I have the 4 Gundams and I like them overall, I think Exia's the best, except that his 2 GN Blades can't stay fixed to the hips. And Kyrios looks plain without marking or painting
Happy collecting! Now I'm going for HG Virtue!:heh: |
Playing as Turn A in Gundam Musou kinda makes me fall in love with its design, and the gunpla for it seems kinda unusual and interesting. So...recommended? :D
^^^Well, according to Dalong, it did receive a score above 100.
emm...so, after watching episode 23, I, now, want a 1/100 Dynames. Lockon is a certified badass. |
I am on episode 33 in Turn A. I was actually going to get a MG Turn A today but it was sold out so I bought a GP-03 instead, building it right now ^^ so much fun.... Turn A would be my next buy list
definitely recommend MG Turn A, its a nice and refreshing change compared to other MGs. For one, it doesnt requrie a "P.C." Runner sheet, only 3 stickers including eyes, and decals don't need to be applied to look awesome. Also along with the little Loran, it comes with a Cow too, which is just kickass.
Hopefully, if a 1/100 Flag is released, those problems will be corrected...
I really want an Overflag though... |
Now for some more rumour on the Gunplan side :- ・基本的に去年のおもちゃショーと同じで6月には新作発表 ・3月デザイン決定→4月試作品→5月、6月テストショット ・00P、00F、OOVは続々と商品化決定 ・プトレマイオスは新型戦艦発売のため爆発は決定事項 ・00(ダブルオー)ガンダムは6月発表 New Gunpla Design to be annouced at Toyshow in June as par previous year. Designs to push out by March->Prototype by April->Promo Pix by May, June. OOP,OOF and OOV will have models out. A Design/Model for a new Ptolemaios type Battleship to be annouced. 00 Gundam Design to be out by June. |
Seems like we still have to wait for a while before any MG of 00 are even announced... oh well...
Aiming for a MG Freedom next friday, just for the heck of it and actually see by myself the differences between it and the Strike Freedom lol ^^ |
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Finished RX78-GP03 in few hours, still got build the core fighter, cannon, bean rifle and putting on deco. decent kit, the joint between the waist and leg is really really tight, I think it is probably desgined that way cuz the back is bit heavy. I really need get couple action base so i can pose it better :heh: |
I assume you did an OOB build then. Looks quite good so far. This makes me wonder...how actually big a 1/100 Dendrobium for the GP03 would have been? lol :heh: |
1/100 Dendrobium?? I don't know how big it can get but i am pretty sure it's something u can only display on ur kitchen table. Hey you can use the beam saber on it as chopsticks and the weapon slots can be like a salt and pepper dispenser |
As for the Dendrobium it would make awesome furniture lol |
Thanks for the dendrobium pics, it has always been on my must buy list, now i might bump it up a few slots |
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