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duotiga 2009-12-09 08:55

HG Masurao release in japan tommorrow

LoweGear 2009-12-09 09:16


Originally Posted by Jeffry2009 (Post 2810989)
1. What's that thing on Gaddeath's Leg?

It's the optional boosters used by the GNZ mobile suits for long-distance travel. The Garazzo used them too when it first sortied against the Ptolemy in episode 10.

Chiu_fan 2009-12-09 09:31

Looking at it reminds me of Strike Witches.

Originally Posted by Jeffry2009 (Post 2810989)
1. What's that thing on Gaddeath's Leg?

That's the leg booster.

Sworra 2009-12-09 10:09


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 2808713)
I finally finished up the weapons and final touchups on the kit and it's done!

Comments and criticism is always welcomed!

Blog post:

Full completed gallery:
Full progress page:

Great job on the sniper.. Weapons look awesome i like the wire attachment from the rifle to the mask, brings a lot of character to the sniper. I always thought that the rifle was supposed to be attached to a power generator but change is always good to. Again sweet job on the sniper. Keep up the great work.

Any other projects that you are thinking of doing next?

Patriot's Blade 2009-12-09 11:18


Originally Posted by Chiu_fan (Post 2811046)
Looking at it reminds me of Strike Witches.

nah, leg boosters has been in Gundam since the old U.C. series, the S-Gundam & Zeta Plus "Hummingbird" being the notable examples
& also in Gundam 00V, the Kyrios variation, the Kyrios Gust, also had large leg boosters

Tiara79 2009-12-09 11:40


Originally Posted by cupcakes4chris (Post 2808605)
It won't let me directly link the image.

The flexibility of the damashii unicorn! Can the hguc version do that?!

oh, wow, never thought it can do that. Now I wonder, how big actually damashii figure is? is it 1/144 or 1/100? :confused: Coz I never even see them in shop here. Only HCM.

LoweGear 2009-12-09 11:52

Robot Damashii's are non-scale AFAIK, since they're slightly smaller than 1/144 HG's, but larger than the 1/220 HCM-Pro figures.

SonicSP 2009-12-09 14:42


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2811200)
Robot Damashii's are non-scale AFAIK, since they're slightly smaller than 1/144 HG's, but larger than the 1/220 HCM-Pro figures.

Wait,does it mean that RD doesnt have constant scale for all their figures?I would understand if it was between the cross series comparsion but what about models of the same series?Are there comparable with each other of having the same "scale"?Like if you were to compare 1/144 Exia and a 1/144 Dynames,they're roughly built on the same miniaturiasation of the supposed real thing,and are comparable.Does the same apply to,for example RD 00 and RD Ragnant?

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-12-09 15:11


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2811472)
Wait,does it mean that RD doesnt have constant scale for all their figures?I would understand if it was between the cross series comparsion but what about models of the same series?Are there comparable with each other of having the same "scale"?Like if you were to compare 1/144 Exia and a 1/144 Dynames,they're roughly built on the same miniaturiasation of the supposed real thing,and are comparable.Does the same apply to,for example RD 00 and RD Ragnant?

It varies from time to time in the Robot Damashii line. For example....the Ahead is bigger than the 00, just like in the show. But the Crossbone Gundam (which is like 14 meters in height) is roughly the same size as the 00 Gundam. So at times there are a lot of inconsistencies. But then they fix it with some other figures, like the GNZ figures and the Regnant.

SonicSP 2009-12-09 17:18

Well,in the Ahead case thats okay because the Ahead is suppose to be tallert than 00,thats according to their real scales.

So I guess its not consistant then for cross series and the same for within a certain series,I think I sort of have an idea now.

So that means everything in 00 [AD] is in accordance to everything else in 00 [AD] right?So each series has its own scale.

I guess that makes sense,sort of what I was hinting at,but I would have thought they would have synchronised the Gundam metaseries altogehter.Its still the same principle though,just more uniqe for each respective series.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-12-09 17:47

Scale really isn't a big deal to me in the Damashii line. It's the articulation and durability that does it for me. :D

Oh and yes, the whole scale thing does apply to the Regnant:

SonicSP 2009-12-09 17:53

Its fine if one likes to pose them individually,but for me I like to pose them together so scale sort of matters.But as long as the same series are constant with each other,thats not much of a problem I guess.

Rising Dragon 2009-12-09 18:03

Okay so I tried saying this in this thread, dunno why it warped elsewhere.

"So essentially, for RD, the different toys are in scale proper to each other depending on the series they are in (such as 00, Crossbone, etc) but the series are not in scale according to one another."

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-12-09 18:09


Originally Posted by Rising Dragon (Post 2811895)
Okay so I tried saying this in this thread, dunno why it warped elsewhere.

"So essentially, for RD, the different toys are in scale proper to each other depending on the series they are in (such as 00, Crossbone, etc) but the series are not in scale according to one another."

Actually, now that I went digging up some old posts at GBIA. Bandai said that the Robot Damashii line would apply scale to "large mechs".

That's why the Regnant is so huge, and why the Crossbone Gundam, stands toe-toe with the 00.

Nerroth 2009-12-09 18:10

I was hoping that the main local store I deal with would have had the first two side VFs this side of Christmas - but sadly, it looks like I'll have to wait for the New Year for them to show up.

But, as it turns out, another store - which usually doesn't get a whole lot, in terms of this kind of figure - happened to have the RT of Hilling's Garazzo!

I had gotten the HG Garazzo in Bring's colours, which suck in comparison. I should have waited for the HG of Hilling's version - but now, since I wanted to try the line out anyway, this isn't a bad option.

So far, the figure looks okay, though I will have to try it out a little to get used to it.

When it's daytime again, I'll try to see about pics.

bio9205 2009-12-09 19:39


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2810904)
Among the HG00 line perhaps. The GN Arms both go over 5000yen while the HGUC has Nu HWS at 2,900 yen and the recent Kshatriya at 4500 yen.

Best to hunt out the ideal places to get a good deal. Though prices are generally 30% lower or more at the retail price.

I usually get my kits at department stores having a sale - they sell for really cheap then.

darkstrife 2009-12-10 05:28

just finished one of the legs for my PG 00 Gundam, to give u guys some form of comparison, the whole leg (with the foot of course) standing straight is only about 1-2cm shorter than a standing MG Unicorn Gundam.

In other words the PG 00 Gundam is quite a beast, i 'm beginning to think now that it wont fit into my glass cabinet that i bought from ikea quite a while back.

Pros so far: GN condensor is kickass (no more wobbling legs), huge size, good inner mechanical detail

Cons so far: now this is somewhat dissapointing, the leg can only bend about 90 degrees and the ankle joint is somewhat restrictive (no way can it compare to the MG blue astray ankles)

LoweGear 2009-12-10 05:33

Could you emphasize what "only bend about 90 degrees" is about? Not sure if you're referring to hip-leg articulation, or knee articulation (which I know bends further than 90 degrees).

Un1ver5e 2009-12-10 05:40

Amazing stuff.

GrahamAker 2009-12-10 07:05

i think its nadleeh custom by bryan!

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