Yeah it does feel kinda fragile compared to some of my other MG's but above all I wish it had a better inner frame as I wanted to give it a little battle damage on some of the outer armour.
yeah, the " innerframe " on it is .. well, meh. there pretty much is none, lol.
the things that really disturb me with the kit is the way the knee connects to the lower leg, its way too fragile, and not to mention the tiny plug used to connect the arms to the shoulders. then again, it really is a beautiful kit, the kampfer is one beautiful design |
its funny, the kampfer was the only kit availabe on the german amazon marketplace for a long time^^ now some guys offer the RX-78-2 and the GM, too. but thats it really :P
im also done with top coating all the pieces of my MG freedom now. i abandoned my exia for now simply because the paint sucks so hard... tomorrow im gonna panel line and build it, i cant wait! the freedom was always one of my favorites^^ |
i just completely repainted all blue pieces though. not because it didnt turn out well but because tamiya blue was just too dark in my opinion. with the bad light in my room right now i almost couldnt distinguish them among the black pieces... i painted them with tamiya briliant blue now and i like that way better^^ and because of the darker blue below it it turned out a tiny bit darker, i love that already! painting the freedom also taught me some things about painting. i was always afraid about painting my models because i thought id screw up horribly. but paint is actually very forgiving^^ just sand it and try again! i can recommend it to all those who didnt paint their models before, its a lot of fun and you get a lot more mileage out of your kits! edit: the top coat on the blue pieces is drying now. they turned out so beautifuly ;_; no bubbles, no nothing! this is the first time i painted the whole kit, im actually pretty proud about how it turned out =D |
the black and the blue were the only original colors i had problems with, anyway. the blue of the plastic was a little bit too light in my opinion and the black was a weird mix of dark grey and blue, i didnt like that at all so i just painted them black^^ the right red wasnt in stock were i got the cans and there are very little red pieces anyway so i didnt bother painting those. and since i always like the white of bandais plastic i didnt plan to paint that in the first place. that stuff looks good when its just top coated! i also didnt paint the parts of the inner frame. i wont see 99% of it anyway, so why bother? :P besides, im all out of top coat now. used the whole 400ml can on the freedom. so yeah, all in all the way i do it it isnt even that much work in the first place^^ just gotta throw some lining on the pieces tomorrow and im good to go. edit: here, this piece is part of the wings: http://www.abload.de/thumb/foto07421ny2.jpg pretty much all blue pieces look like that. im pretty happy with that color! it looks a little less dark in real life though, the photo is a tiny bit too dark because my phone camera sucks a little and the lighting in my room isnt the best at 00:30am^^ i used a flat top coat on all pieces by the way. |
dunno if you did that already or knew? Cheers. |
i will use enamel paint with thinner for panel lining. then i will rid of the excess paint with more thinner. i tried that on the sprue itself before i started coating the kit, it worked well^^
scratch that, didnt work at all! X'D i will try to get some different paint and thinner today and if that wont work ill just keep it not lined. |
Cam was a Nikon D90 nikkor 17-55mm F2.8 and in some photos nikkor 70-300mm VR lens
2 light setup 1 studio strobe with umbrella and 1 sb800 with blue/ purple gel to give the illusion of something exploding like in the anime :) those were my younger brother's shots |
i used a black enamel paint, mixed it with lighter fuel (which i used as thinner), let it run into the lining channels and cleaned it with a tissue soaked in more lighter fuel. that worked really really well, i got some pretty nice lines with that^^ the flat coat didnt suck up the paint at all and it was easy to clean |
I think it's that gloss coat makes the paint slide through the panel lines easier, and you can rub away the excess without damaging the paint.
edit: im done with the model itself, just gotta throw on the decals now. http://www.abload.de/img/foto0745dqab.jpg that was one hell of an uninteresting build :P im glad that i put some extra work into it, otherwise it would have been my most uninteresting master grade yet^^ |
MG 1/100 00 Raiser - Review
Reviews for the MG 1/100 00 Raiser have been posted. See here: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2011/0...aiser_230.html
Not to sure because of the lighting, but did you use the stickers on the rifle or did you paint the lines? not to criticize or anything in that matter just wondering? |
and yeah, the lighting is bad... i hate my apartment because of that! i have it standing next to my strike and the strike freedom now with all decals on^^ edit: these are a bit better: http://www.abload.de/img/foto0751onch.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/foto0755hupu.jpg |
cheers! :) |
edit: but just to make you happy i just did it anyway^^ |
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