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Ardi220288 2010-08-29 11:16

not so sure about it but why don't you try to sell it? such an ancient thing like that might get some good price from collector (especially since they don't produce it anymore and still in a good condition) :D

SonicSP 2010-08-29 15:48


Originally Posted by GrahamAker (Post 3216729)
don't expect to get movie gundams so quickly.It will not be a grunt thats for sure.Expect it to be from:Dynames,Kyrios,Nadleeh,Virtue,Cherudim ,Arios,Seravee etc

Dynames I'll give it some chance because of its popularity but not the rest. It may very well be a grunt too.

I would lol if it was a GN-X variant.

But I think its likely to be 00 Raiser; because we its already been annonced some time ago and this should fit the developement stage where they make the annocement and start showcasing the case. Last we heard if it, it was in the developement stage a few months ago.

Have we even confirmed its an Anno Domini Mg we're talking about or are we just speculating its an Anno Domini MG.


Originally Posted by Urei (Post 3216732)
I'm a total newbie if it goes for Gunpla but is it common to release a PG and then an MG kit sometime after it? Isn't that the wrong order?

That depends, some PG dont even have MGs to this date. They dont have a particular order but I reckon that usually the PGs for something after the MG of something, like the Strike.


Originally Posted by darkstrife (Post 3216872)
i dont get this 00 Raiser condersor HG kit, isnt it just the same as the regular 00 raiser but with the gn drives removed????? who the heck would buy that???

also i hope the MG for nov or dec for that matter is not the MG 00 raiser, considering i got the PG already, i would definitely be hoping for something different, as some1 mentioned already, a MG reborns would definitely be on the cards (kinda makes sense, then the 00 MG range would have 1 hero kit, 1 grunt kit and 1 villain kit, perfect trio lol) ... now thats something worth looking forward to

The cost of making it is extremely low since they do not have to redesign anything nor do they have to make any new runners. Yet, Bandai also knows that alot of people will buy it especially after they show how awesome it is in the movie. It may not be as much as a regular kit, but enough to extend good profits to Bandai relative to the cost of making it.

The risk versus gains ratio should also be very much in their favor whatever the case.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-08-29 17:26

I still don't understand why the 00 Raiser get's another super detailed kit release, it just got a PG release not even a full year ago.

Let someone else take the spotlight from 00. >.>

gummybear 2010-08-29 19:14


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3217618)
I still don't understand why the 00 Raiser get's another super detailed kit release, it just got a PG release not even a full year ago.

Let someone else take the spotlight from 00. >.>

because it's the only Gundam full series that they didn't fk it up from start to finish like all other ones.


Originally Posted by Ardi220288 (Post 3217188)
not so sure about it but why don't you try to sell it? such an ancient thing like that might get some good price from collector (especially since they don't produce it anymore and still in a good condition) :D

I am thinking of selling it but then you can't find that in store anymore so I don't know.

Chiu_fan 2010-08-29 22:51

From my previous posting:
Spoiler for :

The Finalized version
Spoiler for RG(Recycled Grade) 1/10 Runner Gundam :

L_A_G 2010-08-30 04:41

I just decided that I'm going to get a gunpla as decoration for my windowsill after all despite it'll sit in the sun for a large part of the day and probably decay over time.

So could you people recommend me a good place to get gunpla models that ship them to europe? Delivery speed isn't a priority (I've ordered stuff from Play Asia with standard shipping and I'm currently waiting for a game that was according to them shipped on the 13th of June), but I would like to get my hands on a Kyrios MG (if one exists), so a wide selection would be a priority.

If this was 4chan I'd probably post porn or hentai as thanks, but this isn't 4chan and posting that stuff here will probably give me a ban, so you're going to have to settle for a "Thankyou" as reward.

duotiga 2010-08-30 07:15

my huge feeling tells me is mg 00 raiser with gn sword 3....

GrahamAker 2010-08-30 07:33

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-08-30 08:22

What the fuck...:twitch:

gummybear 2010-08-30 10:48


Originally Posted by L_A_G (Post 3218390)
I just decided that I'm going to get a gunpla as decoration for my windowsill after all despite it'll sit in the sun for a large part of the day and probably decay over time.

So could you people recommend me a good place to get gunpla models that ship them to europe? Delivery speed isn't a priority (I've ordered stuff from Play Asia with standard shipping and I'm currently waiting for a game that was according to them shipped on the 13th of June), but I would like to get my hands on a Kyrios MG (if one exists), so a wide selection would be a priority.

If this was 4chan I'd probably post porn or hentai as thanks, but this isn't 4chan and posting that stuff here will probably give me a ban, so you're going to have to settle for a "Thankyou" as reward.

is there a Chinatown where you live? if there is then there will most likely a store that sell anime stuff that include gundam models

Exia_00 2010-08-30 10:52


Originally Posted by L_A_G (Post 3218390)
I just decided that I'm going to get a gunpla as decoration for my windowsill after all despite it'll sit in the sun for a large part of the day and probably decay over time.

So could you people recommend me a good place to get gunpla models that ship them to europe? Delivery speed isn't a priority (I've ordered stuff from Play Asia with standard shipping and I'm currently waiting for a game that was according to them shipped on the 13th of June), but I would like to get my hands on a Kyrios MG (if one exists), so a wide selection would be a priority.

If this was 4chan I'd probably post porn or hentai as thanks, but this isn't 4chan and posting that stuff here will probably give me a ban, so you're going to have to settle for a "Thankyou" as reward.

You will have to mod a 1/100 NG Kyrios into an MG, No Mg of the Kyrios exists.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-08-30 10:57

1/144 Gundam Harute releases on the 16th, and Raphael on the 22nd!

L_A_G 2010-08-30 13:30


Originally Posted by Exia_00 (Post 3218780)
You will have to mod a 1/100 NG Kyrios into an MG, No Mg of the Kyrios exists.

Damn... Might get a GNX with a fitting Advanced GNX conversion kit then...


Originally Posted by gummybear (Post 3218775)
is there a Chinatown where you live? if there is then there will most likely a store that sell anime stuff that include gundam models

There's a ton of chinese restaurants where I live, but no chinatown as here in Finland we've done a lot of work in integrating immigrants into the rest of society instead of forming their own areas in cities and ghetto like slums (not trying to criticize the U.S, just pointing out why).

I only know one store who could have sold gunpla (they sell all kinds of exotic entertainment products like imported manga and anime show action figures), but they moved about a year ago and I don't know where they have their store now.

Found a link to a site that did have a NG Kyrios, but I forgot to memorize the name of the site (was something manga related) and to bookmark it.

Thanks for the advice so far, keep it coming...

Edit: Just remembered the name of the store I thought could have something... Turns out they have a webstore aswell, but they only had a NG Exia Seven Swords (misnamed "00 Gundam Seven Sword") and a PINK see-trough "non-Riser" 00 Gundam (labeled "Robot Damashii 00 Gundam").

SonicSP 2010-08-30 18:11


Originally Posted by Chiu_fan (Post 3218033)
From my previous posting:

The Finalized version
Spoiler for RG(Recycled Grade) 1/10 Runner Gundam :

Talk about saving the Earth.......:eyebrow:


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3217618)
I still don't understand why the 00 Raiser get's another super detailed kit release, it just got a PG release not even a full year ago.

Let someone else take the spotlight from 00. >.>

A better question is why NOT release the 00 Raiser again. The development cost is almost nill for the new release and they're making use of whatever surplus runners of 00 they've already made.

Trust me, in the future they'll be cashmilking the 00 Quanta for all its worth. This is one last squeeze for 00 Raiser before they release 00 Raiser Condenser Type Trans Am.

Then its 00 Quanta's turn to moo.

MoonLightShadows 2010-08-30 18:33

This GNZ looks like a mobile suit that might operate in a warehouse lifting and moving heavy materials (more mobile suit parts). I like the yellow/black color scheme an the modifications. :p

SonicSP 2010-08-30 18:35

It looks like a yellow Tachikoma..........

Rising Dragon 2010-08-30 19:14

The first image makes me think of it like a quad-legged Armored Core.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-08-30 19:18

I will admit I like the rifles, I always wanted to see what a standard rifle for the GNZ line would look like.

duotiga 2010-08-31 08:12

boxart is out

StrikeFreedomV2 2010-08-31 08:19


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3220230)

Nice looking boxart, maybe i will buy this toghether with the Wing Ver.Ka.

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