EDIT: Actually seems to come with everything minus the purple rubber cables, even has the old GN Sword blade The forearms and legs are changed as well Just check out Dalong for picture comparisons between the normal HG Exia and the R22 |
I was annoyed as hell when they decided not to continue with that line of thought and go back to 18-meters-plus sized MS in later series. I just wish Bandai would make this guy. My scratchbuild of it is...underwhelming. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...87521332_n.jpg Oh, what he's ACTUALLY supposed to look like: https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.ne...08288847_a.jpg Gundam F90. On-record as the smallest MS to be called a Gundam (14.8 meters tall). Testebed for a lot of new technologies, predecessor to the Gundam F91, and it's Hardpoijnt system was later adopted by the Victory Gundam (and predates the Strike Gundam's Striker pack gimmick) A guy in Japan is doing a much better job of it than I am: http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11737328364.html |
Okay so I'm trying to strip the plated parts off of the 1/144 gold frame amatsu. Anyone know if window washer will damage poly caps?
I'd suggest you remove the polycaps and everything before trying to strip the plating.
And be prepared for it to take awhile. Bleach overnight is best, but you might need to wash the kit and immerse it a couple more times until the entire thing is black. Personally, I've done this to a gold-plated Shining Gundam (The old 1990's version), and found that if you leave it too long the plastic may become brittle (I alternated between Elco paint stripper and bleach). Ended up using glue on the kit to bond the parts and coat it with primer before painting. |
Judging from my Sazabi's arm, we can sand the upper arm down a bit, but I dont think it will be to the extent that would change it enough, this is partly due to the "inner frame" part of the arm taking up some of that bulk as well
Im just gonna wait and see if anyone has success sanding it down And does anyone know what the difference between normal kits and the GFT versions are? For example the HGUC Nu Gundam ver. GFT? |
Katoki workout?
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) |
Deciding which HGUC Nu to pick up :P |
GFT is a lot more expensive trust me
Seconded HWS for great justice! Also, I wish Bandai release Speed Mode cloak, but for a moment sheet of plastic should be fine :p http://111.imagebam.com/download/1n_...80110-0821.jpg http://112.imagebam.com/download/b2V...9%28001%29.jpg |
After all these years you still like the F90, eh? Seen a bunch of 1/100s of it for sale at a local shop for cheap. The price of a new HGCE Strike cheap. Could be useful for some measure of kitbashing, that guy used the 1/100 for the job. Have you tried using an MG F91 or something instead? Spoiler for Talking about the HGCE Strike:
Huh, the HGUC Nu Gundam HWS is on sale and the price isn't that much different from the HGUC Nu Gundam. And if the HWS parts can be stripped away to form a standard Nu, I might as well get that kit...
..it actually looks better with the paint and all applied, as opposed to normal. |
...how expensive are they? :heh: |
Spoiler for :
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