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Infinite Zenith 2013-01-13 13:25


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4510997)


BTW! May I add something to your list? Since you have trans-am version of Exia and 00-Raiser, don't you want MG Qan[T] Trans-am, MG Qan[T] Quantum Burst version, MG Qan[T] /w Full Saber Trans-am, MG Qan[T] Quantum Burst version and MG 00 7/S G Inspection colors?

We could just paint the MG 00 SS/G to get the inspection colours :heh:

Shield, rifle and bazooka left. I still have to buy gattling guns XD[/QUOTE]

That looks beastly: nicely done! Do you feel that the MG Sinanju feels more like a Perfect Grade than a Master Grade in all but name and size?

Appel 2013-01-13 17:04


Originally Posted by ForwardUntoDawn (Post 4511626)
Do you feel that the MG Sinanju feels more like a Perfect Grade than a Master Grade in all but name and size?

Since I have built the MG Sinanju as well... No, I don't think so. While it is one of the most amazing kits that I have ever built it still isn't nearly as complex as or detailed as my PG Astray Red Frame.
From what I have seen so far the new MG Nu Ver.Ka seems to be a LOT closer to being a 1/100 scale Perfect Grade. Especially when you look at the legs and it's hands. The manipulators are essentially the same as a PG.

maknaedik 2013-01-13 17:53


Originally Posted by ForwardUntoDawn (Post 4511626)
That looks beastly: nicely done! Do you feel that the MG Sinanju feels more like a Perfect Grade than a Master Grade in all but name and size?

Nope. I agree with what Appel said. Nu Gundam ver KA is closer to an MG. Maybe in terms of size, but complexity, I don't think so.

kakakka 2013-01-13 18:22


Originally Posted by loon1688 (Post 4510513)

Just as I decided to hold off buying that for next month. Arrggghhh!!! :heh:

Nice pics of RG Zeta you got there loon1688 :)

Infinite Zenith 2013-01-13 18:47


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4511878)
Nope. I agree with what Appel said. Nu Gundam ver KA is closer to an MG. Maybe in terms of size, but complexity, I don't think so.

Fair enough. That said, I've never built a model with quite so much detail in the legs before (with respect to the MG Nu Gundam Ver Ka.). Compared to the previous MG Nu, it feels like the new one is on a completely different level ;)

Zeydra 2013-01-14 00:03


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4511538)
One could argue that this is a model kit and not a toy. If you aren't happy with the looks you can always paint it. The HG Delta Plus doesn't have anime accurate colors as well for example. It's a lot darker than the MG.
However, I really don't understand why they used a brown-ish color instead of purple for the Rozen Zulu... That part I can understand, there is a difference between a different shade of the original color and using a different color all together. In that regard the Rozen does look pretty bad. But still, you can always just paint it yourself. And in this case it really isn't difficult.

Not everyone can paint (my rental home is far too small for airbrushing, and my hands are literally incapable of doing somthing like handpainting, for example). Part of the appeal of kits like Gunpla, is that they as a standard resemble the anime even without painting. Lego sets are a form of model kit, yet like Gunpla I wouldn't expect to have to paint them to get something to at least resemble what it is based upon.

Gunpla are not resin kits, they do not get nor should be given a pass on faulty colouring just because they can be painted.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-01-14 00:13

I agree that Bandai really messed up with Rozen's color this time. And this comes from someone who is okay with HG Delta Plus' color :D. Even the color of the prototype Rozen kit they exhibited was already excellent. After that, fans can only expect perfection for the actual product, only to be sorely disappointed by that brownish-colored body. I wonder what they were smoking when they decided to use that kinda color :heh:.

maknaedik 2013-01-14 00:36

I don't get the point of making Rozen Zulu's color to brown? Are they saving or something? Will it cost them less if they do that? It's an obvious mistake so why did they let that happen? Can someone enlighten me?

firefox 2013-01-14 02:28


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4512293)
I don't get the point of making Rozen Zulu's color to brown? Are they saving or something? Will it cost them less if they do that? It's an obvious mistake so why did they let that happen? Can someone enlighten me?

it's all downhill from now on with we make a paralel with hasbro's transformers line, once you start with brown it's all over, all models will have brown! :D

loon1688 2013-01-14 03:42


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 4511906)
Just as I decided to hold off buying that for next month. Arrggghhh!!! :heh:

Nice pics of RG Zeta you got there loon1688 :)

Thanks Bro.....

suiton629 2013-01-14 13:42

^ Do you think that any of the predictions made on the GToys Blog will come true?

MG Prometheus
MG Snow White
MG Warlock

What are those?

Also, surprised to see that GToys thinks we'll see the Gundam X series getting MG (X, X Divider and Double X).

But I would definitely love to see their 00 and Wing predictions to come out.

derrickmc63 2013-01-14 15:11


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4512968)

^ Do you think that any of the predictions made on the GToys Blog will come true?

MG Prometheus
MG Snow White
MG Warlock

What are those?

Also, surprised to see that GToys thinks we'll see the Gundam X series getting MG (X, X Divider and Double X).

But I would definitely love to see their 00 and Wing predictions to come out.

Funny. When i translated the page it had no 00, x, crossbone or age kits on their predictions and the only wing predictions that came up were tallgesse 2 and 3 and altron ew.

suiton629 2013-01-14 15:16


Originally Posted by derrickmc63 (Post 4513026)
Funny. When i translated the page it had no 00, x, crossbone or age kits on their predictions and the only wing predictions that came up were tallgesse 2 and 3 and altron ew.

MG ゾック (Zock)
MG ガンダム オリジン版 (Gundam The Origins Ver.)
MG ドズルザク (MSV Green Zaku variant)
MG ザクタンク (Zaku Tank)
MG マゼラアタック
MG ガンキャノンVer2.0 (Gun Cannon Ver. 2.0)
MG ドムVer2.0 (DOM Ver. 2.0)
MG コアブースター (Core Booster)

MG グフカス2.0
MG ザクⅡ改 (Zaku II FZ)

MG ガンダムMK-ⅡVer.ka (Gundam MK-II Ver. Ka)
MG ディジェ (Adige)
MG パラスアテネ (Palace Athene)
MG メッサーラ (Messara)
MG ガルバルディβ (Garubarudi β)
MG スーパーガンダムver2

MG ZZver2.0 (ZZ Gundam Ver 2.0)

MG サザビーVer2.0 (Sazabi Ver. 2.0)
MG ギラ・ドーガ レズン機、(Geara Doga)
MG ギラ・ドーガ フロンタル機

MG バンシィ・ノルン
MG ユニコーンガンダムver2
MG フルアーマーユニコーンガンダム アニメ版
MG シナンジュ アニメ版
MG クシャトリヤ
MG ローゼン・ズール
MG デルタガンダム
MG ジェスタキャノン
MG スタークジェガン
MG ベースジャバー

MG ガンダムX
MG ガンダムダブルエックス
MG ガンダムXディバイダー
MG エアマスター
MG レオパルド

MG ターンX

MG デスティニーインパルス
MG フリーダムガンダムver2.0
MG フリーダムガンダム リマスター版
MG ミーティア
MG ストライクルージュ リマスター版
MG ストライクIWSP リマスター版
MG ソード・ランチャーストライク リマスター版
MG シグー
MG フォビドゥン、カラミティ、レイダーガンダム
MG ゴールドフレーム天か天ミナ
MG ブルデュエル
MG ヴェルデバスター
MG ガナーザクウォーリアー
MG ザクファントム

MG ウィングゼロTV版 (Wing Gundam Zero TV Ver.)
MG ウイングゼロEWVer.2.0 (Wing Gundam Zero EW Ver. 2.0)
MG ウイングゼロカスタム Ver2 (Wing Gundam Zero Custom Ver. 2.0)
MG サンドロック改 (Sandrock Kai)
MG ヘビーアームズ改 (Heavyarms Kai)
MG プロメテウス (Prometheus)
MG スノーホワイト (Snow White)
MG ワーロック (Warlock)

MG クロスボーン・ガンダム ゴースト (Crossbone Gundam)
MG ファントム (Phantom Pain)

MG リボーンズガンダム (Reborns)
MG ガンダムエクシアリペア2 (Exia R2)
MG ガンダムエクシアリペア3 (Exia R3)
MG クアンタムバースト (00 Qan[T] Quantum Burst Mode)
MG アドヴァンスドジンクス (GN-X Advance)
MG デュナメス・キュリオス・ヴァーチェ (Dyames, Kyrios, Virtue)
MG アヴァランチダッシュ (Avalanche Dash Exia)

MG ガンダムAGE-2ダブルバレット(Age-2 Double Bullet)
MG ゼイドラ (Zeydra)
MG クロノス (Kronos)
MG ジルスベイン

(Taken from GToys)

kakakka 2013-01-14 17:29


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4512968)

^ Do you think that any of the predictions made on the GToys Blog will come true?

MG Prometheus
MG Snow White
MG Warlock

What are those?

Also, surprised to see that GToys thinks we'll see the Gundam X series getting MG (X, X Divider and Double X).

But I would definitely love to see their 00 and Wing predictions to come out.


Originally Posted by derrickmc63 (Post 4513026)
Funny. When i translated the page it had no 00, x, crossbone or age kits on their predictions and the only wing predictions that came up were tallgesse 2 and 3 and altron ew.

Is gtoys indicator of Bandai's release? I don't find it such a big deal, though correct me if I'm wrong.

suiton629 2013-01-14 18:09

Not too sure if GToys is an indicator or anything at all.
They just seem to be one of those blogs where they are really aware of how Bandai does business and probably goes by that.

maknaedik 2013-01-14 18:25

His list now isn't as filtered as before since Bandai already announced to us MANY of the next MG releases. And I hope that Sazabi ver KA comes true.

Skye629 2013-01-14 20:08


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4512968)

^ Do you think that any of the predictions made on the GToys Blog will come true?

MG Prometheus
MG Snow White
MG Warlock

What are those?

Also, surprised to see that GToys thinks we'll see the Gundam X series getting MG (X, X Divider and Double X).

But I would definitely love to see their 00 and Wing predictions to come out.

Seeing as you have been listing so many Wing MGs you want u seriously do not know what those suits are? They're the Frozen Teardrop gundams, of which only Prometheus have been revealed


Originally Posted by loon1688 (Post 4512440)
Thanks Bro.....

Hey how stable is the RG Zeta? Im debating between it and the HGUC (cheaper, proportions are still pretty good to this day, and it got the BFG of course lol)

On the topic of predictions, which are not that big a deal:

I think the highest possibilities are:

Wing kits (as noted in Bandais plan to continue the Wing line)
DESTINY kits (due to remaster, this includes stargazer kits maybe if they decide to capitalize on the bluray)
UC (obviously being the last year, 2 already confirmed, maybe a Rozen later on?)
Finish up AGE line
08th MS team 2.0s maybe? (or RG)

Finish up AGE line
Unicorn kits and variations as the episodes come along, definitely FA at some point
DESTINY "Remastered" HG kits, still going to be crap lol (except Destiny and Legend)
Zeta era UC kits as we have been seeing for the past few months

Thats about it, from a business perspective its obviously Bandais intent to capitalize on UC and Destiny while finishing up AGE, then probably picking up Wing to fill in after AGE is done

suiton629 2013-01-14 20:16


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4513296)
Seeing as you have been listing so many Wing MGs you want u seriously do not know what those suits are? They're the Frozen Teardrop gundams, of which only Prometheus have been revealed

Hey how stable is the RG Zeta? Im debating between it and the HGUC (cheaper, proportions are still pretty good to this day, and it got the BFG of course lol)

On the topic of predictions, which are not that big a deal:

I think the highest possibilities are:

Wing kits (as noted in Bandais plan to continue the Wing line)
DESTINY kits (due to remaster, this includes stargazer kits maybe if they decide to capitalize on the bluray)
UC (obviously being the last year, 2 already confirmed, maybe a Rozen later on?)
Finish up AGE line
08th MS team 2.0s maybe? (or RG)

Finish up AGE line
Unicorn kits and variations as the episodes come along, definitely FA at some point
DESTINY "Remastered" HG kits, still going to be crap lol (except Destiny and Legend)
Zeta era UC kits as we have been seeing for the past few months

Thats about it, from a business perspective its obviously Bandais intent to capitalize on UC and Destiny while finishing up AGE, then probably picking up Wing to fill in after AGE is done


Wing Gundam Zero (TV)
Wing Gundam Zero (EW) Remaster
Wing Gundam (EW) Remaster
Heavyarms Kai EW
Sandrock Kai EW
Tallgeese II
Tallgeese III
Serpent Custom?
Age-1 Gransa
Age-2 Double Bullet
Age-2 Special Forces
Age-3 Normal
Age-3 Orbital
Age-3 Fortress
Age-FX Burst

Those are probably the likely ones if we "finish up" the MG line of Age and Wing?

Infinite Zenith 2013-01-14 20:29

My wallet will empty out remarkably quickly if they release an MG Reborns and MG Exia R3. Heck, I personally would be inclined to believe that Sunrise may just skip on the R2 and release the parts for it with the R3, but that is pure speculation :heh:

maknaedik 2013-01-14 21:50


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4513296)
Finish up AGE line

Besides the two, FX and 3 Normal that's already been confirmed, I'm really doubtful that we will be seeing other MGs from Age.


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4513296)
UC (obviously being the last year, 2 already confirmed, maybe a Rozen later on?)

Agreed! They can't cheap me out by the brown HGUC version. I don't have an airbrush and won't invest in such and I'm too lazy to handpaint (though that could be quite interesting to do AGAIN).

Just a random guess, MG Gebrera Tetra and MG Geymalk. This is more of wishlist actually being the latter almost impossible as it ain't available even in HG form.

If Bandai decides to make an HG 1/144 Blast Impulse, then chances of getting its MG will be high!

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