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LoweGear 2010-11-28 03:54

I heard that you can simply glue the GN Drive assembly itself shut, though it'll be troublesome replacing any LED's you put inside it. From the video reviews, it seems the GN Drive - Backpack connection itself is secure, it's just the GN Drive itself that falls apart. This true?

velocity7 2010-11-28 03:57


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3365860)
I heard that you can simply glue the GN Drive assembly itself shut, though it'll be troublesome replacing any LED's you put inside it. From the video reviews, it seems the GN Drive - Backpack connection itself is secure, it's just the GN Drive itself that falls apart. This true?

That is correct.

BigCityDreams 2010-11-28 04:15


I recently went to Japan, and while there I got myself a 1/144 scale HG GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser + GN sword.

I picked it up for Y1680 in Kyoto. I was also going to get the Astraea HG, but I didn't have enough space for the flight back =[.

It is a great set, but it sits on a strange angle a little. Heaps of customisable weapons too!

Lee Linjun 2010-11-29 04:00

OO Qan[T]

SonicSP 2010-11-29 06:05

I just got myself the MG 00 Qan(T) but am uninterested/lazy to assemble it at the moment.

So, how is it in general?

LightningZERO 2010-11-29 06:48

MG 00Q is plain beautiful, but I think I no longer have the interest to build a model kit >.<

velocity7 2010-11-29 09:59

In regards to the MG 00 Qan[T], I might just crazy glue it together, because the LED unit actually attaches to the other side of the GN Drive.

Also, I put on the transparent stickers but I hadn't gone through panel lining yet. I plan to do an oil wash, so should I run a topcoat on the stickers (along with decals)?

tictactor 2010-11-29 10:57

it is an amazing kit, being my 3rd MG.
Only complain is the way the connector for the sword bit C is too tight and the buster rifle is too heavy.

9/10 for me :)

LoweGear 2010-11-30 06:15

HGAW Gundam X Divider boxart:

Patriot's Blade 2010-11-30 06:30


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3369409)

oh wow.... Sunrise should make a remake of the After War series :twitch:

duotiga 2010-11-30 06:51

im so gonna get XD

jonli 2010-11-30 07:59

I always wondered how the harmonica shield works. It's so thin where does it have space to generate the beams? Like I'm assuming a beam rifle is that long because it needs space for the generator and enough length on the barrel for the beam to actually shoot out straight. Harmonic cannon doesn't need any of

Anyway, super sexy still, defintely one of my favourite designs.

ashtaron 2010-11-30 10:17

? regarding MG QAN[T]
Seeing as the Quanta MG shares similar looking arms, can it hold the GN sword III from the 1/100 00 Gundam Raiser?

SonicSP 2010-11-30 12:17

Okay, so hows the HG Brave then? I am a bit worried for the legs, because the Flag and the Susanowo's were very flimsy............

tictactor 2010-11-30 23:07


Originally Posted by ashtaron (Post 3369635)
Seeing as the Quanta MG shares similar looking arms, can it hold the GN sword III from the 1/100 00 Gundam Raiser?

it can, but it'll look awkward. And the hands have to be removed because oddly the GNS III will 'bend' and the grey piece will not lock into the polycap at the bottom well. Also, that grey squarish-piece , just behind the rifle trigger is, is too small for the MG 00Q's arm, and will slightly separate the two pieces holding it together.

but if you're posing it, it won't be too obvious that the 00Q is missing a hand :)

M_Flores 2010-12-01 01:20

Interesting little thing I found ( ) that I was playing with while shopping for model kits online. Apparently it scans the search engines for the cheapest price of whatever item (I been hustling for various kits here and there) you're looking for instead of going through pages and pages deep. It's a completely free app and it just sits on your toolbar while you use whatever search engine (Google, Yahoo, whatever).
So all you really gotta do is install it and start searching for kits.

However, it may work differently depending on where you're at because apparently it hasn't been optimized for certain countries, so use at your own discretion.

I found these MG OOQ kits for example
(It scans other shops as well as I've tested) and some other kits too. Feel free to play around with it to see if you can find any cheaper.

Anyway, it kinda sucks to hear about the MG OOQ's backpack issue. I hope its not that bad, although I thought MG SF's backpack was insanely heavy. From my understanding, the GN Drive itself is the issue in terms of falling apart rather than the back pack itself right? It'd kinda suck for the backpack to randomly come out during a Quantum pose v_v; ...

So there really no signs or hints of a Special Edition version yet huh? That's the only thing stopping me from buying this standard version, although I am quite happy with my 1/144 OOQ lol.

Also what does the manual say about the beam gun on the shield? (We finally know where it is) But does it say anything about its output, purpose, design, whatever? It seems to be in a rather odd place on the shield.

MakubeX2 2010-12-01 05:10
PG SF Preview

Nothing new 'cept that there's golden stickers included for those not in the mood of painting.

duotiga 2010-12-01 06:33


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 3369752)
Okay, so hows the HG Brave then? I am a bit worried for the legs, because the Flag and the Susanowo's were very flimsy............

i can ans u as im doing the commander ver right nw:

upper body is firm but lower body esp the wriast is very flimsly & fragile.....

LoweGear 2010-12-01 07:18


Originally Posted by M_Flores (Post 3370714)
From my understanding, the GN Drive itself is the issue in terms of falling apart rather than the back pack itself right? It'd kinda suck for the backpack to randomly come out during a Quantum pose v_v; ...

From what I've heard and seen yes, it's only the GN Drive itself that's the problem, since it's construction is rather weak using only short pegs, thus making half of it easy to pull out of the rest of the drive (same problem with the MG Exia's GN Drive sadly, though the Exia doesn't need to support an entire backpack off it). And unfortunately the backpack connects to the GN Drive alone.

If video reviews are to be believed though, the backpack - GN Drive connection itself is quite solid.


So there really no signs or hints of a Special Edition version yet huh? That's the only thing stopping me from buying this standard version, although I am quite happy with my 1/144 OOQ lol.
There are circumstantial hints (like the non-mention of the Quantum Burst GN Condenser gimmicks on the current manual), but nothing concrete to suggest that there will be a special edition. Considering what other stuff Bandai has been able to pull off in the past though, those willing might want to wait a few months :heh:

Chiu_fan 2010-12-01 09:19

So the backpack is firmly attached to the drive but is the drive firmly attached on to the body? Or is there a piece that locks it into place?

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