I'm liking the color scheme of the new Savior, but if Athrun doesn't watch out, he's going to find himself stuck in the new Blitz. >.>
Meh, I'm gonna pass on the V gundam. Here's to hoping that the V2 will come out =D
Yeah! And, honestly, I prefer the old color scheme for the Blitz. A stealth unit painted in red is definitely a paradox. :heh: |
Heh. Bandai expect those PG OOR owners to pay another 3500 yen for some transparent parts. How greedy could they get. |
And more photos
http://www.blog.amiami.com/amiblo/2009/10/49.html |
SD Gundam Romance Of Three Kingdom Anime Planned.For the first time in Bandai's History a toyline had sold well enough for them to commission an anime instead of the reverse. Told people that the SD ROTK line is making lots more cash than OO for Bandai before.... |
3800 yen for V Gundam, hmm 3500 yen for the same amount of gimmicks as the Crossbone, 300 yen for the Hexa head. Waiting for V Dash and V2.
Guncannon Ver.2.0, I have a feeling that it is gonna be anime version, perhaps with a lil bit of panel lines like Guntank and Gouf. |
on an another note, anyone know of a site which will ship spraypaint internationally? i ordered from HLJ recently and all of a sudden they cancel my shipment cos they 'just' realised that they couldnt send spraypaints... YOU'VE BEING SELLING IT FOR YEARS, HOW THE HECK DO U 'JUST' REALISE?????? |
Sounds like the ban on shipping flammable materials and objects is finally taking effect. I don't spray paint but no topcoats is going to be bad anyway.
Nice Reborns there! I got down to continuing mine, but broke one of the beam sabers >_> No matter, I'll fix it with some superglue when I get my hands on some.
Another thing: I just painted my Arche's beam sabers today, and tried to pose them with it. Even when I take off the Buster Sword and Shield, the legs can't go far. I know it can't do the 00 split, but the Fang containers are really heavy and weighing down on the legs, so I can't pose the legs too far apart. Any recommendations? Thanks! |
http://i36.tinypic.com/23ma0bc.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/21ozyg5.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/2gt9p3m.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/2i1mnat.jpg Damn now that's how I like it Edit: I might get that MG Victory Ver. Ka since I'm also a fan of victory. |
so now with some actual pics of the PG 00 raiser posted up, what does everyone think?
i'm still not 100% convinced, i need some pics of the runners, inner frame pics and some reviews soon will be nice ^^ |
well admittedly it looks awesome it give you the feeling of "Power" but yeah still need some review on it ;)
PG 00 looks really awesome.Red looks kind of off for Blitz. Since no one answered i figured i asked one last time
Sweet PG 00 Raiser :love: - I love the leg - :D Hmm am I the only one thinking that nebula Blitz looks like a lobster? :heh: Spoiler for Nebula Blitz:
Technically that other MS shown is not the back, it's the alternate form of the Mirage Frame, where the head, arms and feet flip around, however it's still facing the front.
damn Bandai(maybe the words reapeted a lot in this topic)!!!
00 PG looks beautiful... i'll wait some years to buy this... XD |
Christmas List: PG 00 Raiser MG V Gundam yep, just those 2 will do me this year ^^ do want |
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