I hope this means a MG Gold frame Amatsu will come out shortly after. Though, What kind of extras are they gonna add to compete with the Tactical Arms? A Katana or two isn't enough. Maybe they'll make the Flight pack that will be compatible with Strike or Impulse.
If they're still looking at SEED for MGs, I'd really want a MG Legend gundam to come out. Or, the Delta-Plus from Unicorn. Didn't that win a poll for a MG candidate? There hasn't been a single model released for it. |
should i buy hg 00 gnhw arios, seravee and cherudim or their transarm counterparts?
IMO, both the GNHW Arios and Cherudim looks tacky with all the extra stuff. They weren't build to be heavy-artillery suits, and the add-ons were only makeshift for the situation. So both end up looking pretty ugly.
The Seravee is the only one that looks better with the add-ons. The Seravee alone looks a bit too thin to be heavy-artillery, so the extra bits on the arms and legs makes it look more menacing. The Trans-Am kits are all just atrocious. Its not because its pink. The Garazzo is pink and I love that kit. Its because the entire thing is pink. From afar, you can't even distinguish where one piece ends and another begins. They look good in the show, but thats because 1) they were more red/light pink than that pink/dark pink 2) they were moving so fast that you can barely see them anyways. My 2 cents of course. |
well this is my opinion
Arios and seravee definitely look good with GNW part (especially arios) Love the cherudim rifle bits though the bits shield on the other side might looks kind of ugly :heh: never interested in transam colour so no comment there Edit: I wonder what the next 00 MSV (if any) would be I don't mind for 1 gundam or GN Cannon :D |
the Trans-Am kits may look nice occasionally,but in my opnion they never rely outshined their original counterparts.If I had to choose between a Trans-Am kit and the normal one,Ill choose the normal one immedietly. Besides,you dont want to own a collection of mostly red suits with the same colors do you.I buy Trans-Am kits for suits that I think look nice for them,and I usually limit that to a few though I have the originjal color too for those.Trans-Am simply isnt natural,and most of the time you want to see the MS in their natural form. Besides,sometimes its cheaper to just stare at your kit and imagine a red light eminating from it.Trying to do the opposite from a Trans Am suit is harder. or if your good,you can take some pics of your kit and photoshop it with the red effect.Ive seen someone did it a few monhs back.Even presented a fight between 00 and Reborns with cool special effects and Trans-Am effect at the middle of the battle while retaining the original color mode,s. |
00 Gundam custom by ma-na
Spoiler for 00 gundam custom:
Good job from the modeler and quite a creative re-design if I say so myself...but I personally don't like the design.Its a matter of personal taste really.
I forsee myself stockpiling HG models soon.
Why is that?
MG Red Frame? Interesting. But what exactly is MG Red Frame 'Kai'? What's the differences with the normal version?
Could be anything. The Gerbera Straight's design is probably alike to the PG version for the MG. Hopefully silver and gold plating for blade and guard.
Though at 5000 yen it's even pricier than the blue frame with its honking huge sword and included stand. Sure hope that means something nice like the red frame's flight pack is included. |
What is a good "fat" gundam to invest in? :heh:
- 1/144, 1/100 Virtue? - 1/144, 1/100 Seravee/Seravee GNHW? |
Despite the problems with the 1/100 S2 line, I'm still hoping the 007s/g comes out in 1/100 scale. Hopefully the success of the 1/144 will prompt them to create a 1/100. Buy a seperate 0 raiser and combine it and you will have one hell of a beastly gundam 8D
As for the 1/144,they're both alright.Choose which one you like more I guess.Though personally,the bazooka of Virtue is still a bit heavy though genrally not much problems. The good thing with Seravee is,there's alot of combos of attack methods that you can pose it with,since you can play around with the Bazookas.Combine them a sa large unit,split them up,split them up while combining them to the GN Cannon to make it look more "launcher" like.Virtue by comparison is simpler. If you go with the GNHW,you'll get the special waist cannons,GN field generators that make it look more Virtue like,and even a GN Submachinegun which are the same one used by the SEMs in 00V. Be weary that Seraphim is not included for the 1/144 though.[except the upcoming Trans-Am kit version] |
To be honest im getting tired of the Astrays. I would of prefered something from the 00 line or older lines. Not too pumped about the red frame.
^MG Gundam X turned out to be a hoax. :(
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