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Blazer-X 2013-10-23 11:31

To which I ask: Where the hell is Blast Impulse? Come on, Bandai. At least allow it to be an P-Online Exclusive.

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-10-23 14:53


Originally Posted by Blazer-X (Post 4881974)
To which I ask: Where the hell is Blast Impulse? Come on, Bandai. At least allow it to be an P-Online Exclusive.

Yeah, that would be nice of Bandai :/ Blast Impulse seems to be somehting like a black sheep frir them, seeing that its the one that has the least releases. No HG AFAIK, no NG 1/100, no MG... :/

Skye629 2013-10-23 17:21

Soooo whats new with the Destiny Impulse R vs the normal version?

Im going to hold back my judgement on this until I see fully completed and colored shots of the kit

And this probably means we are not getting any new Impulse kits (including any chances of it getting a "Remaster"), sigh I feel so bad for Blast Impulse though, this release should have been it

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-10-23 17:23


Originally Posted by Knight-of-Gold (Post 4881913)
MG Destiny Impulse R confirmed as a Premium Bandai online exclusive.
Looks like there wont be any remaster of the impulse frame any time.

I hope they decided to make the purple one. We already had enough red and blue Gundams.

suiton629 2013-10-23 18:01

To me, I think they're doing this to see if the Impulse would be a popular design. Hell, maybe they are indeed using an updated frame?

If that's the case, then we may see RM Ver. for the Force & Sword Impulses and maybe even the Blast Impulse...and eventually a RM Ver. for Destiny.

Anyway, I'm hoping that funds from these masses of online exclusives will be able to convince Bandai to do RM Ver. Freedom and a regular Justice....and finish up the remainder few from Age.

Skye629 2013-10-23 19:07


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4882330)
To me, I think they're doing this to see if the Impulse would be a popular design. Hell, maybe they are indeed using an updated frame?

If that's the case, then we may see RM Ver. for the Force & Sword Impulses and maybe even the Blast Impulse...and eventually a RM Ver. for Destiny.

Anyway, I'm hoping that funds from these masses of online exclusives will be able to convince Bandai to do RM Ver. Freedom and a regular Justice....and finish up the remainder few from Age.

May I remind you that online exclusives are NEVER new kits/molds?

Its 100% good old Impulse with Destiny wings and new parts

Araxiel 2013-10-23 19:16


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4881193)
Ok time to move the topic away from Suiton's logic (its his decision anyways, what we say dont really matter since its his money)

So here's the awesome question:

If GBF was real, what HG 1/144 kit(s) would you pull off your shelf (you gotta own it lol) to do battle with? Do remember it can potentially become trashed

Note: Exclude 00 and AGE HGs for now, 00 kits have not been seen in action yet, as such we dont know how they perform or are balanced, and AGE apparently is not making an appearance since it was the last series

I would use my old (recently acquired and built though) HG Gouf Flight Type (Goufs FTW!!!!)

For the fun of it, I'd use my old 1/144 Tallgeese 1, since I love the design (it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Zechs' Tallgeese got me into mecha in the first place) it'd be easy to repair, and I do have an unpainted spare lying around in case it gets too damaged.
If I wanted to be more competitive/mobile (Tallgeese's main drawback being its poor articulation) I'd use the 1/144 HG AGE-1 Spallow because that thing's limber like a yoga coach. Stick a decent beam rifle in its hands and I reckon I'd do fairly well with that.

Infinite Zenith 2013-10-23 20:49


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4881193)
So here's the awesome question:

If GBF was real, what HG 1/144 kit(s) would you pull off your shelf (you gotta own it lol) to do battle with? Do remember it can potentially become trashed

I'd use my HGUC Sinanju: it's got good articulation, a versatile loadout and looks good :)

Skye629 2013-10-23 21:11


Originally Posted by ForwardUntoDawn (Post 4882493)
I'd use my HGUC Sinanju: it's got good articulation, a versatile loadout and looks good :)

You are ok with it potentially getting wrecked right?

Blazer-X 2013-10-23 21:18

I get the feeling that if P-Online Exclusives had existed years ago, we would have never gotten the likes of Strike E IWSP or even Strike Rouge. Seems like this is the new and best way to get all the cheap recolors and rehashes with minor edits they need.

So I would really appreciate if Bandai consider some of the following MS for P-Online (Warning, small wishlist incoming):

- MG Blast Impulse (As I mentioned already, it may not be popular compared to Sword and Force, but its just the same MS with a new backpack. If Bandai is willing to make a semi-new backpack for Destiny Impulse R, I don't see why they can't go ahead and make this too)
- MG GN-X IV (We've seen the prototype a couple of years back. I understand its not a super-popular design. Why not just release it as an exclusive? The legwork for it is already done anyway)
- MG Gale Strike (An odd one, but it would basically a rehash of Aile Strike with a few parts changed. I really wouldn't mind this, personally)

Shinobi2013 2013-10-23 21:38


So here's the awesome question:

If GBF was real, what HG 1/144 kit(s) would you pull off your shelf (you gotta own it lol) to do battle with? Do remember it can potentially become trashed

Hi! I'm a new here! Anyway mine is similar to Aurelis but with different color scheme:p

firefox 2013-10-24 01:15


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4881927)
Thats a good thing, Impulse is a great MG to begin with, no need for an update

Great news! i want one!

For suiton, everything that's 5 seconds old needs an update. What is in desperate need of an update is his brain :D

People still don't get that bandai exclusive online sceme is to release variants of allready existing suits that are wanted by a less big fanbase who are willing to pay a bit more.

Skye629 2013-10-24 03:06


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4882533)
Hi! I'm a new here! Anyway mine is similar to Aurelis but with different color scheme:p

Wow thats amazing, personally I would never offer up a build of that quality to get damaged lol

MoonLightShadows 2013-10-24 03:18

I am not sure what Gundam Thunderbolt is, But that Green Zaku II, and that huge Gun, hopefully them come toghter. :kisskiss: Hallelujah!.

If I could use a High Grade for build fighters, maybe Arios or Harute for Space? (If it was in the desert Terrain, Dom Tropen or Tri-Star Zaku II for High Mobility?)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-10-24 06:16


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4882533)
Hi! I'm a new here! Anyway mine is similar to Aurelis but with different color scheme:p

That looks awesomely-badass!! :)

If I were you, I wouldn't want anything scratches that paint :p.

kaizerknight01 2013-10-24 06:26


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4882533)
Hi! I'm a new here! Anyway mine is similar to Aurelis but with different color scheme:p

great painting

Shinobi2013 2013-10-24 10:32

@Skye and Obelizk: Thanks! I don't mind to use the repaint ones for duels but if it's fully modified or scratchbuilt well that's a different story :p

@kaizerknight: Thanks! I like the Blue Destiny-ish colors of Jesta but I think it needs more work to look decent, like the brush stroke texture on the shield that I spotted.

kaizerknight01 2013-10-24 11:58

yup its hand brush paint, i know need alot more practice on painting ( work the major factor which get in the way .... I got 5 to 6 kits need to be assemble...sigh .... I was planning to mod the Base of Jesta as test bed into RSC ( Red Shoulder Custom like the one form Votoms) still a beginner on this matter ( looking for missile pods parts , other armaments on scraps/damaged gunpla models

question contact cement or epoxy ?? which is better ?? for mods?

Shinobi2013 2013-10-24 14:02

Cement is ideal for filling gaps or hollow parts while epoxy is ideal for making molds or sculpting.

n0m@n 2013-10-24 16:24

Yay. We are getting an customised Shining Gundam. Nice!

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