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Tormenk 2009-04-11 01:01

I tend to skimp over single-line posts so I might have missed the point. :heh:

The Exia R2 doesn't come with the GN-Sword III as well. Only the Trans-Am 00 Raiser comes with that.

Kelrys 2009-04-11 01:31

Then the Exia R2 kit comes with the Exia weapons?

duotiga 2009-04-11 01:46

HG Arche Gundam Boxart

Nerroth 2009-04-11 01:50

Is that the scene with it fighting Cherudim?

Those look like Rifle Bits to either side...

Jeffry2009 2009-04-11 01:56

Hello guys I just got the both 00 gundam & 0 raiser. Why? I couldn't find the 00 raiser set anywhere so i bought it separately.

I wonder IF only the 0 raiser can combine with EXIA instead of 00? any suggestions? :confused:

PS - maybe i can put into my visitor messages gallery instead of here i think.

@doutiga:- finally a BOX cover. Maybe I should get a seravee & seraphim first then new ARCHE.

Bashfulz 2009-04-11 02:37


do you mean 0 raiser with the 00 gundam??

dont think the 0 raiser can combine with the exia.. the gn drive will prob get in the way and i dont remb any hole at the back for the exia.

Kelrys 2009-04-11 02:56

Currently working on Bushido-san's Ahead

gundam rider 2009-04-11 03:00

^super-saiyan pose/ORE-WA GUNDAM!!?:heh:

Amber.Dawn 2009-04-11 03:10

Woot, Arche's boxart.

Mr Bushido's Ahead looks really cool. Thinking of getting it.

Hellbore 2009-04-11 05:10


Originally Posted by Kelrys (Post 2333851)
Then the Exia R2 kit comes with the Exia weapons?

Exia R2 will likely come with the weapons shown in ep 25;

2x beam saber

1x GN sword/rifle

duotiga 2009-04-11 05:13

according to this

HG 1/144 Exia R2 - Changes made to the shoulder, rear armor, calf (added with GN Particle injection nozzle), arm and waist. GN Sword III comes with clear part for the blade. Has gimmick for the GN Drive on the back.

Weapons include GN Sword III, GN Beam Saber x 4, GN Shield x 1, GN Long Blade x 1, GN Short Blade x 1.

June release, 1,260 Yen.

Jeffry2009 2009-04-11 05:22

My personal gundam collection:-
Spoiler for First of all...:
gundam collection.. (except of my AEU Enact where it's on display in the cupboard)

darkstrife 2009-04-11 07:49

hey guys i just have a question in regards to gundam painting, right now i'm using the tamiya spraypaints to paint my gundams (too poor to afford to an airbrush ><), and i was wondering if you guys can recommend me a good 'finishing spray' to protect my paint job

i heard there was like a matt spray which gives your paint a more plain, matt finish, is there like a clear matt spray or do i have to buy a matt spray for each individual colour on my gundams? can you guys recommend any other good finishing sprays? many thanks!!!

Un1ver5e 2009-04-11 08:11


Originally Posted by darkstrife (Post 2334271)
hey guys i just have a question in regards to gundam painting, right now i'm using the tamiya spraypaints to paint my gundams (too poor to afford to an airbrush ><), and i was wondering if you guys can recommend me a good 'finishing spray' to protect my paint job

i heard there was like a matt spray which gives your paint a more plain, matt finish, is there like a clear matt spray or do i have to buy a matt spray for each individual colour on my gundams? can you guys recommend any other good finishing sprays? many thanks!!!


Originally Posted by JayCee (Post 2266110)
Top coat is mainly used for protecting your paint. It lays a thin clear layer on top of your model. It also comes in 3 different finishes depending on ur preference. Matt, Semi gloss and Full gloss. Personally I prefer Matt. Also If you have minor scratches that's not too deep it can cover it up too or at least make it less visible. For those who don't like to paint it makes ur kit give a better less plasticky finish. So to answer ur question. Nothing happens if you don't use it. Just most people do prefer to use it to give a better finish.

Hope that helps


Originally Posted by JayCee (Post 2266142)
Try it! :) You'll notice a difference for the better. I think for me the added bonus is that it protects your decals because the top coat layer is on top of it so won't have to worry about it flaking off or what not when handled for posing. :) But make sure you run like hell and do it outside if you are using topcoat. The spray stinks like hell. I usually have a mask on for spraying and even then I have to run away cos it gives me a down right headache if I just stay there.


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2266879)
To add on JayCee's comments on the topcoat:

Matt - Most modellers prefer using matt on their Gunpla. A matt finish removes the shiny plastic sheen on the models which makes them look artificial instead.

Semi gloss - I'm not really a fan of semi-gloss. IMO, the effect it gives is almost the same as the models untouched, with that dumb plastic sheen.

Full gloss - Full gloss is normally used by modellers who want to give their work a metallic finish.

Hope that helps. =)


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2267341)
Adding onto what he said:

Matt finish helps to bring out the actual color of the parts. I sprayed my MG strike's shield with matt and the white looks whiter than the rest of the strike. :heh: And I think matt topcoats help to reduce fingerprints somewhat if you like playing with your models but don't quote me on this.

There is not much of a difference in semi-gloss. I sprayed some parts of my HGUC Sazabi with that and I was like 'lolwut', couldn't tell much before and after spraying there was a difference though it does help to eliminate the plastic swirling found from the injection process.

Glossy finish if you want your kits to be eye catching since glossy finishes are shiny and all. Though it leaves fingerprints very easily on the surface.

Quoted from the helpful dudes above, topcoat is classified into 3 types: Matt/Flat, Semi-Gloss and Gloss. It's just a transparent or translucent coat of paint applied over the underlying material as a sealer, no colours and whatnot. ;)

Mr SuperClear is a popular choice for Gundam modellers. Here's the flat topcoat from hjl, also known as a matt coat.

kakakka 2009-04-11 10:58


Originally Posted by KaiDamien (Post 2333665)

When Gadessa and Legend Gundam got fused into one...

Kelrys 2009-04-11 11:05

That's pretty good :)

The sword is from which model?

Tormenk 2009-04-11 11:20

1/100 Gold Frame Amatsu.

vektar 2009-04-11 11:22


Originally Posted by darkstrife (Post 2334271)
hey guys i just have a question in regards to gundam painting, right now i'm using the tamiya spraypaints to paint my gundams (too poor to afford to an airbrush ><), and i was wondering if you guys can recommend me a good 'finishing spray' to protect my paint job

i heard there was like a matt spray which gives your paint a more plain, matt finish, is there like a clear matt spray or do i have to buy a matt spray for each individual colour on my gundams? can you guys recommend any other good finishing sprays? many thanks!!!

tamiya makes their own top coat too i think, im sure i seen it at the hobby store i buy my paints from but then again it could be the Mr. Color version...

LoweGear 2009-04-11 12:28


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 2330529)

Now THAT is BEAUTIFUL :love:


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2330992)
1/100 tend to be No Grade (NG), which offers lesser detail than the High Grades (HG), which is offered in 1/144 scale. NGs has a lesser range to choose from than HGs too, if you study the HG 00 line. Other than that, it would be a matter of preference since 1/144's are easier to work with being smaller in size.

NOT Quite true. Generally, the 1/100 NG's offer better detail than 1/144's. I offer the example of the 1/100 Oveflag with its highly detailed engines, eyes, visor, wing and leg mechanics approaching MG level; the Tieren, with its grain-sanded armor mimicking that of a tanks, and the internal shoulder and GN Launcher detail on the Astraea. Even for the 00 S2 Gundams, they still offer better external detail than the 1/144 versions (the Shield Bits on the 1/100 Cherudim are filled in for instance, unlike the hollow 1/144 version).

The only reason that the 00 S2 kits seem to be lacking in detail is due to the fact that the lineart from which they're based from are also detail-light. Also, one should not confuse a model being feature-light - which the 00 S2 1/100's certainly are with the lack of waist joint - for being detail light.


Originally Posted by M_Flores (Post 2332433)
No offense to some people here, but I don't understand why people are getting so excited about O Gundam. In terms of design, its pretty much an RX-78-2 with a GN Drive.

That's EXACTLY it's appeal :uhoh::uhoh::uhoh:

Ardi220288 2009-04-11 13:03

Looks great can't wait to get my hand on this :D

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