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Nerroth 2009-08-21 08:34

That Perfect Grade 00-Raiser looks nice...

*Hopes the next AD-era PG will be the CB-0000G/C, to match it*

Tormenk 2009-08-21 08:56

Someone modded a MG Dynames from the MG Exia's frame. Thought I would share.

Okamidum 2009-08-21 09:33


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2595259)
Someone modded a MG Dynames from the MG Exia's frame. Thought I would share.

Wish the colors we're a bit darker but that is amazing.

Alexus_Z3 2009-08-21 09:43


Originally Posted by Nightwing(T_T) (Post 2595055)
Kind of amaze at the detail. pretty much wow. Glad that they include the GN-Sword III.

but on november now that's fast wonder if they're going start spamming more 00 kit (MG) next year Dynames, kyrios, Virtue or perhaps Astrea and Avalanche

PS: what's the diff between Astray Blue Frame 2nd L and that new Astray Blue Frame?

For a little bit more detail

Spoiler for Huge Pic Mechanical Detail:



- Perfect model of the mobile suit from the series, down to gimmicks and movement

- GN Condensor – Will make various parts of the main body more realistic and true to form

- GN Drive – Not only lights up but spins

- O Raiser – Realistic details, internal mechanics, can put weapons in various location, comes with GN Sword III just how many runner would it need (just MG Exia is already giving me a headache) :heh:

Very impressive though and it looks even more detail than the original art (or perhaps this is the orginal one?)

MakubeX2 2009-08-21 10:00


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2594987)
Thanks. I can see now that even the price is set. My friend has a HG 1/100 of this Gundam and I remember the big sword being too heavy for the weak joints it had. Hope MG corrects it.

They didn't :-
Seeing how they need a seperate Action Base 2 to support the Sword on top of an Action Base 1.


However, I don't feel like buying it. Too bad it is not Verde Buster or something...
You sure ? :-

Check out the details on this one. Sure put the massive pile of phail known as the PG Red Frame to shame.

Tormenk 2009-08-21 12:41

And I was thinking the MG Astray inherited quite some..features from the PG. :heh: Oh well at least this paves the road for a MG Red Frame.

Though detail-wise how is the PG Astray a failure? :confused:

ingandeul 2009-08-21 14:53

I think the PG 00 may be my very first PG... Looks great and it includes the GN Sword III. Ahh! :heh:

On another note, it finally arrived!

Got the green CB base from the 00 Raiser set ready for it and everything! By the way, I saw a picture of someone who painted the White CB base with Gundam markers. Has anyone else done this and would like to give some pointers? It would definitely add a bit more spark to a rather dull white scheme... :)

MakubeX2 2009-08-21 17:06


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2595602)
Though detail-wise how is the PG Astray a failure? :confused:

It just don't qualify as a PG. I've put up a few points pages back in this thread, go search for them.

Critias 2009-08-21 17:19

Now that Blue Frame is gettin the MG treatment, here's hoping they do the other Astrays in MG, namely Gold Frame Amatu. I'd get me one of those to be sure :D
Not sure yet about gettin the MG Blue Frame tho. Though I hated the fact that my HG 1/100 could never hold it's sword properly... hmmmm....

edit: OK after seeing the detail pics, I might get it. BUT... still can't hold it's own sword on its own without help? Shame...

Amber.Dawn 2009-08-21 20:53

Just hang the sword over its shoulder or touching the ground then, I guess. I do that will all large weapons.

eg. Deathscythe's blade

/wants MG Deathscythe

Okamidum 2009-08-21 22:52

Uh not really excited for the MG astray.
^Mg Death Scythe custom would be awesome.
The PG 00 reminds me of the original concept art for Exia.

duotiga 2009-08-21 23:22

will get MG blue frame 2nd ms with all big sword/guns =x

fertygo 2009-08-21 23:41

Will see if i gonna interest with that MG 2nd L later, but on this occasion, Im more interested with that Destroy Mode HGUC =D
no tranforming gimmick is the big win for me

MakubeX2 2009-08-21 23:45

Will go well with the following :-
Fully transformable 1/48 Unicorn Head Stand

JackRydden224 2009-08-22 03:00

It's kinda weird how all of the sudden we are getting a MG Blue Frame. I thought we would get some more 00 MG but guess not (not complaining either). On another note, the rearranged Duel looks pretty damn awesome.

Sir Dearka 2009-08-22 04:22


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2595259)
Someone modded a MG Dynames from the MG Exia's frame. Thought I would share.

Oh, that's so damn awesome. BANDAI! Instead of some shotty out of blue SEED kits I prefer MG Dynames! Unless you release anything Dearka or Buster related! :P


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2595357)
You sure ? :-

Check out the details on this one. Sure put the massive pile of phail known as the PG Red Frame to shame.

Who cares about the details if I don't feel the least connection or excitement about the model?

jonli 2009-08-22 05:52

- Perfect model of the mobile suit from the series, down to gimmicks and movement

Down to gimmicks as well? Lies. I don't see it Trans-am-ing or vaporizing into particles.

darkstrife 2009-08-22 07:18


Originally Posted by jonli (Post 2597046)
- Perfect model of the mobile suit from the series, down to gimmicks and movement

Down to gimmicks as well? Lies. I don't see it Trans-am-ing or vaporizing into particles.

well in regards to the trans-am part, they may decide to release a 'clear red version' of the gundam 00 and then have like LEDs to form the trans-am effect. to be honest, i cant wait for it, i have mostly being building MGs for the past few years and always wanted a PG one for a gundam that i actually like... now my wish has come true lol (although i'm surprised its released so early... could it be the start of something evil at Bandai, they usually dont do 'good' things without screwing us later with 'upgraded' kits)

Traks 2009-08-22 07:26


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2594759)
Anybody knows where I can order a Tamiya airbrush?I have the starter kit with the compressor,but my airbrush got broken recently and I was thinking of replacing it.I bought the set in a local store but I dont think the just sell the airbrush alone.

LightningZERO 2009-08-22 08:07

PG 00 is really nice. I wish to have it but I now quit collecting model kits. I need to cut down my expenses and lazy to build kits anyway :p

I might get that cool SHCM-PRO Unicorn though!

MakubeX2 2009-08-22 09:13


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2597190)
I might get that cool SHCM-PRO Unicorn though!

I applaud you if you manage to do so, as you will be one of those few who are willing to foot out some US$100 for a 1/144 size figure.

Here's some close up of the SHCM-Pro Unicorn as reward for your declaration :-

LightningZERO 2009-08-22 10:54

It is pricey....but if it can be transformed frequently and played with, maybe it's worth a buy :D

I got interested with the Robot Damashii 00 Gundam Seven Sword. Is there any pic of it connected with the 0 Raiser?

frizbee 2009-08-22 10:55

hi im new here. Im desperate for tips on wat mixture/layers of paint shld i use to obtain the titanium effect of the unicorn gundam titanium version???

Drake^ 2009-08-22 12:07

hello! also new here and looking for help
im building my first master grade today (exia) and i had a question about the stickers
i noticed that the some of the clear green parts are etched (like the chest) and i want the gn drive light to shine through, so i was curious if i should all the stickers on the sheet when it says to use them in building guide or i should skip some for a better effect

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-08-22 14:21


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2597424)
It is pricey....but if it can be transformed frequently and played with, maybe it's worth a buy :D

I got interested with the Robot Damashii 00 Gundam Seven Sword. Is there any pic of it connected with the 0 Raiser?

Yeah, and the new 00 figure is gonna have 360 degree motion. So you'll be able to use the O Raiser wings as guns.:D

The Robot Damashii line just gets better and better.

MakubeX2 2009-08-22 19:11


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2597424)
It is pricey....but if it can be transformed frequently and played with, maybe it's worth a buy :D

You'll be glad to know that the HCM-Pro line are among the best of what Bandai can offer. It's a shame that most people are put off by their size-to-price ratio.

darkstrife 2009-08-22 22:15


Originally Posted by frizbee (Post 2597427)
hi im new here. Im desperate for tips on wat mixture/layers of paint shld i use to obtain the titanium effect of the unicorn gundam titanium version???

this was discussed a few pages ago, i was thinking of buying one myself but was put off by the amount of sprue marks on the kit after u cut the parts off the runners. if i recall u'll need a silver gundam marker and some pearl nail polish...


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2598171)
You'll be glad to know that the HCM-Pro line are among the best of what Bandai can offer. It's a shame that most people are put off by their size-to-price ratio.

i think one of the key reasons for ppl not getting the kit is because they want to build the kit themselves, it feels rewarding at the end and seriously u wont be playing with the HCM kit everyday, but i do admit that the unicorn HCM kit is very impressive. btw, recently i can feel a buzz in this forum with the news of the new kits lol, about time there was excitement in this place.... PG Gundam 00 FTW!!!!!!!

frizbee 2009-08-22 23:18


Originally Posted by darkstrife (Post 2598436)
this was discussed a few pages ago, i was thinking of buying one myself but was put off by the amount of sprue marks on the kit after u cut the parts off the runners. if i recall u'll need a silver gundam marker and some pearl nail polish...

ic so wat if i apply pearl pigment powder on a silver surface?? or a white surface??? will the effect be near similar???

ingandeul 2009-08-23 01:11

So, I finished the MG Exia and I am stuck trying to put on these Marking seals and Decals. The one with the white sheet in the back is the decal right? The manual tells me to cut them up and do the whole process, but damn the decals are small... :(

But yeah, I'll get to that some time later on I guess. Other than that, it looks great. The built-in pegs to hold the GN Swords are just awesome. The only gripe I have is, though it may just be me, that the GN Shield's blue parts are somewhat loose even though they are supposed to extend outwards. I thought they'd be more secure and stuff. But, heh, a minor thing.

Some eye candy. Enjoy.

Yes, the lights are extremely bright. :)

Shadow Kira01 2009-08-23 06:20

Gundam big expo
『ガンダム』史上最大級の博覧イベント“GUNDAM BIG EXPO”有料ゾーンをレポ

“GUNDAM BIG EXPO”無料ゾーンも見逃せない! 新作アイテムがズラリ

Official Site

duotiga 2009-08-23 08:57

so that is how the gn pistol works....on seraphim


StratoSpear 2009-08-23 09:23

Look! 0 Gundam has Moonlight Butterfly too!!!

solidvanz 2009-08-23 10:49

HG 00 1/144 Seravee Gundam GNHW/B

HG 00 1/144 Reborn Gundam

Credit: toyworld

Flagfighter 2009-08-23 18:56

must get reborns gundam to fight my XN 00 raiser

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-08-23 19:39

Wait, since when did the GNHW Seravee come with a GN beam pistole?

Karidzka 2009-08-23 21:33


my latest works :D

see more at my blog >_< somehow there is a lot of pic :)

Tak 2009-08-23 21:36


Originally Posted by Karidzka (Post 2600351)

While I am impressed with this work, I am far more impressed with your Flags :p

- Tak

Karidzka 2009-08-23 21:41

hehe Thanks, that flag is my olf work :)

it has a backpack , but i always forget to finish it , and i like it that way :p

Tak 2009-08-23 21:50

Aye, you are welcome

I have a very soft-spot for very-military mechas.

- Tak

Critias 2009-08-23 23:28

your Amaterasu looks great with that color scheme. It reminds me of something else that had similar colors (which escapes me at the moment).

I especially like how shiny it is :D

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