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bio9205 2009-12-02 08:08


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2792381)
Super glue would be your best bet, IMO.

Any way to keep it secure and still mobile? :heh:

lanceforge 2009-12-02 08:17

sorry dont have any idea

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-12-02 13:20


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2796501)
Any way to keep it secure and still mobile? :heh:

Keep what secure and mobile? The red cyrstal? If you want it to stop falling out, put a small drop of glue in the whole where you insert the crstal, and that's it.

Super glue is super strong stuff, once it dries, there is NO undoing it.

SonicSP 2009-12-02 13:35


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2796501)
Any way to keep it secure and still mobile? :heh:

I don't know,try a small bit of regular paper glue and see.They're ususally strong enough to keep it there but still you can force it out if you want to move it.Superglue is permanant.

Still,be wary of the type of glue.Different glue can have different effects but what I'm suggesting is you find the weakest glue ever and then apply small amount of it.Its a small piece,you dont need something too strong.

For the record,my HG Cherudim's one was......simply lost.So ys I've felt this problem too.

Try my suggestions are your own risk,I've never tried it on the HG Cherudim's red crystal yet.But I usually do it for other small things that need a little bit of cohesiveness,like the hand plates that hold weapons.They tend to get lose over time,especially HG 00 Gundams hand in my opinion.


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2796965)
Keep what secure and mobile? The red cyrstal? If you want it to stop falling out, put a small drop of glue in the whole where you insert the crstal, and that's it.

Super glue is super strong stuff, once it dries, there is NO undoing it.

I've always had bad experience with superglue.Whenever I do something with it,it always gives me something bad.Superglue is my kryptonite.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-12-02 13:51

Hm that's odd....because superglue saves me from my kryptonie. Which is, loose joints and pieces faling off.

X207 2009-12-02 16:28


Originally Posted by Dynamite (Post 2796113)
Well unfortunately, you can't really reproduce the gold-chrome color with paints. Not that I know of, at least.

There are gold-chrome sprays, and they might work kinda well, but you have to decant those for touch-ups. But with that, it would be safe to assume that there are some in just simple bottles, but I can't find any.

Best I can find is this, which is some type of rub-on sheet. I think its the closest you would come to covering up nubs, even better than paint. And if you have some good amount of gold-chrome kits, then it might be a good investment.

thanks for the tips. unfortunately i don't have any gold chrome kits aside from amatsu, i don't think i'll be getting anytime soon either :(. sometimes to cover tabs i put some paint on and immediately wipe off most of it. it might leave just enough of a tinge to use the silver as a plating background.

super glue saved me once when i dropped my 100 lunamaria zaku gunner. the white section of the leg thrusters broke, the glue did the trick.

GameraBaenre 2009-12-02 19:33

For anyone in the Los Angeles area, Bluefin Corproation is having a one day holiday sale open to the public. For more information click the following link: Bluefin one day holiday sale information

GrahamAker 2009-12-02 23:27

azuma-blade 2009-12-03 01:18

wow talk about "armed and loaded" XD

RAVNEN 2009-12-03 21:56 freshly build 1/144 00 Raiser with GN Sword III.What a great model kit,i just love that GN Sword III i build it first before assembling other part.:D I haven't do the panel line yet & i keep that v fin white coz the sticker just awful on it. I like white gundam XD.

I think i would post the 1/100 Cherudim & 1/144 Reborns Gundam pics when i get hold of any camera.Reborn gundam just make me nervous with it transformation to Cannon mode.:upset:

MeesesGlokmah 2009-12-04 01:13


Originally Posted by RAVNEN (Post 2800005) freshly build 1/144 00 Raiser with GN Sword III.What a great model kit,i just love that GN Sword III i build it first before assembling other part.:D I haven't do the panel line yet & i keep that v fin white coz the sticker just awful on it. I like white gundam XD.

Hate to tell you this, but you built part of it wrong. I don't know what you call them, but the two blue fins on each side of the O-Raiser wings are upside down. The parts that move, or are retractable whatever. Just look at the manual and you'll see what I mean. Unless of course you planned to do it that way, then by all means completely ignore this post.

RAVNEN 2009-12-04 02:16


Originally Posted by MeesesGlokmah (Post 2800323)
Hate to tell you this, but you built part of it wrong. I don't know what you call them, but the two blue fins on each side of the O-Raiser wings are upside down. The parts that move, or are retractable whatever. Just look at the manual and you'll see what I mean. Unless of course you planned to do it that way, then by all means completely ignore this post.

Thanks..i've fix it.Well i built it around 3 am in the i'm prone to make mistake.Thanks again for informing me about it.:D

SonicSP 2009-12-04 03:03

Question,if I were to mix clear red and clear blue,would it give me clear purple?

By the way,ravnen,how much time did you take to make that HG 00 Raiser?

Tormenk 2009-12-04 06:31


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2800480)
Question,if I were to mix clear red and clear blue,would it give me clear purple?

By the way,ravnen,how much time did you take to make that HG 00 Raiser?

Nope. Mixing those two alone will only give you a very dark purple, almost black. You'll need some clear paint as well.

duotiga 2009-12-04 08:36

This saviour looks gd

Sworra 2009-12-04 08:50


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 2800873)

The new Saviour looks like a new version of Zeta. Can anyone else see it or am i seeing things?

RAVNEN 2009-12-04 09:21


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2800480)

By the way,ravnen,how much time did you take to make that HG 00 Raiser?

Well I take only 5 hours to fully assemble all the part & sticker.That is of course without the panel lining.I must say the kit it very much easy to assemble,had to carefull while assembling the head,coz it had small part that can be easily broken.

Wow nice saviour, the color remind me of Amuro Zeta gundam.:D

Tormenk 2009-12-04 13:05


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 2800895)
The new Saviour looks like a new version of Zeta. Can anyone else see it or am i seeing things?

Only because the webmaster modified it with the zeta mouthpiece and painted it in the white unicorn colors.

The vent saviour does not look like this out of the box.

MeesesGlokmah 2009-12-04 14:24


Originally Posted by RAVNEN (Post 2800417)
Thanks..i've fix it.Well i built it around 3 am in the i'm prone to make mistake.Thanks again for informing me about it.:D

No problem! Always happy to help :) On another happy note, I just got the 1/144 Arche Gundam :D Can't wait to build it!

SonicSP 2009-12-04 15:14


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2800761)
Nope. Mixing those two alone will only give you a very dark purple, almost black. You'll need some clear paint as well.

Hmmm,I did it anyway without checking for the response.What you said was true but I was happy with the result nonetheless[It did look black on the surface though].It was a bit on the dark side,but it was clear purple nontheless,and I guess it sort of fits on the the Reborns I', buildings anyways.

I do have one or 2 bottles of clear,so I guess I could have used it,I guess I just didnt know how until the advice you gave me.

Thanks for the advice,will be useful for future experiments with clear colors.The default saber pink tone,I'm not very satisfied with so I guess I'll try that out next with some clear red,bit of white and some clear.

There was a long time ago I tried to mix pink and clear to get clear pink and failed miserably,looking back I feel like an idiot.


Originally Posted by MeesesGlokmah (Post 2801389)
No problem! Always happy to help :) On another happy note, I just got the 1/144 Arche Gundam :D Can't wait to build it!

Had high hopes for the HG Arche.Not bad but I guess it had some pose restirctions.

I was very unhappy with the red,so since the 2 times I've built it,I had to use my custom dark red twice and replace the goldenbrown parts with silver..Good practice with the airbrush I guess,since its my first pre-built spary kit.

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