You guys making fun of nike's dream of an MG R2 would probably die laughing since I'm wishing for something even worse: PG Nu. :uhoh::heh:
Exia R2... does not have those chances. |
"This ice-cream is delicious." "Yeah, the colours kinda reminds me of the Exia R2, wouldn't it be cool if they made a MG of it. I like ice-cream." On a side note, so getting that MG Heavy-Arms, even if it's not the variant I wanted. :heh: Cheers. |
putting some addon parts for MG V hexa doing the v core booster & the 3 boxes together |
Preview molds...
HGUC 1/144 Juaggu HGUC 1/144 Marasai [UC Ver.] HGUC 1/144 Zaku [Desert Color - Yonem Kirks Custom]. HGUC 1/144 Nemo [UC Ver.] |
...Did someone say MG Aegis?! WOOHOO! Just got into SEED watching the remaster episodes, and I love the Aegis. Seems the 1/144 and 1/100 versions aren't that good, so this is insane news.
And for those who wished for MG Aegis, congratulations to us! We prayed enough and didn't whine for it that's why Bandai is hearing our wish :) Anyway, isn't the Marasai UC version gonna use the OLD HG Marasai mold? Or is it gonna be new? |
As for the HGUC Nemo - looks like that awesome beam lance in Unicorn Episode 4 won't be included. Sigh. |
MG Unicorn Banshee: MG AGE-1 Spallow and MG AGE-1 Titus: |
@LoweGear Thanks for the pic. That's what I was actually talking about. For Bandai's prototype, they leave the old molds colored, while leaving the new parts uncolored to show us what parts are actually new. So I think it's safe to assume that HG Marasai is a new mold. Though it could be based on the old one, it will definitely have some improvements.
I pray that the final color of the MG Banshee won't be like in the pictures. The color composition looks weird. Black/blue with yellow and orange?
I hope Banshee still comes with its regular shield and weapons like the HGUC. Not a huge fan of the new weapons. :heh:
And it's nice to see the SEED MGs confirmed, instead of just hinted at. But at the same time, it's sort of disappointing that Bandai seems to have put the Wing MG line on the backburner before we got Nataku or Heavyarms Custom. |
Maybe Banshee will be double released, one with Gold plating and one with a more yellow/orange psychoframe like the HGUC?
Now, for my next prediction :- 1/100 MG Banshee Titanium version. With platings in both the interior and exterior. Going at 12,000 yen. |
@MakubeX2 For a very popular kit like Banshee, variations are to be expected. But damn, I didn't see MG Banshee coming this fast. Just 2 months after its HG release.
PS :- I saw that in the promo scan them talking about Banshee's psycoframe being mould in clear orange. I advise people to wait for the gold plated release. |
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