Boxarts for HG Gaddess and HG Arios Gundam GNHW/M |
wow beautiful arios.... :D
Same can be said for Arios GNHW as well,pretty awesome boxart,nice to see Arios getting some heavy type weapons in S2.I felt like the Tail Booster Cannon from S1 still did not get a good sequel in the Gn Archer alone until it came about.Looking forward to adding this one to my box collection. Cant say the same for Cherudim GNHW.......its lineart was pretty.....meh....just like the previous Cherudim HG's boxart. |
Contrarily, it seems as though us 1/100 collectors continue to be neglected...
Maybe they dont know what to produce next?Since they may look at the HG sales before they go release it as a 1/100.
Of course,with Gundam 00[the series] over and all,they may want to save it for later and focus on the HGs first. |
Pictures from Otakon:
Story form: Just the pictures: |
Pretty bad ass art work.
New batch of stocks that just came in :- |
Man....that Damashii 7 Sword is gonna be so fucking awesome. Can't wait to get that one, same with Arche and the Gadess.
Gaga....not so much, a pointless release. But I thought Bandai would have shown more for the Side MS line. Oh well, maybe they'll show something new at the Comic Con. |
But I'm afraid I didn't allocate much of them to every branches, especially for the Ignition Mode which is like 1 per outlet. So you best call up the shops to make your reservation. |
:topicoff::topicoff::topicoff: sorry for the off topic but makube the image in your avatar you have it big? sorry i just got soo interested in it O_O :topicoff::topicoff::topicoff:
cant wait for my pre of the ignitions MG exia comes to my door XD |
For example: - [GNHW Arios] - Additional armaments include a larger GN Beam Rifle and two GN Missile racks upon its back. - [GNHW Seravee] - Additional armaments include two GN Beam Cannons at its waist along with a number of add-on packs that store and further enhance / regulate GN Particle distribution and usage. - [GNHW Cherudim] - Additional Armaments include more GN Beam Pistols along with the inclusion of the GN Rifle Bits. Hope that helps... |
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