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Skye629 2013-05-12 13:48


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4676283)
I've encountered another problem (balljoints hate me I swear) - this time with my almost completed HGUC Sazabi. This time it's the opposite, a plastic ball and polycap cup type of joint. Was connecting the legs to the hip joint, when one of them was extremely loose and kept falling off. I tried the super glue trick, but it doesn't seem to help. I'm not sure what the problem is - looking at it, I think it's possible that 1) the ball is too big, or 2) I unintentionally warped the polycap cup while forcing it onto the balljoint such that it can no longer grip well onto the ball. Any ideas?

EDIT: Realized that the problem isn't just that the ball joint is loose - the polycap just doesn't fit the ball. Just sanded off a bit off the ball, will try another layer of superglue and see how it goes. It's annoying the hell out of me, just when I was so happy to complete my Sazabi.

Let me guess.....its the right leg?

Butagami 2013-05-12 17:15

While we're on the subject of parts becoming loose: Does anyone know how to fix the shoulders of the NG 1/100 Dynames? The connection between the arm and the shoulder has become really loose, and especially with the shields one, they just hang there all sad and stuff...

FalsePrime 2013-05-12 19:12

Anyone looking to pick up a Unbuilt Perfect Grade Strike Freedom? I'm moving in a month or so, and I decided to just purge my Gundam collection down to Ver Ka's and RG's.

If so just hit me up on PM's, figured I would ask given how nice this community is.

bio9205 2013-05-12 22:07


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4677307)
Let me guess.....its the right leg?

Ohmygod yes... it's the right leg. Did you encounter the same problem? I think I might have unintentionally warped the polycap due to the superglue and forcing it onto the ball. Any idea how to fix it?

Skye629 2013-05-13 03:49


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4677927)
Ohmygod yes... it's the right leg. Did you encounter the same problem? I think I might have unintentionally warped the polycap due to the superglue and forcing it onto the ball. Any idea how to fix it?

It a appears to be a mold problem with all the HGUC Sazabi's, even other reviewers on Youtube have this issue

Im not too sure on how to fix it, my Sazabi I just leave standing in my display shelf, it does not need to pose to be cool or menacing due to its sheer size and accessories

I will inspect the kit and get back to you on what I think based on mine

bio9205 2013-05-13 06:40


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4678335)
It a appears to be a mold problem with all the HGUC Sazabi's, even other reviewers on Youtube have this issue

Im not too sure on how to fix it, my Sazabi I just leave standing in my display shelf, it does not need to pose to be cool or menacing due to its sheer size and accessories

I will inspect the kit and get back to you on what I think based on mine

Sigh. To think I was so impressed with the kit, until I ran into that issue.

Anyway, with start on my Rozen Zulu soon. Going to attempt using a paint marker to do up the Sleeves markings. If it works well enough I'll get myself a Kshatriya!

Appel 2013-05-13 09:29


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4678452)
Sigh. To think I was so impressed with the kit, until I ran into that issue.

Anyway, with start on my Rozen Zulu soon. Going to attempt using a paint marker to do up the Sleeves markings. If it works well enough I'll get myself a Kshatriya!

An awesome way to paint those markings is the so called "reverse wash" technique^^ For example, if you want white markings on a black surface you just paint everything white with acryllic paint. Then paint over the white layer with black enamel paint.
Now you can just "wash away" all the excess black paint with lighter fluid to get really sharp white markings! The trick behind this is that enamel paints are only soluble with solvents like lighter fluid but not with water or alcohol and with acryllics it's the other way around. They aren't soluble with lighter fluid.
Here is a proper tutorial for this technique:

Skye629 2013-05-13 18:43


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4678452)
Sigh. To think I was so impressed with the kit, until I ran into that issue.

Anyway, with start on my Rozen Zulu soon. Going to attempt using a paint marker to do up the Sleeves markings. If it works well enough I'll get myself a Kshatriya!

I got the Kshatriya, finished all of it except those damn sleeves lol, I dont think
I can do the wash because I dont spray/airbrush, so Im trying to hand paint all the white with a gundam marker, and I HATE IT

duotiga 2013-05-13 23:52

we got trolled....

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-05-14 00:37

^ So it really is a ver.3.0 of MG RX-78-2 (aka. up-sized RG -_-).

Well, at least this adds the possibility of the long-overdue MG Justice. Bandai can just up-sized the RG like they did with the 3.0.

Also, don't tell me they're gonna 3.0-ing MG Zeta after this :twitch:. MG ZZ needs more LOVE (aka. version 2.0)!!!

maknaedik 2013-05-14 00:50

I don't want RG details on my MG. What's the difference between the two then? Scale? I like both, but simplistic looks appeal to me more than funky details that RG has. They should've made a new line and not a 3.0. Besides that, prepare for OLD releases getting an upgrade when what we want are NEW ones.

Well, I agree that MG ZZ 2.0 deserves some love, along with some other. But I think an RG is most likely more than anything else.

Kirayuki 2013-05-14 02:43


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4679570)

Adding more info


Originally Posted by AmuroNT1

1995年、バンダイが進化させてきた“プラモデルを可動させる技術”と、ユーザーやクリエイターがアップ デートしてきた“メカニックとしてのモビルスーツのリアリティ”の融合によって立体化された「 RX-78-2 ガンダム」を第一弾としてMGはスタートした。
以降、Ver.1.5、Ver.Ka、Ver.ONE YEAR WAR 0079、Ver.2.0と、RX-78-2 ガンダムはその時々の技術の集大成としてMGの進化を支えてきた。
そして「Ver.2.0」以降も進化を続けてきたMGのひとつの形が、2012年12月に発売されたMG「 νガンダムVer.Ka」である。
精密な装甲パーツ分割やスライドギミックなど、新しい技術を導入したこのキットはガンプラの新たな可能性を 示唆するものであった。
このひとつの到達点と、数年にわたるトライアルを未来へとつなぎ、さらにMGを進化させていくには、現在の 集大成としてRX-78-2 ガンダムを新たにMGとしてキット化することが必要不可欠な段階に到達したのである。
2013年、MGの新たなる未来に向けて、最新のガンダムのデザインを完全再現しただけではなく、新たな可 動解釈を加えた「可動表現まで作りこまれたスケールモデル」として、想像を超えたレベルでリアリティを感じ られるキットを目指し、MG RX-78-2 ガンダムVer.3.0が始動する。

前モデルVer.2.0を越える基本可動性能を実現する「ムーバブルアーマーシステム」を搭載 。
同システムでは装甲パーツにも内部と連動した可動性を付加。従来、可動の妨げになりがちだった肩アーマーな どにアクセント可動を追加することで、可動の自由度が大幅に向上させている。
The big takeaway is they're introducing something called the Movable Armor System, which they call a fusion of previous models' range of motion and armor linkage. Basically it amounts to the armor parts hooking onto the internal frame, which greatly increases freedom of motion (while traditional models' fancy armors would hinder it).

This...sounds like some of the minor stuff they've been doing over the years, like the sliding thigh armor seen on things like the Seed MGs. I don't really see this as the amazing rebirth they were hinting at.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-05-14 02:56

^ That sounds underwhelming, but I'll give Bandai the benefit of the doubt and will reserve my judgement until I see someone review the MG Gundam 3.0.

Appel 2013-05-14 03:39

Well, that is a slight disappointment.
This doesn't really sound very revolutionary but I suppose we are gonna have to wait and see what these new kits actually turn out to be like.
From what I can see they are just gonna have the RG look but aren't just entirely upscaled versions. The description does hint at entirely redesigned frames afterall.

Oh well. As long as they don't have the same boring frame design as the RGs and look good I'm ok with it.

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-05-14 04:58

I don't see the point of another new version of the MG RX-78-2. Why fix something that is not broken? The OYW and the 2.0 are both good and appealing. I really hope that they don't start releasing Zakus and Goufs again, and instead give us kits like X and V2.

Zeydra 2013-05-14 06:25


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4679639)
I don't want RG details on my MG. What's the difference between the two then? Scale? I like both, but simplistic looks appeal to me more than funky details that RG has. They should've made a new line and not a 3.0. Besides that, prepare for OLD releases getting an upgrade when what we want are NEW ones.

This also worries me about the announcement, for the same reasons. The real grades are impressive but I feel they are overly designed with all the panel lines and multiple whites and decal overload all that, sleek and simple with a bit of extra detailing is what I like on my mobile suits. And I too hope it doesn't mean they're going to spend ages milking the original series designs yet again.

And to think it won't be the last rx78 we're getting in the near future with origin on the way. :heh:

In other news I built the age-2 double bullet yesterday. Once again I am amazed at how far the high grade line has come. The head was fantastically detailed for such a small thing, and almost the entire kit outside a couple of very minor things was molded in accurate color parts. I'm totally pumped for my Age-fx after that build, the line just keeps getting better and better and everything I've seen of the fx has been incredibly promising.

ingram1106 2013-05-14 07:20

sign, another rx78 again? Give me more MG AGE suit or MG gundam x kit.

Appel 2013-05-14 08:41


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4679974)
I don't see the point of another new version of the MG RX-78-2. Why fix something that is not broken? The OYW and the 2.0 are both good and appealing. I really hope that they don't start releasing Zakus and Goufs again, and instead give us kits like X and V2.

They always use the RX-78-2 as a posterchild for a new line. It will always be the first kit for a new branch of model kits. And I honestly think that is a good idea both for them and for us. It's design isn't overly complex so they can experiment a little with the new features and it is a fan favorite since it is the machine that started it all.
Even if you don't like the grand daddy of all Gundams or if you have enough models of it already, seeing how this kit will do is still a good benchmark for what is to come.

bio9205 2013-05-14 09:03


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4678594)
An awesome way to paint those markings is the so called "reverse wash" technique^^ For example, if you want white markings on a black surface you just paint everything white with acryllic paint. Then paint over the white layer with black enamel paint.
Now you can just "wash away" all the excess black paint with lighter fluid to get really sharp white markings! The trick behind this is that enamel paints are only soluble with solvents like lighter fluid but not with water or alcohol and with acryllics it's the other way around. They aren't soluble with lighter fluid.
Here is a proper tutorial for this technique:

Like Skye, I don't do extensive painting or airbrushing. I use mainly paint markers to add details where there isn't colour separation. Works well enough for me. Thanks for the tip anyway!

Appel 2013-05-14 09:35


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4680193)
Like Skye, I don't do extensive painting or airbrushing. I use mainly paint markers to add details where there isn't colour separation. Works well enough for me. Thanks for the tip anyway!

Fair enough^^ Personally I don't enjoy paining with markers because it is tough to get an even coat of paint with them.
Naturally this technique works with hand painting as well by the way! If you want really sharp detains on your kit this is definitely the way to go^^

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