by Patty. LOL Luckily for her, both Yu-chan and Minami doesn't seem to "get" it, instead complimenting her on her art skills.

Patty describes her "Holy Places" that require visiting in Japan includes: Akihabara in Tokyo, and Nipponbashi in Osaka. LOL

Also, while Hiyori is a yuri fangirl, Patty is quite the yaoi fangirl. When she explains about Otome Road to Yu-chan, Yu-chan thinks to have the completely wrong idea of what it is, thinking it to be some Disneyland-like place, until Patty says it's a place for Fujoshi, AKA "Rotten Girls". :heh:

That part was the most funny of the ep for me.
Also fujoshi is only for yaoi fan girl right ?


The name of the song, with music and lyrics apparently credited to him, is "Kaorin's Theme". The MV basically shows a girl in a bride gown walking to meet her love, I'm not entirely sure, but I guess that's Fukuhara Kaori (Tsukasa), as the song seems to be named for her. In terms of prettiness, she certainly won't lose to Hirano Aya.
She's really super cute :love: though she hasn't the level of Aaya yet!
As said upper, the song was pretty bad IMO

Kaoru Chujo 2007-08-05 16:37

The hits just keep on coming. Another episode I loved. Hiyori is a gas. I've updated the character/seiyuu page with info/pic for her seiyuu, Shimizu Kaori.

Chihara Minori is doing a great job, imo. Minami and Yutaka are just wonderful together. The contrast between Minorin's voice and Hasegawa Shizuka's is entrancing.

I liked the ED -- even though I do want to hear Fukuhara Kaori sing, rather than just look pretty. But she did look very pretty. And the ending was highly amusing -- even though I was expecting it from the first shot of the ED.

takumi2k4 2007-08-05 17:14

Pretty good episode, can't wait till the subs are out.

But dang, the ED was really good this time. I didn't know that Shiraishi can sing that good! That really surprised me right there, he was off-key a few times, but after hearing him botch many of the songs he sang before, this came off as a surprise.

Keruri 2007-08-05 17:40

I. Loved. This. Episode.

Hiyori FTW. Her reactions (especially to/with Patty) make me laugh even more so than in the manga.

Yutaka got quite a few good moments here as well. Lovely!

As mentioned, the ED surprised me.

krln99 2007-08-05 19:47

very funny ep. The "supporting cast" of freshman are interesting enough to hold their own, IMHO. I loved it when Iwasaki threw the ball. That was so well-animated.

Kaioshin Sama 2007-08-05 21:09

When I played Super Robot Taisen W I distinctly remember there being other units in that stage other than the Arbalest and the Venom. Also I wonder if Kuroi-Sensei is as annoying to take down as Gauron. They made that guy so overpowered compared to every other enemy in the game.

Not terribly surprised nobody picked up on the reference I was referring to as it's fairly far outside the realm of anything we usually see. [Arrogance]Luckily the mecha fanboy is still hanging around ready to lend his knowledge to the masses.[/Arrogance] Anyway that's basically what he does in the game, only more flashy and with a fingerbang at the end, similar to what happens here only index finger extended like kids making the gun gesture. For Nico Nico users the attack Kuroi should be doing on Konata is here at about 8:49 into the video.They did their homework as the damage calculation for the attack is pretty accurate as to what it is in the actual game on a critical.

@Kaoru: The Minami role isn't exactly challenging by the usual standards of the industry, but Chihara Minori has been better than usual in this series lately in that she's pulling it off, I'll admit that. Though I hope she doesn't go and make me sorry I said it. I think she still has a long path ahead of her to be considered top caliber, if that's ever going to be possible.

Luminisk 2007-08-05 21:28

Ah the SRW series; crossover mech games, good times good times.
I still remember what the getter robo and getter rays are, really old school stuff.

AVPlaya 2007-08-05 22:15

man I wish I have time to watch 18 instead of writing all the stuff about 17...

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