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Roadie 2009-03-15 11:57

Wouldn't mind a Gaga model...

CelestialNocturne 2009-03-15 12:05


Originally Posted by Roadie (Post 2274264)
Wouldn't mind a Gaga model...

It'd have to come with a stand as from the looks of it, it doesn't have any legs...

AaKkisa 2009-03-15 12:14


Originally Posted by Akyra (Post 2274057)
Just wondering, if I am missing a part from the runners, can I contact Bandai and get them to mail me a replacement? Thing is, this is a HG 1/100 Gundam Maxter from G Gundam....

EDIT: I only found out there's a part missing when I got up to that particular part (it's missing the lower torso where it connects to the front and back skirts and the legs)

Also, how much is it

I had a similar problem not too long ago. When building the gun to my MG Freedom, the front barrel part broke of messing up three different parts. I was somewhat lucky in that fact that they all came from the same runner. I tried contacting Bandai but that was too no avail. The best thing to do would be to go though They can re-order a runner for you. The only real downside is the waiting time since they actually wait until they get a stack of re-orders and then place them all at once so you might be waiting for a while. As a side note, I actually called up and asked them what they know about that idea and the owner there( really nice guy by the way ) actually cut off the parts from a damanged model they got back and just sent them to me with my next order.

As a question to everyone else on these forums. All of you guys have been really helpful in answering my other questions so to preface that, I want to start applying the dry-stick stickers. I know the basic proceduere behind it simply is cut it out, apply tape to it so it stays in one spot and rub it in. My question is simply is there a specific tool to use and is there a generalized number of strokes to rub in on correctly or amount of time? Thanks in advance guys.

Scavenger 2009-03-15 13:00


Originally Posted by Akyra (Post 2274057)
Just wondering, if I am missing a part from the runners, can I contact Bandai and get them to mail me a replacement? Thing is, this is a HG 1/100 Gundam Maxter from G Gundam....

EDIT: I only found out there's a part missing when I got up to that particular part (it's missing the lower torso where it connects to the front and back skirts and the legs)

Also, how much is it

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Foreshadow 2009-03-15 13:32


Originally Posted by CelestialNocturne (Post 2274274)
It'd have to come with a stand as from the looks of it, it doesn't have any legs...

I think those are booster tails, im not sure though

MrCapcom 2009-03-15 16:07


Originally Posted by humbug23 (Post 2273467)
An interesting perspective on this picture would be that the gigantic Destiny is now going to chop up the puny SF below it. (For stealing its series title screen or something?) :p

Did you intend to show it like that?

Nah but thats a idea lol I just was trying to put everyone close I gotta get the SD Destiny and it will take Strike Freedom's spot

Sir Dearka 2009-03-15 16:18

@MrCapcom - I admit I like the bazooka variant wielding Astraea better than just two beam swords :) Is it just me, or you did not use stickers in some places, making it seem more plain because of monochromatism?

I think it'd look badass with a bazooka in one hand and a beam sword/shield in the other :)

Anyways, great model.

vektar 2009-03-15 16:33


Originally Posted by cupcakes4chris (Post 2273233)
Cool, where can i find one of those in the us?

i get mine from a college book store where i live, only about $2.75.

MrCapcom 2009-03-15 16:35


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2274729)
@MrCapcom - I admit I like the bazooka variant wielding Astraea better than just two beam swords :) Is it just me, or you did not use stickers in some places, making it seem more plain because of monochromatism?

I think it'd look badass with a bazooka in one hand and a beam sword/shield in the other :)

Anyways, great model.

I'm not gonna front I don't know what monochromatism means.
And I didnt use stickers in some places because when I did the model the first time around I didnt have gundam markers and some stickers looked a bit weird so i left them off.
I like the beam swords for now I'll try the other poses when I get around to getting the other weapons built.

Thnx though

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-15 17:56

Man, when are we getting an Arche damashii figure? Tired of waiting for it.

Un1ver5e 2009-03-15 19:53


Originally Posted by AaKkisa (Post 2274285)
As a question to everyone else on these forums. All of you guys have been really helpful in answering my other questions so to preface that, I want to start applying the dry-stick stickers. I know the basic proceduere behind it simply is cut it out, apply tape to it so it stays in one spot and rub it in. My question is simply is there a specific tool to use and is there a generalized number of strokes to rub in on correctly or amount of time? Thanks in advance guys.

Haha, you think too much. There's really no need for any sort of 'specific tool'. You just need something sharp so it exerts pressure on the decal. You also don't have to bother about number of strokes/time and all.

Just be systematic, start from one area and move out. If you're unsure whether the decal has transferred on, just lift a portion of the decal to check without moving the decal. It's pretty straightforward. ;)

kguthrie 2009-03-15 20:42


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2274755)
i get mine from a college book store where i live, only about $2.75.

That's not bad at all. http://g09k0221lebj272.imageshacknow.../happy0025.gif

Setsuna.F.Seiei 2009-03-15 21:09

so wats a pla plates?

Akyra 2009-03-16 04:59

Thanks to all who's posted to my question...I've emailed Gundamstoresandmore and

Waiting for a reply now.

LordStrike 2009-03-16 07:46


Originally Posted by Scavenger (Post 2274346)
Send an email to

First time is free.

is it for real? can you do this for other gundam kits?

Scavenger 2009-03-16 08:24


Originally Posted by LordStrike (Post 2276030)
is it for real? can you do this for other gundam kits?

It's for real. I used their service 4 years back I think. First time is free and you can order up to 4 parts. For other orders you need to pay.

Sir Dearka 2009-03-16 09:11

Pure beauty...

More here:

Taken from Amiami.

StratoSpear 2009-03-16 09:42

Paint it blue and bam!

.... StratoForce Megazo---- Gundam.:heh:

MrCapcom 2009-03-16 09:45

I'm so tempted to get that its either that or Force Impulse I can't decide :-(

StratoSpear 2009-03-16 10:00


Originally Posted by MrCapcom (Post 2276169)
I'm so tempted to get that its either that or Force Impulse I can't decide :-(

If you like wings => Force Impulse

If you like swords(Someone like me) => Sword Impulse

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