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monir 2007-04-28 23:05

Lucky Star - Episode 04 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Lucky Star, Episode 4.

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Kaioshin Sama 2007-04-29 02:42

Just thought I'd mention that stylisticly in keeping with the other episode threads, the thread should be titled Lucky Star - Episode 04 Discussion/Poll.

Vexx 2007-04-29 02:48

I guess Monir will have to throw himself on his sword.... or singlehandedly eat a popsicle without dropping it... or something.

Kaioshin Sama 2007-04-29 03:35

All I can say before this becomes available is I hope to god they don't try to advertise to me or start a 3 minute musical singing number. Any time that happens my rating for an episode instantly drops a point for either personal offense, and I really truly don't want to have to do that. I would have given episode 3 an 8/10 rating if it weren't for the ads for Comptiq and the botched spirit of the ending. I hope Kyoto Animation can develop some sort of resistance to the will of their sponsors like Sunrise used to be known for.

To put it simply, I hate being advertised too while watching a show and I don't want to buy your Character Singles so keep it in the commericals studios. I've dropped entire series over these issues (Manabi Straight and Soprano's Season 6 [up to this date I still haven't seen all of it] are examples that come to mind) and I wouldn't hesisitate to do it here if they can't keep it under control. Keeps fingers crossed and hopes for the best. :uhoh:

Aetheri 2007-04-29 06:09


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama
All I can say before this becomes available is I hope to god they don't try to advertise to me or start a 3 minute musical singing number. Any time that happens my rating for an episode instantly drops a point for either personal offense, and I really truly don't want to have to do that. I would have given episode 3 an 8/10 rating if it weren't for the ads for Comptiq and the botched spirit of the ending. I hope Kyoto Animation can develop some sort of resistance to the will of their sponsors like Sunrise used to be known for.

To put it simply, I hate being advertised too while watching a show and I don't want to buy your Character Singles so keep it in the commericals studios. I've dropped entire series over these issues (Manabi Straight and Soprano's Season 6 [up to this date I still haven't seen all of it] are examples that come to mind) and I wouldn't hesisitate to do it here if they can't keep it under control. Keeps fingers crossed and hopes for the best.

How far are you willing to let Lucky Star go before you consider it advertising?

aorta 2007-04-29 08:27


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 924702)
I would have given episode 3 an 8/10 rating if it weren't for the ads for Comptiq and the botched spirit of the ending. I hope Kyoto Animation can develop some sort of resistance to the will of their sponsors like Sunrise used to be known for.

Konata read Comptiq in the manga. I thinks it's more of a gag that she reads the magazine that Lucky Star runs in than advertising.

Anyway I expect more crazy references from this episode.

Sheba 2007-04-29 08:54

Hell, I could have sworn that Gintama's male lead have been reading Shonen Jump while saying "I wish I had something like bankai". Did anybody cried viral marketting? I don't think so.

Demel 2007-04-29 08:57

It's quite inevitable that Konata talks a lot about Comptiq in the anime, because that's also what she did (to a rather fair extent I might add) in the manga. Taking all the 'advertising' out actually takes out quite a bit of conversation between Kagami and Konata.

MakubeX2 2007-04-29 10:43

Highlights of Ep 4 :-

Konata's Room.

To Heart, Haruhi and FMP Reference.

Lots and lots of closeup. Including one of Kagami crying.

First appearance of Konata's mom, Kanata.

Balant advertising of Comptiq. Again. Even in Lucky Channel. At least Akira change her outfit.

Sheba 2007-04-29 10:54

From the screencaps I have seen at 2ch, Nanako gets screentime in this episode.

Nightengale 2007-04-29 11:12


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 924998)
Hell, I could have sworn that Gintama's male lead have been reading Shonen Jump while saying "I wish I had something like bankai". Did anybody cried viral marketting? I don't think so.


Sunrise IS one of the masters of referencing. In fact, I'd say that they're argubly the best animation studio at referencing. At least they don't need to bleep out Gundam references. I mean, the Gintama "bankai" thing among others are the usual fare of Gintama. Let's not forget the "movie ads" thing. If we call those viral marketing, it's viral marketing at it's best.

There's Yakitate Japan and Keroro Gunsou as well. Both too...referencing at it's best. :heh:

Code Geass = Pizza Hut too. Pizza Hut clearly did not sign up for that much references of it in CG. The staff of CG got excited at the fun of it and added more out of their own wishes.

monir 2007-04-29 11:16


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 924658)
I guess Monir will have to throw himself on his sword.... or singlehandedly eat a popsicle without dropping it... or something.

Even though Kaioshin outlined the "style" that was lacking, it still took me 20 seconds to realize that I forgot to add the "0." :heh:


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 924651)
Just thought I'd mention that stylisticly in keeping with the other episode threads, the thread should be titled Lucky Star - Episode 04 Discussion/Poll.

Fixed! :D On the subject of advertising, I can tolerate them if there is a purpose. False advertising, on the other hand, is unfogivable. There are no lolis in Manabi Straight! So exasperatingly misleading. Highschoolers designed to be appeared as lolis can be quite depressing when the cat is out of the bag. I still haven't gotten over that shock when I've finally discovered in episode 3, THEY WERE FRESHMEN IN HIGHSCHOOL!! :upset:

Lucky Star is pretty clever in that regard. Nothing, I mean, absolutely nothing has been spared from it's mockingly pointing finger of criticism. :heh:

AniOta 2007-04-29 11:42

Kaioshin Sama 2007-04-29 11:48


Originally Posted by AniOta (Post 925189)

It seems to be saying they are swapping directors. Hiroshi Yamamoto is being swapped out for another guy named Yasuhiro Takemoto.

krln99 2007-04-29 12:09

who directed FMP Fumoff?

BPHaru 2007-04-29 12:26


Originally Posted by krln99 (Post 925221)
who directed FMP Fumoff?

Yamamoto Hiroshi too.
Is he really being swapped out?


Shiroth 2007-04-29 13:04


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 925260)
Is he really being swapped out?

Thats what the official site is telling us.

Must admit thats a little bit random --- lets see what FMP-san can do with Lucky Star. But i found Yamamoto to be doing a good job.

Kaioshin Sama 2007-04-29 13:33


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 925332)
Thats what the official site is telling us.

Must admit thats a little bit random --- lets see what FMP-san can do with Lucky Star. But i found Yamamoto to be doing a good job.

Could be a Drama play. We say what happened with Gurren-Lagann and how much of a furor and publicity that stirred up. Maybe they decided to mimic it to increase popularity for the series, which is still getting a bit of a lukewarm reception. Then again probably not.

Vexx 2007-04-29 13:41

As long as we distinguish between 'advertising product placement' and 'this is the normal sort of thing Konata would be chatting about' .... just the use of fad items is okay if it is in context because this is what these sort of people would actually discuss.

Rather like "Want a Coke?" is not an inherent product placement.

In a real sense, *ALL* anime is advertising --- they want us to buy the manga, the figures, and CDs, DVDs....

Skane 2007-04-29 13:44

Question for those who have watched Ep04 and understood the dialogue. Why did Kagami cry? :(


(I should be asleep already... but I am burning to know answers from this and StrikerS... Man... I am going to "die" tomorrow...)

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