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shin_lover77 2008-11-05 12:13


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2034138)
Arios DX set? Maybe with new tail unit or booster. It's almost double the price of regular Arios, so the add-on must be pretty big

i bet its like the missle pod thing in season one.. :confused:

Scavenger 2008-11-05 13:35


Originally Posted by Ric_L (Post 2034431)
hey guys, a total noobie to model painting here; I was wondering if someone here could recommend the exact color name from the tamiya spray line that I can use to match the light grey armor colour of the strike w/ IWSP; I was browsing the official tamiya website but I'm not sure how accurate they're represented; initially I was thinking silverleaf based on the website but apparently it has a metallic touch to it or so I've been told, so any help would much appreciated

o one other question, can spray cans produce a pretty good final product cause I really don't have the resources to invest in an airbrush

There is no Tamiya spray that matches the color. If you are that desperate you can choose to hand brush it; the paint mix ratio is 95% white and 5% black.

Kelrys 2008-11-05 14:17

Anyone know what is the exact color of the red trans-am? Looking for the Tamiya spray cans of that color.

rebel one 2008-11-05 20:00


Originally Posted by Kelrys (Post 2036513)
Anyone know what is the exact color of the red trans-am? Looking for the Tamiya spray cans of that color.

Trans Am is actually a combination of colors when it comes to the paint. Metallic, flourecent, and clear red and pink should be along the lines of what your looking for.

LoweGear 2008-11-05 23:32

Some more Robot Damashiii news:


Originally Posted by Ngee Khiong Blog
Robot Damashii (Side MS) Arios Gundam DX Set
- Comes with the special equipment for Arios Gundam
- Arios will be in Trans-Am color scheme
- Late February release, 5,250 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Special Item
- Is the separate release of the special equipment for Arios Gundam DX Set
- Late February release, 2,625 Yen (inclusive of tax).

LightningZERO 2008-11-05 23:50

What happened to Bandai? Why are they informing us that they will release the add-ons separately first? They don't want to milk more of our money? :D

Kelrys 2008-11-06 03:01


Originally Posted by rebel one (Post 2037027)
Trans Am is actually a combination of colors when it comes to the paint. Metallic, flourecent, and clear red and pink should be along the lines of what your looking for.

woa.. seems like its kinda hard.

duotiga 2008-11-06 08:51

1/100 00 Gundam

Ardi220288 2008-11-06 09:13

I just love that katar wish they show it in action soon

Kagekyuubi 2008-11-06 09:14

Is that CG or the actual kit? Either way, I glad that there's a only month left till it and the 0 riser arrive at my door. Thinking of having it shipped together with either a 1/100 Overflag or a 1/144 Cherudim and 1/144 Arios. What do you guys reckon I should go with?

LoweGear 2008-11-06 12:42


Originally Posted by Kagekyuubi (Post 2038013)
Is that CG or the actual kit?

Those are images of the actual kit.

Ric_L 2008-11-06 15:46


Originally Posted by Scavenger (Post 2036462)
There is no Tamiya spray that matches the color. If you are that desperate you can choose to hand brush it; the paint mix ratio is 95% white and 5% black.

thanks for the response

Also, I have another noobish question; is priming absolutely essential if I want to customize my own colors using spray cans, say paint a red piece white, etc.?

And is it true that painting white can be a pain in the a** with the tamiya spray line for whatever reason; any tips?

justsomeguy 2008-11-06 16:18


Originally Posted by Ric_L (Post 2038537)
thanks for the response

Also, I have another noobish question; is priming absolutely essential if I want to customize my own colors using spray cans, say paint a red piece white, etc.?

And is it true that painting white can be a pain in the a** with the tamiya spray line for whatever reason; any tips?

If you want the change the color of a piece, using white primer will give you a fresh start to work with. I don't think it's absolutely necessary, but if you want to test spraying without primers, just use the leftover runners to see if your paint will cover up the plastic color, and how many layers it would take.

Ric_L 2008-11-06 16:30


Originally Posted by justsomeguy (Post 2038576)
If you want the change the color of a piece, using white primer will give you a fresh start to work with. I don't think it's absolutely necessary, but if you want to test spraying without primers, just use the leftover runners to see if your paint will cover up the plastic color, and how many layers it would take.

great, thanks :)

GameraBaenre 2008-11-06 17:09


Originally Posted by Ric_L (Post 2038537)
thanks for the response

Also, I have another noobish question; is priming absolutely essential if I want to customize my own colors using spray cans, say paint a red piece white, etc.?

And is it true that painting white can be a pain in the a** with the tamiya spray line for whatever reason; any tips?

Primer will help give you a neutral color to start from. Spraying a paint color over a dark piece can affect the tone of the paint when painted on the part.

For instance, if you wanted to paint a piece that was molded in black, red, or yellow, it'll have a darker tone, or you would have to use more paint to cover all the black and over power the black color of the part. Now, if you sprayed on a light primer coat, you get to paint with a gray piece and then spraying on the red or the yellow wouldn't take as much paint, and would be a brighter color.

Here is more information about priming and the uses:

Critias 2008-11-06 18:52

eh I tend to use gray primer first, then I'll cover that with white if I require. White primer straight on tends to suck up the color it's on. i.e. White primer on a red part gives it vaguely pinkish tint. Barely noticeable but I freaking see it all the time.

beamknight87 2008-11-06 20:00


Originally Posted by Critias (Post 2038811)
eh I tend to use gray primer first, then I'll cover that with white if I require. White primer straight on tends to suck up the color it's on. i.e. White primer on a red part gives it vaguely pinkish tint. Barely noticeable but I freaking see it all the time.

true, I primed with white the red parts on my MG Destiny and even though it is very faint, you can notice a vague pink all over those pieces...

GameraBaenre 2008-11-06 20:17

Here are a couple of pictures of the HGUC Nu Gundams primed next to an unprimed one. You can see how the gray's tone is affected with the darker plastics. Still, the gray works as a good platform for other colors.

Critias 2008-11-06 22:13


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 2038928)
Here are a couple of pictures of the HGUC Nu Gundams primed next to an unprimed one. You can see how the gray's tone is affected with the darker plastics. Still, the gray works as a good platform for other colors.

True that, the white primer is just more noticeable to me though. White just makes it look brighter, which isn't a plus when working with the dark colors. bleh

Raven Revolution 2008-11-07 07:13

released today :

hope someone will make a review soon , I want to know more about its legs articulation 'cause it seems the new joints can help making them spread 180 degrees like HG 00 :D

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