While we're on the subject of parts becoming loose: Does anyone know how to fix the shoulders of the NG 1/100 Dynames? The connection between the arm and the shoulder has become really loose, and especially with the shields one, they just hang there all sad and stuff...
Anyone looking to pick up a Unbuilt Perfect Grade Strike Freedom? I'm moving in a month or so, and I decided to just purge my Gundam collection down to Ver Ka's and RG's.
If so just hit me up on PM's, figured I would ask given how nice this community is. |
Im not too sure on how to fix it, my Sazabi I just leave standing in my display shelf, it does not need to pose to be cool or menacing due to its sheer size and accessories I will inspect the kit and get back to you on what I think based on mine |
Anyway, with start on my Rozen Zulu soon. Going to attempt using a paint marker to do up the Sleeves markings. If it works well enough I'll get myself a Kshatriya! |
Now you can just "wash away" all the excess black paint with lighter fluid to get really sharp white markings! The trick behind this is that enamel paints are only soluble with solvents like lighter fluid but not with water or alcohol and with acryllics it's the other way around. They aren't soluble with lighter fluid. Here is a proper tutorial for this technique: http://majorwilliams.blogspot.de/201...-wash-and.html |
I can do the wash because I dont spray/airbrush, so Im trying to hand paint all the white with a gundam marker, and I HATE IT |
^ So it really is a ver.3.0 of MG RX-78-2 (aka. up-sized RG -_-).
Well, at least this adds the possibility of the long-overdue MG Justice. Bandai can just up-sized the RG like they did with the 3.0. Also, don't tell me they're gonna 3.0-ing MG Zeta after this :twitch:. MG ZZ needs more LOVE (aka. version 2.0)!!! |
I don't want RG details on my MG. What's the difference between the two then? Scale? I like both, but simplistic looks appeal to me more than funky details that RG has. They should've made a new line and not a 3.0. Besides that, prepare for OLD releases getting an upgrade when what we want are NEW ones.
Well, I agree that MG ZZ 2.0 deserves some love, along with some other. But I think an RG is most likely more than anything else. |
^ That sounds underwhelming, but I'll give Bandai the benefit of the doubt and will reserve my judgement until I see someone review the MG Gundam 3.0.
Well, that is a slight disappointment.
This doesn't really sound very revolutionary but I suppose we are gonna have to wait and see what these new kits actually turn out to be like. From what I can see they are just gonna have the RG look but aren't just entirely upscaled versions. The description does hint at entirely redesigned frames afterall. Oh well. As long as they don't have the same boring frame design as the RGs and look good I'm ok with it. |
I don't see the point of another new version of the MG RX-78-2. Why fix something that is not broken? The OYW and the 2.0 are both good and appealing. I really hope that they don't start releasing Zakus and Goufs again, and instead give us kits like X and V2.
And to think it won't be the last rx78 we're getting in the near future with origin on the way. :heh: In other news I built the age-2 double bullet yesterday. Once again I am amazed at how far the high grade line has come. The head was fantastically detailed for such a small thing, and almost the entire kit outside a couple of very minor things was molded in accurate color parts. I'm totally pumped for my Age-fx after that build, the line just keeps getting better and better and everything I've seen of the fx has been incredibly promising. |
sign, another rx78 again? Give me more MG AGE suit or MG gundam x kit.
Even if you don't like the grand daddy of all Gundams or if you have enough models of it already, seeing how this kit will do is still a good benchmark for what is to come. |
Naturally this technique works with hand painting as well by the way! If you want really sharp detains on your kit this is definitely the way to go^^ |
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