I doubt the HGUC line would trump MG in detail(HG as its name suggests?), so is it the articulation? :confused:
GN Flag is sexy :D
lol's @ the attempted transformation tho :heh: |
how i wish it is a kit
The 00 with 0 Raiser makes me exceedingly sad.
It looks like a goddamn Mobile Armor. :( |
Newer kits are simply better engineered than older kits. That's always the case. HGUC models try to be as accurate as possible to the original source material while incorporating new model kit technologies that enhance ease of building or posability. The MG line I've found has had a recent habit of making designs with the sole purpose of showcasing new technology regardless of whether or not it's accurate to the source material. All of the SEED MG kits for example do not look anything at all like Okawara's lineart, yet are much better engineered than the standard grades. |
Robot Damashii Seravee to come with the new special gimmick as announced.
http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...8112624305.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...8112654075.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...8112677735.jpg |
Talk about taking a page out of Sirocco/The-O's book.
Hidden arms are awesome though :) |
Jeeez, they could have put the hidden arms for the HG release. =/
Hahaha I love those hidden arm I wonder what else that unit is hiding.
and what I manage to get today Spoiler for Finally.....:
So Seravee has 4 arms now :D
For those that have the 1/100 00 Gundam, is it worth it? Based on the pictures I've seen, it looks amazing, but seems to lack articulation and so. I'm contemplating on getting the 1/100 Double Oriser set..
It lacks waist joint, which is a big minus. If you can then wait a year or so for a MG instead :D
Nice hidden arms for Seravee too! |
I think the arms will appear in the 1/100 Seravee.
to me the wraist is no issue for me as i want to do a standing pose. all the articulation pose will be my HG kits instead :heh: |
I wonder if the 00 Gundam & the 00 from 0 Riser set will have the same articulation? |
unfortunately it's still the same, that's why i will try to modify it to having a waist joint
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