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Tak 2011-05-05 12:59


Originally Posted by Se7en Sabers (Post 3600498)
What do you think of this kit ?

Since I can get only one, it's a pain to choose between the MG Red Frame, Blue Frame and now the Strike Noir :(

I have the Strike Noir, and personally, I think it is one of the most beautiful (if not the most beautiful) Gundam designs to-date. Especially if you apply custom colors to it.

Then again, black is my favorite-color...

For me, it was a must-have.

- Tak

Se7en Sabers 2011-05-05 14:27


Originally Posted by Tak (Post 3600511)
I have the Strike Noir, and personally, I think it is one of the most beautiful (if not the most beautiful) Gundam designs to-date. Especially if you apply custom colors to it.

Then again, black is my favorite-color...

For me, it was a must-have.

- Tak

Thanks for answer ;)

I've still to think about it

Shikimori Kazuki 2011-05-05 14:33


Originally Posted by Se7en Sabers (Post 3600498)
What do you think of this kit ?

Since I can get only one, it's a pain to choose between the MG Red Frame, Blue Frame and now the Strike Noir :(

base on dalong's point system alone, Red Frame gets 112 and Strike Noir gets 91.

Even w/o points, i'd suggest Red Frame, i'm not sure why you're still going through kits and making more options for yourself.

At the end, its your decision, you can't seem to make up your mind which one to choose. In my opinion, this is your decision, whichever one you like, there's no right or wrong in choosing the kit.

If you want suggestions, personally, i'd recommend Red Frame. It has those dual Katana's, and looking at those dual katana's and the pose, they're great

Tak 2011-05-05 15:13


Originally Posted by Shikimori Kazuki (Post 3600614)
base on dalong's point system alone, Red Frame gets 112 and Strike Noir gets 91.

Eh? I think its personal preferences. If you like dual-Katana, the Red Frame is your thing... if you like guns-blazing and a sexy-evil dark color scheme, go with the Strike Noir.

Relying on points for toys is just... iffy.

Not that I am bashing on the Red Frame, but its really personal preferences than anything else.

- Tak

Shikimori Kazuki 2011-05-05 15:19


Originally Posted by Tak (Post 3600687)
Eh? I think its personal preferences. If you like dual-Katana, the Red Frame is your thing... if you like guns-blazing and a sexy-evil dark color scheme, go with the Strike Noir.

Relying on points for toys is just... iffy.

Not that I am bashing on the Red Frame, but its really personal preferences than anything else.

- Tak

i know, its just there for reference, looking at another person's judgement of the kit, how/what he thinks of the kits.

i did cited afterwards, it is his decision, whichever one he likes he should just go for that one.

If he is looking for opinions, i gave mine, and cited Dalong's reviews about it.

Butagami 2011-05-06 13:23

Picking from those three kits, I'd go for the Red Frame as well, it just looks so awesome.

Now for another MG dilemma, my own: For a first MG, should I go for Freedom, or Red Frame? I think I'll get both eventually, but which should be first? you only get to do your first mg once, so it's hard to choose...

Appel 2011-05-06 14:09

thats a tough choice... both are supposed to be great models. i think in this case it really depends on which suit you like better.
also, rrobbert184 on youtube has pretty good previews for both models:
red frame: (8 videos in a playlist)

i actually just ordered the freedom about a week ago though :P but because of the golden week in japan i didnt get it yet >_>

Se7en Sabers 2011-05-06 15:26


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3601935)
thats a tough choice... both are supposed to be great models. i think in this case it really depends on which suit you like better.
also, rrobbert184 on youtube has pretty good previews for both models:
red frame: (8 videos in a playlist)

i actually just ordered the freedom about a week ago though :P but because of the golden week in japan i didnt get it yet >_>

I agree at 100% :p rrobbert184 is a pretty awesome reviewer with some humor :D

With all of those Gundams, which one is your favorite ? For me, it's a hard question... :eyespin:

Butagami 2011-05-06 17:38


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3601935)
thats a tough choice... both are supposed to be great models. i think in this case it really depends on which suit you like better.
also, rrobbert184 on youtube has pretty good previews for both models:
red frame: (8 videos in a playlist)

i actually just ordered the freedom about a week ago though :P but because of the golden week in japan i didnt get it yet >_>

I know, that's the hard part. At the moment I'm leaning more towards Freedom, since it's a "normal" MG (that is, inner frame, armor covers that up nicely) while most of the inner frame of the RF remains visible, with only minimal armor.

It's not really a choice of "which one should I buy", but more one of "which one should i buy first?. Which of those two makes a better introducion to the MG line?

Tak 2011-05-06 17:53

The Freedom says: TAKE ME!

- Tak

Appel 2011-05-06 18:34


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3602185)
I know, that's the hard part. At the moment I'm leaning more towards Freedom, since it's a "normal" MG (that is, inner frame, armor covers that up nicely) while most of the inner frame of the RF remains visible, with only minimal armor.

It's not really a choice of "which one should I buy", but more one of "which one should i buy first?. Which of those two makes a better introducion to the MG line?

well, the freedom is 6 years older than the astray. as a kit from 2004 it has all regular master grade features and because of its relativ age it probably is a little less complex than the red frame, making it a great candidate for everyones first master grade.
but because of its age it probably isnt as impressive as the red frame (from a mechanical point of view) and you might be a little underwhelmed or disappointed.

i havent built any of them but knowing the SEED kits im sure that both of them are awesome and both would be a great first MG experience!
however, since i have built the perfect grade red frame and because ive seen rrobberts review of the MG version i do know that it is an EXTREMELY impressive kit. so if you are just worried about your first MG experience you should go with that one in my opinion!
but if you are more of a fan of a rather traditional gundam design you might want to go with the freedom

Se7en Sabers 2011-05-07 04:55


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3602220)
well, the freedom is 6 years older than the astray. as a kit from 2004 it has all regular master grade features and because of its relativ age it probably is a little less complex than the red frame, making it a great candidate for everyones first master grade.
but because of its age it probably isnt as impressive as the red frame (from a mechanical point of view) and you might be a little underwhelmed or disappointed.

i havent built any of them but knowing the SEED kits im sure that both of them are awesome and both would be a great first MG experience!
however, since i have built the perfect grade red frame and because ive seen rrobberts review of the MG version i do know that it is an EXTREMELY impressive kit. so if you are just worried about your first MG experience you should go with that one in my opinion!
but if you are more of a fan of a rather traditional gundam design you might want to go with the freedom

I agree. Besides, the Red Frame has peg on his hands to better hold his (gigantic) weapons :)

I've just finish the Freedom with all of his decals, dry transfer, panel lining and it looks beautiful :love:

If you are not very familiar with Gunplas, I'd recommend the Freedom, which is more simple to build, to gain some experience and after, get a more complex kit like the Red Frame.

My twin's first Gunpla was the PG 00 Raiser so.... At the final, it's up to you ;)

Appel 2011-05-07 09:24


Originally Posted by Se7en Sabers (Post 3602732)
I agree. Besides, the Red Frame has peg on his hands to better hold his (gigantic) weapons :)

I've just finish the Freedom with all of his decals, dry transfer, panel lining and it looks beautiful :love:

If you are not very familiar with Gunplas, I'd recommend the Freedom, which is more simple to build, to gain some experience and after, get a more complex kit like the Red Frame.

My twin's first Gunpla was the PG 00 Raiser so.... At the final, it's up to you ;)

yeah, ive seen that about the missing peg on its hand in rrobberts review... damn, looks like ill need to get out the sticky tag again XD

also, these images on gundamguy REALLY make me want to make bandai release a MG delta plus! =D
i love the design of that thing!

Se7en Sabers 2011-05-07 10:26

I think Bandai has already planned to release a MG of the Delta + in not a too distant future (after Epyon and 00 Raiser) since we've already plenty of Unicorn's versions, MG Rezel, etc...

Bandai has founded a new franchise to milk :D

GrahamAker 2011-05-07 11:35

you will get a sinanju version before that!

Appel 2011-05-07 11:54


Originally Posted by Se7en Sabers (Post 3602971)
I think Bandai has already planned to release a MG of the Delta + in not a too distant future (after Epyon and 00 Raiser) since we've already plenty of Unicorn's versions, MG Rezel, etc...

Bandai has founded a new franchise to milk :D

im pretty sure as well that we will get one! i mean riddhe is an important character, im sure his suit will get a MG!
the delta plus is high up on my wishlist and it makes me happy that it is very likely that we will see one.


Originally Posted by GrahamAker (Post 3603042)
you will get a sinanju version before that!

you still think so?^^ what exactly makes you think that there will be an OVA MG sinanju even though the ver.ka MG sinanju has the same design as the one in the anime?

Meehlimo 2011-05-07 14:35

K well i havent posted in a while so ill chime in. both the strike noir and freedom are solid kits. the internal frames are strong at all joints. the noir however is just a remodel of the original MG strike from way back. it has weak ankle joints n both suffer from the lack of the pegs hands for the weapons. overall they are both awesome kits in all respects. just my 2 cents. for the noir btw i would deff recommend a stand to really get to pose it correctly. it can stand on its own but its limited to its heavy striker pack.

Se7en Sabers 2011-05-07 15:22

I've just ordered the MG Red Frame on HLJ :p

I think the pegs on the hands, the two chrome katanas and the tactical arm 2L sold me.

Anyway, thanks for your answers :)

GN0010 Nosferatu 2011-05-07 15:31


Originally Posted by Se7en Sabers (Post 3602029)
I agree at 100% :p rrobbert184 is a pretty awesome reviewer with some humor :D

With all of those Gundams, which one is your favorite ? For me, it's a hard question... :eyespin:

....What Gundam IS THAT?!:twitch:

Appel 2011-05-07 15:50

its a custom design^^

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