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kakakka 2010-11-14 21:15


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3346354)
Having the HG Arios myself:

1) is a legit complaint due to the design of the skirt joints. They are easy to reattach though.

2) is also true

3) Haven't had this problem yet with my arios, they're still as stiff as ever. Granted they only hold the Twin Beam Rifle and beam sabers, which aren't heavy.

4) It's easy to bend sure, but I would call it firm imho, since on mine the torso joint stays in position once I set it.

1) Yeah, but when you lost it, it can't be reattached again T-T

3) I have 2 Arios and both of them got this problem (GNHW's left arm; Arios both)

atlans89 2010-11-14 21:19

Got a feeling the internal frame of MG 00Q might not be strong :| So long til we can get another MG Astray's quality :(

LoweGear 2010-11-14 21:21


Originally Posted by atlans89 (Post 3346392)
Got a feeling the internal frame of MG 00Q might not be strong :| So long til we can get another MG Astray's quality :(

Not sure where you're getting that feeling, considering we have yet to see how strong the 00Q's joints and inner frame is. At the very least though, the MG 00Q has a more self-sufficient inner frame than the MG Exia (which required some parts of the external armor attached to be stable).

atlans89 2010-11-14 22:53


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3346394)
Not sure where you're getting that feeling, considering we have yet to see how strong the 00Q's joints and inner frame is. At the very least though, the MG 00Q has a more self-sufficient inner frame than the MG Exia (which required some parts of the external armor attached to be stable).

I look through the joint of each part and imagine possible variation. Recently by maximizing the use of plastic PC-part, MG internal frame remains very stable 'n make it durable for longer time than usual, the Astray or new Wing might prove it.

Between the waist is a PC plastic, even the joint of leg to waist insert one. Well, most of my gunpla had problem with leg joint, so I expect more development for it :heh:

LoweGear 2010-11-14 23:02


Originally Posted by atlans89 (Post 3346507)
I look through the joint of each part and imagine possible variation. Recently by maximizing the use of plastic PC-part, MG internal frame remains very stable 'n make it durable for longer time than usual, the Astray or new Wing might prove it.

Between the waist is a PC plastic, even the joint of leg to waist insert one. Well, most of my gunpla had problem with leg joint, so I expect more development for it :heh:

Looking at them from pics doesn't really give you a good idea of the stiffness and range of motion of the joints though. For instance, the HG 00 Qan[T] looks the same as the HG 00 Gundam in terms of joints if you look at the rather similar assembly method. And yet the former has much stiffer joints than the latter. Hence which is why I reserve judgement on the "strength" of the model when I actually get to handle it, rather than judging it by eye.


Crappy pic of my two HGUC Unicorns. The HGUC Under Unicorn being my most exhausting panel lining work to date, beating out even my MG Exia :heh: The Unicorn Destroy though is my most exhausting in terms of overall work :eyespin:

(thumbnail, click to view)

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-11-15 02:22


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3346354)
That Brave... it looks GLORIOUS :love:

I especially like the replacement of the Brave feet with the Flag's, definitely an awesome improvement. The Cruise form though looks tacky with both the Flag backpack and the Brave Side Binders present, should've stuck to just one of them. :heh:

Idk, I find the extra wings a bit cool, looks like an X-wing.

LoweGear 2010-11-15 04:03

Master Grade 00 Qan[T] initial straight build review from the same site that did the parts preview earlier.

That's some impressive articulation there, especially on the wrist as we've seen weeks back, and on the torso which is surprising given the presence of the GN Drive gimmick.

atlans89 2010-11-15 06:53

Manual for anyone who is interested in MG 00Q

LoweGear 2010-11-15 07:00

These set of manual pages doesn't seem to be missing the traditional manual centerfold showing the weapons and mechanics (where presumably the tidbit about the 00Q = ELS genocide bit comes from), would've liked to see the full page with the designer's drawings of the GN Sword V and the Sword Bits. But damn, it makes me want to get the MG now :love:

MakubeX2 2010-11-15 07:04


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3346940)
These set of manual pages doesn't seem to be missing the traditional manual centerfold showing the weapons and mechanics (where presumably the tidbit about the 00Q = ELS genocide bit comes from), would've liked to see the full page with the designer's drawings of the GN Sword V and the Sword Bits. But damn, it makes me want to get the MG now :love:

LoweGear 2010-11-15 07:58

Yeah, my mouth spoke too soon. :heh:

Somehow the Buster Rifle being spread apart so wide like that makes me think it can be used as a large pincer claw like the Kyrios' :uhoh:

Looking at the assembly manual some more, it looks like they fixed one of the issues with the Exia's and previous MG's with extra-jointed hands: instead of the hand-wrist connector being clipped unto the hand, it's sandwiched in, which means the hand won't suddenly pop out of the wrist like with the other MG's :heh:

LightningZERO 2010-11-15 11:32

I'm really tempted to get QAN[T], but really afraid that once I do so, here comes the announcement for a special edition!

pikachuwei 2010-11-15 13:44

awesome it comes with stand!

Kuroi Hadou 2010-11-15 18:20

Damn, now I don't know whether my next MG should be the 00Q or the Sinanju. Any remarks to help with the decision?


Originally Posted by pikachuwei (Post 3347342)
awesome it comes with stand!

MGs tend to be about 50/50 with the stands.

X207 2010-11-15 19:08


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3346354)
Having the HG Arios myself:

1) is a legit complaint due to the design of the skirt joints. They are easy to reattach though.

2) is also true

3) Haven't had this problem yet with my arios, they're still as stiff as ever. Granted they only hold the Twin Beam Rifle and beam sabers, which aren't heavy.

4) It's easy to bend sure, but I would call it firm imho, since on mine the torso joint stays in position once I set it.

thank you Lowegear for the extra information on the HG Arios. the first 2 problems sound like they could need some clear paint to take up the slack on the joints. had to do that for the GN canon mount for my gadessa. the peg to hold it on the rear armor was too loose by design so the canon couldnt keep a true 180 degree alignment. # 3 sounds like it could be solved easily enough if it occurs and #4 sounds similar to the torso peg for my 144 00 Gundam.

DarkWarrior 2010-11-15 20:21


Originally Posted by pikachuwei (Post 3347342)
awesome it comes with stand!

Only for the heavy Buster Sword/Rifle though. It would be nice if they included one for 00-Q, but there's always an Action Base 1 for that.


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3347703)
MGs tend to be about 50/50 with the stands.

Not really, MGs that include stands are pretty rare.

LoweGear 2010-11-15 20:32

Updated review from Yellow Submarine blog, showing off the lower body articulation and weapons this time:

Legs have enough clearance to give the knees maximum articulation despite the presence of the GNX-esque armor.

LoweGear 2010-11-16 11:57

Seems that last preview of the MG 00Q didn't do those legs justice....

(Pics from Nintendo World BBS)

The MG 00Q loses none of the HG version's extraordinary articulation, which is quite awesome :eek:

pikachuwei 2010-11-16 14:08

^that kicks the sh*t out of my exia QQ

Dynamite 2010-11-16 16:14

Quick question. Am I allowed to advertise a personal Gunpla sale here?

I have a boatload of kits and I already have a post up on another forum. Just wondering if I'm allowed to post the link.

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