Sticky tack is your friend guys. u can add as much as u want to joints if i overdo it remove sum been doin it for years. it doesnt wear away like a layer of clear coat will in the matter of a few poses. the sticky tack doesnt wear away its just normal sticky tack used for putting up posters n such. using clear coat n such can wear or damage the plastic where this is safe.
Does anyone here know how to do the mod with the MG Wing Ka that lets it extend?
Examples: Spoiler for Quite big pics:
^the models looks so damn good, i wish im at that skill level :(
Found this while being in the CG subforum:
Turn X! http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/images/hm0010/017.jpg http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/images/hm0010/018.jpg from http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2008/08/hm0010.html with pics of G00 and CG models. |
does this possibly mean that my most favorite mech design ever is going to be MGified? |
But it does look great, my fingers are Xed too. |
omg, code geass mech is here too :love:
yeah turn x is very kool :love: |
Hi Wing and Wing Noir !
goddamn cool ;_; but how to mod the wings like that ???;_; |
1/100 Exia Tans-am EXF boxart?
Aile Sword Launcher Strike
My latest creation:
http://acesan.files.wordpress.com/20...ike_asl_03.jpg More pics at blog: http://acesan.wordpress.com |
closeup of HG GN Arms Type D frm Gundam Expo 08
Prototype of 1/100 00 Gundam Spoiler:
HG 00 Gundam side boxart preview Spoiler:
How many times are they going to reuse that Wing Zero Custom pioneered pose for a box art ?
Its a nice pose. Beats a pose where Exia is trying to kiss its butt if you get what I mean ^^ Its just a simple elegant pose
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