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Nesty 2005-12-24 17:18

yep there's a 1/100 blitz, i primed and painted mine just this summer. it does exist :)

Syn13 2005-12-24 17:36


Originally Posted by Nesty
yep there's a 1/100 blitz, i primed and painted mine just this summer. it does exist :)

Nice, got any pics? Would love to see some and how did it come out? I have too many white and blue/black(S-Freedom, Double X, MKII, GP01FB, NT-1, WZC, RX-78 and G05) gundams on my shelf, one Nataku haha:D

Shinji103 2005-12-24 18:43


Originally Posted by Fafnir
Also, I doubt it would be a pre release, considering that they'd have to waste time/money painting it.

I didn't mean pre-release in that they released a model version before the release, but as in "this is before the release, we aren't fully done constructing the model design yet, have a look at what we've got done."

Nesty 2005-12-24 21:04

yes syn i got some pics but they are on my other comp. when i got the time to get my other comp (in for repairs) i'll post em

dj898 2005-12-25 13:01

well here are some in-prog shots...
think this looks the most dramatic... :lol:

I got the idea while browsing some site and one of them had the series of composite diorama and one of them was Goof holding down GM by its head with the sword high on air just about to struck with it...

well after sveral test think this is the best I can think of...
RX-78-2 is holding Zaku down by knee and raising beam saber to struck its head... after fearce battle where both sides received a lot of damages - Gundam is missing right arm and much of armour on its legs while Zaku lost its right leg and much of armour on the left leg plus its right arm has been but off...

started on x-mas eve (yea missus and kid are away for holiday with me being home keeper... :( ) but after done some pre-assembly haven't had time to do anything further atm...
still a lot to cover - further mod on models and redoning the base (wasn't happy with dinky base I made on CD jewel case) and etc. and that's before even starting seam line fixing and painting... :cry:

Nesty 2005-12-25 13:46

i don't know if ur gonna want to do this for ur diorama dj but i'd suggest instead of the whole right arm being taken out, a section of it is still attached. kinda like the bicep area is still stuck on ;)

dj898 2005-12-25 13:55

too late.
entire section has been sawed away for some internal frame mod... :p
just done with damage mod and it's time for me to hit the bed...

still haven't decided how far the Zaku's left leg should be - cut off at the knee or bit longer...? Also its left arm - cut off at the elbow...?

another variation of pose... what do you think?

what do you think?

some more arrangment and test fit on the base...
maybe I need bigger base...?

mangatron 2005-12-25 14:59


Originally Posted by Syn13
Nice, got any pics? Would love to see some and how did it come out? I have too many white and blue/black(S-Freedom, Double X, MKII, GP01FB, NT-1, WZC, RX-78 and G05) gundams on my shelf, one Nataku haha:D

If your looking for pictures of Blitz Gundam, you can see it here. The manufacturing of Blitz is quite unique....

Nesty 2005-12-25 17:30

thank god those are ur MGs man i don't think id' be able to do that kind of damage on a PG when i do work on one o-O

seeing the dmg pic, i think ti's fine :) add some sparks coming out of the socket would be awesome!

dj898 2005-12-26 01:19

another round of changes...

I'm not sure which is better - holding beam saber or about to pull one out...?

another update...
spent half an hour to do zaku's left leg frame...

Another round of small changes that I could do with just knife and few spare runner in few minutes... :P

I'm still not sure whether to remove Zaku left leg completely or shows as cut off at the ankle by the beam saber...?

Nesty 2005-12-26 09:43

kool, i like the idea of the wires sticking out of the socket. nice :)

dj898 2005-12-27 03:50

some more detailed damage area - and while I was at it put the metal pipe into the backpack thrusters as well as at the foot... :P Does it look convincing?

appreciate any input... :D

Optimaximal 2005-12-27 11:12

Personally, I think you need to do a lot more damage to the internal frames... atm, it just looks like you've snapped the armour off ;)

Also, IIRC, the Zakus head isn't supposed to open... That was just added to the models to make turning the monoeye less of a chore (although I may be wrong, seeing as I only own a Zaku F2, which had an entirely removable helmet for the same function)

dj898 2005-12-27 15:53

for zaku the hatch can be open'd - same on PG...
the damage I'm still working on and untill I get my Dremel tool I can't do much about the detailed damage on the armour - after all I'm building this with knife, cutter and super glue at the moment :(

DarkWarrior 2005-12-27 16:51

For those who build models, I thought that I might pass this info along. Some people might already know about this, but when I learned about this I was pretty shocked.

Anyways, Bandai Japan offers free replacement parts for model kits OUTSIDE Japan. I thought previously that it was limited to Japanese residents only.. looks like this isn't the case. Note, this is Bandai Japan, not Bandai America (I sent an e-mail to them a month ago.. still no reply. Go figure. :rolleyes: ) They ship the parts requested for free.

Here's their policy, in exact words:

1. We accept free replacement for any defection or missing parts if it occurred in our production line or during the transportation. We need to see a picture of broken parts or a sprew that has missing parts in the unwrapped plastic bags when you ask for a replacement.

2. We also accept a replacement for broken parts or missing parts which occurred under customer's responsibility. This replacement will be done free of charge but it will be only one time deal. Limited within 4 pieces of parts.

I needed some parts replaced on the MG Hyaku Shiki since some of the gold plated parts came horribly scratched. Since it was damaged during transportation, my problem fit under policy #1. After sending them the pictures of the unopened parts, I got my replacement within 2 weeks. That's pretty good, considering I live in the East Coast USA

Sorry about the horrible image quality.. I stole a digicam from a friend but for some reason it takes nothing but crappy pictures.

Just wanted to pass this info along. I had no idea that they offered replacement parts like this. I was pretty skeptical until I received my package today. :D

Anyways, just e-mail them at They have english speakers of course. :)

Fatty Chalupa 2005-12-27 22:58

Yeah when I was building my Destiny model right when i took a piece off it chipped horribly :(.

Then when I first opened the box I became utterly disappointed because i thought the standard release came with the stand too. There were way too many pics of the model with its stand so i assumed all of it came with it, not just the first press release.

Thanks a bunch DarkWarrior!

dj898 2005-12-28 06:52

still working on the endo/exoskeleton parts on both Gundam and Zaku...

I'm thinking Im spending way more time on damage area but then it'll be the feature of the diorama so there... :x

I welcome any constructive suggestion/comment...

mangatron 2005-12-28 07:06


Originally Posted by DarkWarrior

2. We also accept a replacement for broken parts or missing parts which occurred under customer's responsibility. This replacement will be done free of charge but it will be only one time deal. Limited within 4 pieces of parts.[/B]

...Anyways, just e-mail them at They have english speakers of course. :)

That is great news, my oldest brother's PG Strike had a waist part break, and now he can't use the Aile pack because of the weight of it. But now that all changes, great stuff DW! But, I wonder if Bandai can replace the entire hand unit of my 1/100 SF. Since my SF was the 1st edition, I'm guessing the poly cap that holds the hands isn't really the best thing in the universe (it can only hold the clenched hand part, my SF cannot use the open handed part :( )

By the way, do you have any more info on where you found this out, like a website or something?


Originally Posted by Fatty Chalupa
Yeah when I was building my Destiny model right when i took a piece off it chipped horribly :(.

Then when I first opened the box I became utterly disappointed because i thought the standard release came with the stand too. There were way too many pics of the model with its stand so i assumed all of it came with it, not just the first press release.

Thanks a bunch DarkWarrior!

You know, you can tell the difference with the box, my Strike Freedom has a slightly raised box for the extra runners of the stand, and the box has a distinctive side and backing. Where did you buy your Destiny? did the seller say if it was normal edition or 1st? To me, they're supposed to, like HLJ says for the Strike Freedom kit, although I remember that Destiny does not have the same message that SF has.

By the way, if you want a 1st edition SF, I got mine on ebay :)

Sety 2005-12-28 07:13


Originally Posted by mangatron
By the way, if you want a 1st edition SF, I got mine on ebay :)

' _ '

We do?

Anyway does anyone know how much Gundam Ex-S goes for nowadays?

dj898 2005-12-28 20:07

I've decided to make Zaku as part of ground troop and Gundam as one of unofficial ground test unit sent to Earth for field test purpose... haven't thought of its designation number - probably RX-78-0 or RX-78-1 assuming Feds somehow managed to salvage the damaged Gundam prototype and sent to Earth for field evaluation after patched up. :p

I've yet to decided the type of armour and colour scheme though I'm leaning towards the GM Ground type desert scheme...
for Zaku I may ditch the olive altogether and opt for dark brown with heavy weathering simulating the unit has been on the field for extended period went thru numerous battles with not much of repair job in between...

for the base I'm torn between city or desert...
of course making desert will save me a lot of time compared to city where I will have to case the base and broken up to simulate the broken asphalt surface - may even need the bigger base to put the building??? Nah! that will be too much of work... Either way I will have to decide this weekend what type of base I will make...

if anyone have any suggestion feel free to comment. :D

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