Sadly, I won't be able to buy any gundam for the next 8 months... I'm off to college starting Feb 24th lol. I might, MIGHT, be able to buy the k9. If I scrimp and dig out all the coins in my couch lol. |
For 3 terms of college I dumped whatever coin change I had in my pocket at the end of the day into the jar Had enough to buy a HGUC Kshatriya by the end of the academic year Trust me, it really does build up over time :D |
Eitherway, I'm definitely feeling a sudden love for GMs, attributed to the K9 spectacular performance. Recently picked up the Thunderbolt GM. http://i.imgur.com/06RnKVd.jpg?1 The insulated limbs looked rather decent surprisingly. The kit seems pretty detailed and I was surprised by the articulation. I've not started the weapons and the multitude of thrusters but I must say, it makes me want to get the other kits in the Thunderbolt series. I am still reeling over the fact that I got a 1/144 Wave FSS Engage SR-3 over the FA Gundam Thunderbolt last weekend. |
Just ordered Kampfer Amazing. Now I have to save up money for the extra Amazing Binders.
Finished HGBF Build Strike Full Package
And I Loooovvveeeee itttttt, such a nice solid kit, and looks great if you put in the time to add in the color apps which are missing (I did mine with gundam markers as always) Not gonna post any pictures though, I really want to get a few action base 2's so I can display them more properly at angles and such BTW, which site is better for image hosting so I can post on here? Imgur or Photobucket? Pro's and cons? Ease of use? etc. And Im a bit concerned about picture quality........all I got is a crappy 5 megapixel camera on my iPhone5 |
All I can tell is Photobucket a shit
Better use ImageBam, Imgurl, Postimages Also, how does it compare to old strike (if you have one), especially proportion? |
Imgur is really convenient but I find that it reduces the image quality too much, especially after size resolution reduction.
Photobucket on the other hand, is a hassle since you need an account but it seems to upload better images. PS: I think iPhone's camera is much better than my Xperia Z :p |
http://i.imgur.com/TGOUarJl.jpg Ehhhhhh.......not too bad, Im really wishing for a higher quality camera though =____= And this is proof that Im not just a talker :P I really do build these |
Gundams are fun to collect. But I really like grunt suits. GM, Jegan. So the new GM design for Gundam thunderbolt probably my new favorite and cant wait to see more from Gundam Thunderbolt. :D (for a file host site I use Flickr seems to work good)
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) (I'm trying methods to make pictures look good, along with poses) |
I have difficulty finding the proper pose for Sinanju, with it's rifle and shield on :(
As opposed to this AU series tend to look better in dynamic poses (SEED/DESTINY is a prime example of this), or for example the Build Strike picture I posted On another note, Im satisfied with how my gunpla pic turned out, I'll get you guys more stuff from my collection later on :) |
The red sticker on the build booster didn't appear in Dalong's info, does that sticker came from Build Strike's? :confused: |
As for the sole Build Booster pack on its own, Im not too sure if it comes with stickers :/ |
< (Frustrated because he haven't mastered the art of THIN UR PAINTS) |
._. |
So yeah I have a feeling the next RG with be Build strike. |
Full blog post: http://gamerabaenre.com/?p=2932
Work continues, I got the torso, head, and shoulders painted, decaled, and cleared. The assembly f-ed up some of the right shoulder pieces, so those are being repainted, but for all intents and purposes, this section is done. Note, not pictured, I do have the inner shoulder lights in place. The wires still need to be threaded into the main body where all the wiring will eventually meet. Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) The head Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) Also included in the above post is the work on the rifle. It's not finished, but primed so, close enough. I did some beginner 3D design and using the 3D printer at work, printed out the a master rail, that I then molded and cast in resin. Fun with learning a new skill and tool. And sort of functional to the kit in progress too. Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) |
also, HG Destiny turn out to be less disastrous than I expect, so it's only a matter of my painting skill. Will post photos when I got a new MMC for my phone. |
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