Man i swear you're a masochist when it comes to model building
Small time
Have YOU try to assemble a Gaogao bootleg MG? |
Right so rather than get involved in more NSFD or War Room stupidity on SB, I'm building my ECOAS Jegan. Also taking photos again.
You guys are making me NOT look forward to building my first RG lol
Also the new UC Trailer just sold me on getting a Green Psychoframe Unicorn to pose with the Banshee |
I once built the MG Zeta Gundam (The older Ver 1.0). Building the RG Zeta is the same thing only smaller. MUCH SMALLER.
As for the upcoming Turn-A HGkit... https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...78072050_n.jpg |
Along with my own Banshee NTD And a unbuild normal Unicorn NTD in the unbuilt pile, also owned by my bro (bought a second after the beam saber peg on the backpack snapped, which also happened again lol, then he rage-quit building them So yeah, I already more or less built it twice already, and by the time I get the Norn's and the Green version and finish those I would have built: 3 Unicorn NTD 2 Banshee Unicorn Mode 2 Banshee NTD Repetitive as hell (though the normal Unicorn is not too bad, since its white its easier to clean and whatnot) |
Good point. Maybe I should make my next HGUC a Normal Unicorn then - afterall I've got white marker now, even if it is AGE colors... Also I've started building my ECOAS JEgan. And you know what, it's finished! Not even five minutes! XD ...okay, I just plunked the ECOAS head on the Stark body, took off the Stark parts, and mounted the ECOAS backpack. :p :heh: Okay, in all seriousness, I have to say: Stark Jegan without its parts? Just looks like an ordinary Jegan. Feels a little boring. Not special. And jesus it's using the GM II's beam rifle. (Also, the ECOAS backpack fits loosely into the Stark Jegan's mount for some reason.) But then, I tried something, mounting the ECOAS Jegan's visor. And whaddya know, that small addition suddenly made it seem more badass. What is this I don't even... Pics to follow tomorrow. |
I spent 3 years looking at my Stark Jegan and never relized I put the normal Jegan mouth piece on. After replaced it with the Stark Jegan mouth guard and gave its missle launcher instantly looked 100% More awesome, while airborne ready to strike the Kshatriya.
Ha, got me something I shouldn't have bought at all and I really mean I really shouldn't have bought it at all but when I was in my local comic store and happened to spy something on the top shelf I really didn't expect to see and just had to get it.....
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The Destiny is one of my top five favs gundams. Tell me does it come with the "Wings of Light" effect? |
You know thing is Destiny isn't one of my top favs, it's nice but I never felt like I wanted the MG or anything. However when I saw the Metal Build when it was announced I did want it then cause as far as Metal builds go it's one of my favorites even more so than the Exia(which imo is abit plain). Now if they only give me mai Metal Build Sinanju I could probably give up the hobby:P There wouldn't be anything sexier than a MB Sinanju or a PG Sinanju. |
What manner of LED do I need to get to fit it into the GP Base?
Just a sample of my VSWIP
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...50119775_n.jpg Beam rifle, hyper bazooka, shield and beam sabers left :P More pics here: |
Hey guys.
Not really a fan of the beige parts on my ECOAS Jegan, thinking of coloring them gray. Is it possible to mix black and white color from the gundam marker to make gray? |
Just use a Gray gundam marker or get normal gray paint in a bottle, way easier |
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