For more info, dalong has it reviewed: A word of advice for anyone considering a MKII v 2.0: if your up for posing your kit as much as you want to, I don't recommend this v 2.0. Mine, it got so bad to the point I had to heavily mod the inner part that swivels the leg joints, because it became too loose for enjoyment. Of course, after my mods, it was ok, except the problem now is the legs easily detach from the ball socket part :frustrated: Bandai said the MG Nemo model kit will use lessons learned from customer feedback, so I'm interested to see that. |
if it gets too loose do some super glue mod...
wow the MG MK v.2 has almost as good as the articulation as teh PG >_<
I'll post a pic of my master grades when I find batteries for my Camera.
My mastergrades are GP-01fb RX-79[G] RGM-79 And the baby of my collection, the Kaempfer I also have an RX-78-2 Mastergrade in the mail, on its way to me. Damnit, i wish I had batteries.. *editors note* Models ain't painted...but they look nice anyways. |
best place i reccomend which most of you have mentioned is rainbowten. Just got my zeta gundam v2.0 and shipping took about a week with airmail :D. too bad shipping costed 2500 yen. Otherwise good deal. I'll take pictures when im done.
I don't know if I should display my Tallgeese 3....
I mean, it's just.... so GRAY.... I mean, I suck at painting, the onlything I can really do is a little touch up here and their with a toothpick, not to mention that painting with white in general(spray or hand, it's all the same, with hand morso) just plain sucks....ugh..... I really don't want to waste it. |
for me displaying snap-fit kits without painting is like showing up at the party in your pj. :p
In old days you had no choice but to paint as whole thing would come in single colour plastic unlike recent kits... also thy were rather horrible in terms of joint line - you often got the big gaps and other issues to deal with. Had to deal with all those before even you were thinking of painting... anyway that's just mho |
Meh. Doesn't matter anymore anyway. The joints are totally dead when I checked it 5 minutes ago. So, back into the basement with it. I don't even think it could stand like that anymore....(which is weird, considering that after I built it I never touched it.....). I guess 2 years can do alot of weathering to the joints....
easy way: take a fine tip sharpie, now color over the lines and such... if you must get it white(like i did) take each individual peice off, take masking tape, cover the parts that you dont want to color, take that spray paint/paintbrush and paint it... p.s. if you really suck with the brush find a SMALL one and practice on it. you might make mistakes so have something to erase with. as you get better and better get a bigger brush[though since im a fast learner i used the small for like 10 mins, got the bigger on and used it, thought it was too slow and got my spraypainter thingy (not the giant cans the airbrush things or whatever....)and painted it.... its awesome.... one of my "good" ones.... not the best] |
For the record, are there any major problems with the Kämpfer MG 1/100 model kit, or the MG God Gundam?
Except the Kampfer, So? Whats your point? |
See, some people weren't able to capitulate on that one sale where the RGX-79 went for US $7.99 I believe. Some were $4.99. By the way, I noticed when E-hobbies merged with amazon, they apparently brought their Gundams with them too. Quote:
The thumbs on the mastergrade Kampfer are also not the greatest.
The balljoint they rotate on is to big when the hand is assembled, and you could very easily twist the thumb off its balljoint if you don't pay attention. but its not that big a deal if you are careful. and to be fair, The kampfer was from amazon..I just didn't want to catch flak about buying the cheap models from amazon ^_^ EDIT I don't have anything wrong with my kampfer's thrusters, every one of them are posable to a noticable degree. HOWEVER warning to anynoe who buys the GP-01fb model, there are ALOT OF PEOPLE reporting parts that are screwed up in the injection molding proccess. I myself had atleast 1 part messed up, thankfully it wasn't structual critical |
I actually had to reorder my GP01's eyes from Bandai earlier (not the Fb type) because the eyes on mine were all screwed up and wouldn't sit flush with the rest of the head. Hopefully my Fb won't have any bad moldings.
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