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xris 2006-09-04 16:17

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (known as "Rumbling Hearts") R1 DVD Release Discussion
FUNimation have announced the release date for the first volume of Rumbling Hearts (Kimi ga Nozomu Eien).

19th December 2006, Volume 1, retail price of $30 so expect an on-line price of under $19.

There's also a Limited Edition release on the same day. Don't know if this contains anything more than the art box.

Panky 2006-09-04 18:22

I didn't understand at all... it's music what they are going to sell? Thanks.

Potatochobit 2006-09-04 23:49

he means the first DVD released in the US will be called volume 1 and have about 4 episodes on it.

there is only 1 season of the show right now, so you havnt missed anything atm.

soon as i find out whats in the limited box im definately getting my pre-order in.

DarkCntry 2006-09-05 13:28

Panky: The licensed and localized title for KimiNozo is Rumbling Hearts, that's what xris was talking about :)

DarkCntry 2006-09-18 17:52

Rumbling Hearts trailer is now up.
FUNi has updated the website for Rumbling Hearts showing off just a taste to the dubbed voices for KimiNozo. Personally, it's workable thus far and not knowing the other major character voices (and Ayu's), it's difficult to put a true stance on whether it'll be good or not. I'm holding out until I get the aforementioned voice track and hoping that it kept the depth to the characters during specific pivotal plot moments.

Juan Valdez 2006-10-01 15:09


Originally Posted by DarkCntry
FUNi has updated the website for Rumbling Hearts showing off just a taste to the dubbed voices for KimiNozo. Personally, it's workable thus far and not knowing the other major character voices (and Ayu's), it's difficult to put a true stance on whether it'll be good or not. I'm holding out until I get the aforementioned voice track and hoping that it kept the depth to the characters during specific pivotal plot moments.

I just watched the trailer and thought that the voice acting pretty horrid actually. Haruka's voice sounds too cutesy, and while I guess that fits her character, it just doesn't sound good in English. Also, she needs to sound a little more insecure and unsure of herself, I think. Takayuki's voice is so bland and emotionless. It's completely void of the feeling that scene is supposed to emphasize. He doesn't sound like someone who's in love. He sounds like a automaton reciting a script.

But whatever. I'm gonna buy the DVDs but I'll most likely never watch the dub. I just feel like it's such a detriment to take such an excellent series and ruin people's perception of it with an awful dub.

DarkCntry 2006-10-01 16:15


Originally Posted by Juan Valdez
I just watched the trailer and thought that the voice acting pretty horrid actually. Haruka's voice sounds too cutesy, and while I guess that fits her character, it just doesn't sound good in English. Also, she needs to sound a little more insecure and unsure of herself, I think. Takayuki's voice is so bland and emotionless. It's completely void of the feeling that scene is supposed to emphasize. He doesn't sound like someone who's in love. He sounds like a automaton reciting a script.

But whatever. I'm gonna buy the DVDs but I'll most likely never watch the dub. I just feel like it's such a detriment to take such an excellent series and ruin people's perception of it with an awful dub.

But that's the thing, it's not an awful dub, nowhere near it thus far. FUNi has done some good things in recent years with their dubs and considering the cast of VAs being put on this, it doesn't look like they're going to skimp on this series either.

Sure, dubs aren't for everyone, and there are some who would turn any dub away in their quest for some supposed perfection, however this is not the place for it.

Takayuki's voice is pretty similar to that of the seiyuu used in the Japanese version, as he was pretty stoic and almost automated in the original, however we haven't seen nowhere near enough to gauge how the series as a whole is going to be.

Haruka's voice is pretty close to that of the original as well, considering the nature of Haruka's character, it would be plausiable for them to pick someone with a high pitch and innocent feel to it.

kmc315 2006-11-09 10:02


Originally Posted by Juan Valdez (Post 692791)
I just watched the trailer and thought that the voice acting pretty horrid actually. Haruka's voice sounds too cutesy, and while I guess that fits her character, it just doesn't sound good in English. Also, she needs to sound a little more insecure and unsure of herself, I think. Takayuki's voice is so bland and emotionless. It's completely void of the feeling that scene is supposed to emphasize. He doesn't sound like someone who's in love. He sounds like a automaton reciting a script.

But whatever. I'm gonna buy the DVDs but I'll most likely never watch the dub. I just feel like it's such a detriment to take such an excellent series and ruin people's perception of it with an awful dub.

Ouch...probaly the second toughest review I've gotten in my career..I'll have to do better on future stuff!!! Though nice use of the word "automaton" XD

-KMC (English VA for Takayuki)

JediNight 2006-11-09 11:50

Haha! Duh duh DUHHHH the VA speaks out =D

Well I haven't heard your voice work, so I can't comment on that, but you face a tough crowd on any website like this where subtitles are the preference ^_^;;

I too prefer subtitles the vast majority of the time, but nowadays it usually isn't that the VAs are doing a bad job, it's what I believe is bad choices for the voice for a certain character or bad voice directing IMHO.

Which seems to be what the above-poster didn't like about Haruka's VA -- and you can't fault the VA for being chosen and doing the job they are paid for. I guess tell your ADR or Voice director that we demand more feeling! MORE COWBELL! ;p

mizzcg 2006-11-19 15:36

Thanks for the info!

I was wondering if this will have "Haruka's Route" or will this be exactly the way it was shown?

Did that make sense? lol.

DarkCntry 2006-11-19 18:34


Originally Posted by mizzcg (Post 744698)
Thanks for the info!

I was wondering if this will have "Haruka's Route" or will this be exactly the way it was shown?

Did that make sense? lol.

It will be exactly as shown in the current version of KimiNozo.

onii 2006-11-19 22:20

Oh lord. It's been 2 years since I watched this anime. My heart is not ready for this again. I spent my days at work as an empty shell, and almost cried myself to sleep on several occasions. LMAO, how is Funimaiton gonna make this dub. Aren't they a kid anime dubber? This theme is gonna make lil kids kill themselves

DarkCntry 2006-11-19 23:03


Originally Posted by onii (Post 744906)
Oh lord. It's been 2 years since I watched this anime. My heart is not ready for this again. I spent my days at work as an empty shell, and almost cried myself to sleep on several occasions. LMAO, how is Funimaiton gonna make this dub. Aren't they a kid anime dubber? This theme is gonna make lil kids kill themselves

You're thinking of 4Kids, FUNi is better known for ones like FMA, Beck, Basilisk, FMP:TSR, Gunslinger Girl, etc. All of which are not exactly kid material.

onii 2006-11-20 12:14

^^^ooh i got u now

DarkCntry 2006-11-21 00:33

Checked the FUNi site again today, apparently they updated the page to actually have content and the content also includes watching actual episodes, thus far they have the first episode up on there in two parts, with looks to be episode 2 coming prior to the release of the first volume.

Beyond that, it also looks like FUNi is going to have only a few volumes released, since the first one contains the first 5 episodes.

darkchibi07 2006-11-21 22:41

FUNi's dub sounds very solid and very flowing sounding! :D

Now go out there, and buy the DVD!

Sailor Enlil 2006-11-25 04:23

Got myself ep1 of Rumbling Hearts via Newtype Magazine USA (insert DVD of the December 2006 issue). I'll focus on the voices since we all know the story so well.

Can't wait for the next episodes, especially Ep4 and onwards. I wanna hear their grown up voices.

EDIT: Okay I didn't realize Funamation had the full episode 1 viewable on their website.

Sunspot 2006-11-29 21:35

The trailer on the homepage TOTALLY spoils everything. Why did they do it…why??:uhoh:
For some reason they decided to come up with this all new series title/logo design....
Just watch how it was done in Russia.

Jaruromania 2006-11-29 23:51

I'm most eager to hear how they do Akane's dub voice. If they get it right, I'll probably be VERY forgiving towards the other voices, especially Haruka, since I never liked her very much anyway.

Xellos-_^ 2006-12-01 18:15

Made my order today for KGNE vol1 with the artbox.

First time i ever bought a dvd new release. usually i wait a yr or 2 before i buy them.

anyone else made thier orders yet or plan to buy vol1 when it release?

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