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Knight_SV 2009-11-12 08:13

i don't understand... why bandai keep ovelooked the 1/100 00 series while they switch focusing the 1/100 line to seed vs astray??? there is so many suit from 00 (like masurao/susanowo,and reborns) who deserve getting a 1/100 treatment... it seems like they are ignoring the 1/100 00 line somehow...

Alexus_Z3 2009-11-12 11:06

umm because in seed you just have to recycle the kit :heh:

darkstrife 2009-11-12 17:33

well also because these bastards at Bandai wants to make you wait, the longer you wait the more you'll pay and want the kit when it actually comes out. also because they want you to buy the HG version first so they can 'double dip'..... the people at Bandai are the true devils of society lol

X207 2009-11-12 18:38

i disagree there are devils present in bandai but its not much different in other businesses. they really annoyed me and i fell for the 144 gaddess, i really would like a 100 scale of it but it probably wont be out for a while.

Hamachi 2009-11-12 21:52

What are the chances that Bandai will revive (i.e. make MG/HGUC) old kits such as:

The Silhouette Formula series
Gundam X
Gundam W G.U.N.I.T


LynnieS 2009-11-12 22:20


Originally Posted by Alexus_Z3 (Post 2763162)
umm because in seed you just have to recycle the kit :heh:

:) The 00 series has its own "side stories" - not to mention the UC timeline through the novels, games and etc. It'll take time to schedule - even assuming there is enough interest - but having the MS designs already + the base frame is already virtually done = easy work. I would not be surprised if 00 becomes a bigger joke than CE in a couple of years. :heh:

Kitaeryu 2009-11-12 23:55

I'm really hoping that 007S comes out. Didn't people post pictures of it before from magazine scans? What ever happened to that? And I thought people were saying that it would be released, but I never got any confirmation of that. =[

On a side note, it would be really nice if Bandai would release models of the 00 side stories, like Kyrios Gust and such. Thatd be sooooo awesome xD

GNWeapon 2009-11-13 00:27

The 007S is a resin conversion kit for the 1/144, and a limited edition conversion kit for the 1/100. Though I'm not quite sure on the 1/100.

SonicSP 2009-11-13 06:19


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 2762968)
i don't understand... why bandai keep ovelooked the 1/100 00 series while they switch focusing the 1/100 line to seed vs astray??? there is so many suit from 00 (like masurao/susanowo,and reborns) who deserve getting a 1/100 treatment... it seems like they are ignoring the 1/100 00 line somehow...

They've released 1/100 S2 Gundams in designer colors recently,so its not like they totally ignoring it.

Having said that,the S2 Gundams 1/100 are....well,the lack of torso movement for all of them I think boggles me,and I've heard they originally did it for 00 only for the 0 Raiser attachment but they've spread it to the others it seems.

But the suits that got the 1/100 in S1 are mostly Gundams anyway+ 2 Astraea

Either that or the sales aren;t convincing enough yet,HG Reborns didnt came out too long ago either,so maybe they;re waiting for the reaction before they decide.

Request: Does anybody have a link to a video that shows how to apply primer?

kakakka 2009-11-13 09:17

Gamera Baenre has some tutorials worth looking. I went there before and I remember there are videos.

SonicSP 2009-11-13 11:52

So you can use primer with an airbrush.I think somebody here told me that it can't be done.

Thanks for the help.

GameraBaenre 2009-11-13 14:48

If the primer if properly thinned, you can spray it through the airbrush. Or you can use spray can primers too. Just becareful not to over spray the primer as control with the spray can isn't as fine as with an airbrush. You can even decant spray can primer and use it in an airbrush, but you need to follow certain rules for decanting.. otherwise, you get an unexpected explosion of primer... I learned the hard way...

bio9205 2009-11-13 21:10


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2762926)
It has the yellow paint on the barrels, no fear.;)

Just be weary that the Gadessa can barely hold the Mega Launcher, it's pretty heavy for the arms. The trigger handle can't be grasped by the hands that well either.

Still a great figure though, I love it.

Thanks! :) I want it to replace my HG Gadessa, since I'm not one who paints.

Kelrys 2009-11-14 08:28

Its been awhile since I built a model! Here's my HG Susanowo.

kiak666 2009-11-14 09:27


Originally Posted by Kelrys (Post 2766656)

Nice. Haven't see you posting here for a while Kel.

X207 2009-11-14 13:58


Originally Posted by Kelrys (Post 2766656)

very nice susanowo kelrys.

does anyone konw where you can get stands for the gundams? i have 2 atm that came witht the 144 0 riser and 144 gaddess. the one for gaddess works rather well with my 144 drei but its atm used for gaddess. can you send a email to bandai to purchase a stand sepreately?

darkstrife 2009-11-14 18:12


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2767078)
very nice susanowo kelrys.

does anyone konw where you can get stands for the gundams? i have 2 atm that came witht the 144 0 riser and 144 gaddess. the one for gaddess works rather well with my 144 drei but its atm used for gaddess. can you send a email to bandai to purchase a stand sepreately?

uhmmm... you buy them from you local hobby store?? they dont cost a lot and are of much higher quality than the ones you get bundled with the kits. even ebay has them as well so try that and you might grab yourself a bargain :D

SonicSP 2009-11-14 20:47

Question: Does HG Reborns require alot of coloring?If so what colors and on which parts?

kakakka 2009-11-14 20:59


Along the lines of beige (light/pale yellow), black (bit greyish), clear purple.

Yellow for the mouth plate (sides), edge of the V fin, the yellow part of the back skirt and some part of the chest. (The last two have stickers that can work fine, I think).

The black is for under the shoulder parts, joints (the knee), the back of the lower leg (the one that is revealed when you transform to R Cannon) and those thick lines along the body (Some stickers were provided for some of the parts).

The clear purple for the clear parts of the V fin and the chest.

If you want, the saber needs some colouring too.

SonicSP 2009-11-14 21:14

Is it okay to do most of these coloring after the kit has been fully assembled in regard to the HG Reborns?Because I've heard a bit about some parts that are best coloured before the assembly is fully done,I can't remember which part that it was referring to though.

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