what I wish they'd do is make a 2.0 version of the RGM-79 GM. the GM series gets no love at all and I can only find old models.
You can see the GN ARMS boxart in the front page The GN-Arms is called Type E, maybe there's other type. And the Exia is called Trans Mode... |
funny i cant see the boxart.......
Here be my Exia and Dynames. Warning, long post. (Shit quality, phone camera)
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/d...l/DSC00001.jpg Spoiler for Exia:
I first built the Exia, then I decided it looks quite bland, so I decided to customise it. All the red parts have been sprayed black, save the chin. Also, two of the GN sabres, the 2 GN blades, and the blade and handgun of the GN shield/gun have been sprayed black. The previously mentioned blade has been left without top coat, so it looks shiny. The GN drive, from the front has been sprayed black, because the previously present green sticker and clear plastic looked amateurish. The GN drive at the back has some silver specks (done with a quick spray with silver) to give the impression GN particles are being emitted :). Posing is limited because one of the leg joints fall apart whenever I move it :(. Oh yeah, I lost the side torso plates ( I wasn't even aware till I looked at some pretty Exia model pics, bah I'm ignorant) Spoiler for Dynames:
Dynames was fun to build :D. Not much customisation yet, due to IB. Green parts sprayed with British Green, whole model top coated. GN drive from the front, like Exia, has been sprayed black instead of a shiny green sticker (eww). If you can see, the pistol holsters are black with silver. I accidentally made that when the silver ran out when I was spraying them, so I covered them with black (I love 'em, btw). Posing is great, as you can see. Btw, some dude mentioned back several pages the GN sabres fall out of the ass vent slots. Mine fit fine. These two are the first kits that I've built in a long time (I built a 2 others before, just snipped and snapped together, I threw them away), and I think I did a fine job. Now for Kyrios and Virtue/Nadleeh :) |
Saw the boxart, type-E probably represents type-Exia or something.
Exia without the red is actually quite cool :D
Oh, anyone has the GFF Zeta Gundam? Wondering what's it quality, its transformation system and whether I should try playing with this figure or just decide a pose and leave it as if? |
im more partial to the astraea then the exia to be honest.
dont know about GFF's. tend to stay away from those. a lot of them do look really cool tho. |
The GN Arms' box art looks great. I can see Nadleeh on the background. =O |
Talking about GMs, the next MS I gonna buy is the Fix Figuration of the famous Sniper Custom. One of the Federation aces scored most kills during the One Year War in this baby. That's one helluva reason to buy it beside the fact that I love green long-range Mobile Suits :D
Confirmed for release :-
HGナドレにはシールドとライフルっぽい物がついてくる。 HG Nadleeh will comes with a shield and rifle. GNアームズはデュナメス用の2号機が登場。本体のデザインは一緒だが、両手の武装がキャノンとランチャー っぽい物に変更されている HG GN-ARMS + Dynames with a Cannon + Launcher. Rumour :- 1/100 アヴァランチ 5月 1/100 Avalanche-May 1/100 フラッグ 5月 1/100 Flag-May HG イナクト サーシェス機とサワー機が初夏 HG Enact Ali & Patrick Custom - EArly Summer. |
HG GN Arms DYNAMES!!! If they say this Cannon + Launcher, do they mean the big-ass cannon Neil used when he fired into the orbit to save the endangered civilians during the "Allelujah rescue action"?
The Dynames (Type-D) GN-ARMS should have some range weaponary (Cannon + Launcher) in this case. Bandai is still hush-hush on this case, but this is from a insider info (type97, for those who know their Gunpla info source) , so take heed if range weponary is your thing and skip the Type-E GN-ARMS. |
No...I but would love you if the rumors of 1/100 Avalanche and Flag comes true :cool: |
so what now?
GN Arms + Dynames GN Arms + Kyrios GN arms + Virtue??? i sound so cynical when comes to model now lol.. |
i got a question, the 1/100 models of exia, dynames etc. are they MG? as in internal skeleton and details? or its just a 1/100 scale model?
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