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Butagami 2011-01-18 06:57

In my opinion, kits like MGs (let alone PGs) should be colored correctly (not in extensive details like inner parts of thrusters and such) and be consistent with the anime without requiring paint. For a lot of people (like myself) who live in countries where paint and markers are hard to come by (and ridiculously pricy. Example: gundam marker seed basic set. HLJ price, in euro's: 8.72, via a dutch site, the only I could find with a decent collection of gunpla and such, 18.00, prices without transport). This makes a MG even more expensive than it already is (the MG Sinanju Ver. Ka. is actually on sale for 87 euros, in comparison with HLj's 50.)

Kuroi Hadou 2011-01-18 07:07


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3443990)
In my opinion, kits like MGs (let alone PGs) should be colored correctly (not in extensive details like inner parts of thrusters and such) and be consistent with the anime without requiring paint. For a lot of people (like myself) who live in countries where paint and markers are hard to come by (and ridiculously pricy. Example: gundam marker seed basic set. HLJ price, in euro's: 8.72, via a dutch site, the only I could find with a decent collection of gunpla and such, 18.00, prices without transport). This makes a MG even more expensive than it already is (the MG Sinanju Ver. Ka. is actually on sale for 87 euros, in comparison with HLj's 50.)

Wow... that's pretty damn expensive.:twitch:

Butagami 2011-01-18 10:34


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3444007)
Wow... that's pretty damn expensive.:twitch:

Welcome to holland! HGs sell for about 25 euro's, or more for things like the 00 Raiser (30) or the Hi-Nu (40). I'm still waiting for my 1/100 Dynames to arrive (36).
It's a lot of money, but this is the best deal I can get. Unless I get it directly from Japan, which'll save me a few euro's, but not that much.

What kind of prices do you get in the US? are there any stores that have a decent selection of kits? And what about paints and stuff?

Kuroi Hadou 2011-01-18 10:38


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3444178)
What kind of prices do you get in the US? are there any stores that have a decent selection of kits? And what about paints and stuff?

My local store has HG for about 15 euro, MG for about 30, and PG for roughly 150-180 euro. (Converted via Google.:p)

GrimmReaperNL 2011-01-18 11:47


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3444178)
Welcome to holland! HGs sell for about 25 euro's, or more for things like the 00 Raiser (30) or the Hi-Nu (40). I'm still waiting for my 1/100 Dynames to arrive (36).
It's a lot of money, but this is the best deal I can get. Unless I get it directly from Japan, which'll save me a few euro's, but not that much.

What kind of prices do you get in the US? are there any stores that have a decent selection of kits? And what about paints and stuff?

may i ask why you're buying your kit from dutch sites?
i too live in the netherlands and have always bought by kits fromeither hlj or hwjapan. for paint i just goto the local hobby store and get revell or humbrol model kit paint.

Butagami 2011-01-18 14:38


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3444184)
My local store has HG for about 15 euro, MG for about 30, and PG for roughly 150-180 euro. (Converted via Google.:p)

I feel jealous now!


Originally Posted by GrimmReaperNL (Post 3444252)
may i ask why you're buying your kit from dutch sites?
i too live in the netherlands and have always bought by kits fromeither hlj or hwjapan. for paint i just goto the local hobby store and get revell or humbrol model kit paint.

That painting tip's a good one, I'll check into that! The reason I use a dutch site (Morgenroete) is that it's about as expensive as HLJ+shipping and I don't have paypal or a creditcard. Local shops have a very limited selection, combined with high prices :S

Edit: It's nice BTW to see another dutchman here! Where in holland do you live? Also, do you notice the similarity between our names? eerie coincedence, no?

TheGame2K5 2011-01-18 15:51

My 3rd MG finished. This one was pretty fun build without any frustrating parts. Now working on Astray Blue Frame 2nd Rev with F91, Infinite Justice, and Destiny Gundam shipping out today.

Uploaded with

Sworra 2011-01-18 16:18

Kits here in Canada are not to bad, but where i live in this city they pretty much scalp you for your money so that is why i use HLJ, or Hobbywave for kits. For a HG kit im looking at $46 CDN which is 34 Euro. Then a MG goes for $100 to $150 CDN just for a small one like Exia, in Euro's that is 75 to 112.. PG is $350 to $450 CDN so in Euro's that is 263 to 338. Yeah i have it bad here for prices, i don't know how they keep in business, i think they get the suckers that don't know about online shipping. lol My local shop i only use for paint and stuff they are good for that and that is about it. Cheers !!

Appel 2011-01-18 16:27


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 3444585)
Kits here in Canada are not to bad, but where i live in this city they pretty much scalp you for your money so that is why i use HLJ, or Hobbywave for kits. For a HG kit im looking at $46 CDN which is 34 Euro. Then a MG goes for $100 to $150 CDN just for a small one like Exia, in Euro's that is 75 to 112.. PG is $350 to $450 CDN so in Euro's that is 263 to 338. Yeah i have it bad here for prices, i don't know how they keep in business, i think they get the suckers that don't know about online shipping. lol My local shop i only use for paint and stuff they are good for that and that is about it. Cheers !!

at least you actually can buy models in your local shops... the only stuff we have here are a few high grades in a couple of comic shops :P thats it...

speaking of, i just went to one today. they had some HG00 kits there, i got 00 gundam (00 raiser was sold out >_>), cherudim and dynames trans-am mode. and guess what! the juwel for 00s v-fin is missing... |D

StrikeFreedomV2 2011-01-18 17:42


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 3444585)
Kits here in Canada are not to bad, but where i live in this city they pretty much scalp you for your money so that is why i use HLJ, or Hobbywave for kits. For a HG kit im looking at $46 CDN which is 34 Euro. Then a MG goes for $100 to $150 CDN just for a small one like Exia, in Euro's that is 75 to 112.. PG is $350 to $450 CDN so in Euro's that is 263 to 338. Yeah i have it bad here for prices, i don't know how they keep in business, i think they get the suckers that don't know about online shipping. lol My local shop i only use for paint and stuff they are good for that and that is about it. Cheers !!

Those price´s are insane! That much money for a MG? I´m speechless...

Butagami 2011-01-18 18:55


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 3444585)
Kits here in Canada are not to bad, but where i live in this city they pretty much scalp you for your money so that is why i use HLJ, or Hobbywave for kits. For a HG kit im looking at $46 CDN which is 34 Euro. Then a MG goes for $100 to $150 CDN just for a small one like Exia, in Euro's that is 75 to 112.. PG is $350 to $450 CDN so in Euro's that is 263 to 338. Yeah i have it bad here for prices, i don't know how they keep in business, i think they get the suckers that don't know about online shipping. lol My local shop i only use for paint and stuff they are good for that and that is about it. Cheers !!

I thought I had it bad ....:twitch: But they sell gundam markers and tamiya stuff or a local equivalent?

kakakka 2011-01-18 19:45


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 3444585)
Then a MG goes for $100 to $150 CDN just for a small one like Exia, in Euro's that is 75 to 112..

I know here in Canada the kit is expensive, but this price for an Exia in your area? In mine, it's 75 bucks.

GrimmReaperNL 2011-01-18 22:59


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3444450)
That painting tip's a good one, I'll check into that! The reason I use a dutch site (Morgenroete) is that it's about as expensive as HLJ+shipping and I don't have paypal or a creditcard. Local shops have a very limited selection, combined with high prices :S

Edit: It's nice BTW to see another dutchman here! Where in holland do you live? Also, do you notice the similarity between our names? eerie coincedence, no?

you can setup a paypal easy. you don't need a credit card or anything. i've been using it for years.

have a look on they're cheaper then hlj. and also don't be in a rush to get anything you bought. it has taken up to a month for something to reach me.. and if you want to save on shipping. buy like 2~4 kits at once.

I live deadcenter in the netherlands (it's netherlands, not holland. holland are the provinces). what similarity in our names are you talking about?

Sworra 2011-01-18 23:17


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3444830)
I thought I had it bad ....:twitch: But they sell gundam markers and tamiya stuff or a local equivalent?

Yeah they do, they sell every tool, paint, marker you can think of.. That's only if they have in stock then i'm waiting 2 to 3 weeks.


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3444595)
at least you actually can buy models in your local shops... the only stuff we have here are a few high grades in a couple of comic shops :P thats it...

I guess i'm blessed but i still refuse to pay those prices, It feels like i can't buy a kit from my local store cause i know i can get them a lot cheaper online. I can go and buy 2 MG's plus shipping and still beat the price of my local shop. :(


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 3444888)
I know here in Canada the kit is expensive, but this price for an Exia in your area? In mine, it's 75 bucks.

There are very few places where i live in a city that's about over a million people living here that sell Gunpla so they have the minority of setting the prices. Need more shops to give them some competition. :) Cheers!!

helois 2011-01-19 04:39


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3444184)
My local store has HG for about 15 euro, MG for about 30, and PG for roughly 150-180 euro. (Converted via Google.:p)

in Italian shop about 20-25€ for HG (HGUC or just arrived 30€); at least from 60€(MG Ball ver Ka)to 100 for a normal MG,more for titanium or special release and about 250€ for a PG...

for example i bought a MG Wing Gundam Zero Custom on Ebay for a total price of 50€(shipping included and 10% discount on the MG) after a week i go to the model shop for some acrilic colors.. the MG Wing Gundam zero custom was in the window at a ridiculous price of 90€...:twitch:

Butagami 2011-01-19 05:11


Originally Posted by GrimmReaperNL (Post 3445127)
you can setup a paypal easy. you don't need a credit card or anything. i've been using it for years.

have a look on they're cheaper then hlj. and also don't be in a rush to get anything you bought. it has taken up to a month for something to reach me.. and if you want to save on shipping. buy like 2~4 kits at once.

I live deadcenter in the netherlands (it's netherlands, not holland. holland are the provinces). what similarity in our names are you talking about?

Then I guess I misunderstood something there :heh:
Just checked HWjapan. Can't believe I missed that, quite a difference in pricing. I think I'll do what you said and set up a wishlist first, and order them in one go. With my Dynames I'll satisfy my gunpla cravings for a while ^^

I was mistaken about the name, confused with another name I use elsewhere -.- Forget about it.

Edit: on HWjapan, how can you see what the shippingfees are before you register?

pumpkins 2011-01-19 06:05


Originally Posted by GrimmReaperNL (Post 3445127)
you can setup a paypal easy. you don't need a credit card or anything. i've been using it for years.

how exactly do you setup a paypal account without a credit card? i always thought you have to use it to transfer money into the paypal account. :confused:

StrikeFreedomV2 2011-01-19 06:43


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 3445513)
how exactly do you setup a paypal account without a credit card? i always thought you have to use it to transfer money into the paypal account. :confused:

You can also transfer money from your bank to your Paypal-account. That´s what I do, anyway.

Butagami 2011-01-19 17:08


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 3445540)
You can also transfer money from your bank to your Paypal-account. That´s what I do, anyway.

I thought the same, thanks for clearing it up for us!

StrikeFreedomV2 2011-01-19 17:59


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3446203)
I thought the same, thanks for clearing it up for us!

Your welcome :)

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