http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psa36e486c.jpg Don't tell me about random messy shelf. Not to mention I got boxes of half built kits under my bed. |
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) |
1.)Some plastic cement 2.)A finger nail polishing kit http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps0ff29640.jpg Snap fit the kit, put some glue on there. Once it's dry take the nail polisher and buff it. You can get it to look like the original unpainted kit, with very little effort but, you get a seamless look. Because you're not worried about painting poly caps(Like I do...), you can just leave it together. Edit: It's good for nub marks too. You'll probably need some sandpaper for a better finish though. All in all the nail polisher is easy to find in any location, it's cheap, you can get a good result with little effort. |
Here is an example of what I mean: Snap fitted part. No prep or sanding. I didn't even wash the parts. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps5e63ceba.jpg The surface isn't very nice looking. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psba686ce3.jpg First I use the coarse side. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps61a4f54c.jpg Then the grey finer side.(At this point it's the same as what was there originally, just cleaner and more uniform) http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps570e0708.jpg Finally I use the white buffing side. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psd0c3e563.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psae7f0f8d.jpg Seam lines don't bother me either, as I paint my kits. (Not that I have lately geez..) I just sand them flush, then I'll dress them up to look like panel lines. |
Maybe if the Wing Gundam Proto Zero Master Grade sells well, it might convince Bandai 'nuff for them to do a MG Wing EW 2.0/Remaster and a MG Wing Zero EW 2.9/Remaster.
@Providenceangle That looks really nice :). Like I said, nice tips. I may not all for sandpaper, but I'll give that finger nail polishing kit a shot if I can find any around here. I'm not really familiar with that tool tbh, but I'll try it (given I have enough time. Recently, being able to relax on a couch while watching TV, straight-build a kit and write in a forum like this is a luxury. Thanks to my almost-neverending work :mad:).
I can't figure out if it's Photobucket, or this site but... Sometimes the images I post won't load. I don't know if anyone else can see them or not... Ah well. |
Oh, I don't see any pics in your post above btw. Photobucket is often like that. |
Freedom LED: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps58a7212b.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psbb6da105.jpg Ultra mode! http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps17734e13.jpg Poor led is at it's max! It's a 3mm white, rated for 3 volts. I'm running it on 5 volts(I plan to hack up USB to power it) with a 2k resistor. It's probably getting 3.5v in that last picture. Probably won't get good life like that, but it's not overly stressed. If your leds turn yellow(if they aren't already yellow), they are usually burning out. A tip for those who wonder where to get wire. If you got ethernet cords around that you don't use. Cut them up. It's a good source of high gauge wire. Small, useful copper wire. If it's good enough to send internet through, it's more then good enough for some basic electricity. |
Should I get these HGs
Astraea Astraea Type F 0 Gundam (Type ACD) 0 Gundam (Roll Out) Exia 00 Raiser w/ GN Sword III Exia R2 00 Raiser Condenser Type 00 Qan[T] Avalanche Dash Exia Or should I just save for a MG Wing (TV), MG Wing Proto Zero, and 2 Action Base 1 (Black)? |
@Providence What parts of the head did you carve to get that LED inside? Did you only carve out the clear part inside the head? I recall you also able to put in LED inside a HG 1/144 head, how much work does it take? Can you do that to mono-eye suits like Sinanju, Khsatriya, Zakus, Doms, Goufs, etc?
Here is what I'm doing for the Sinanju: Open up the head http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps3c33c844.jpg Cut these tabs off http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps43f1a568.jpg Slap a led in there to test fit http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps1ebf53a4.jpg As you can see it's way too big, but front to back it's good. Just sand it smaller diameter. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...ps475953bc.jpg Test it. Just to let anyone know, I use something called a Arduino mini. It's a type of micro controller board programmer. It also supplies 3.3v and 5v via pins. Using a bread board you can test leds and many other things. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...pse4cb3a18.jpg Using it I don't need to solder anything. Just plug and try. Once I'm satisfied with the resistance and other things, I can then solder, getting this result. It's much brighter then it looks. You can adjust this with more resistance. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psec6a9bd6.jpg |
This explains what I did with the freedom. What I'll do with the Strike RM. Probably do something similar with my MG Nu as well. |
^ Thanks bro. It’s nice to have someone as skillful as you here. Your posts above are great input to this thread. At the very least, it’s miles better than spamming a wishlist or what-to-buy list like a certain someone here loves to do whenever he get the chance. Keep up the good work, Prov ;).
I want this NAO! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gBaE4kLInF...rg_gp01044.jpg |
And cut one of you 00 Raiser's, they're mostly redundant (get the AotT one, only difference is that it has the condensers and a gray raiser cockpit) Heck most of your list is redundant but if you want that whole collection, suit yourself You are forgetting 007S too |
I didn't actually plan on buying it, I was getting a couple of them Idolm@ster planes and then the thought of the GP01 crossed my mind so I went to see if I could get one and just decided "what the hell gonna get me my first RG!":D Now saving for a Hasegawa Osprey which I might also get me some AGe kits as well. Been meaning to get a AGe-1 and EXEs for some time. |
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