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CrimsonBlitz 2009-12-22 02:36

Im really not feeling the Red Frame. Its flight pack was so simple and like the Strike Gundam that they could have just moded the Strike flight pack and called it a day. All this Red frame is lacking is the shoulders and feet of the blue frame. Other than that it is the same...Smh....Bandi...i had faith

LightningZERO 2009-12-22 04:09

00 Gundam Seven Sword/G

Rising Dragon 2009-12-22 04:10

Those three images aren't appearing for me, ZERO.

EDIT: Well, they don't appear on this site; I had to link to them directly. Its interesting that the GN-Sword II Blaster is stored directly on one of the Drive casings.

Alexus_Z3 2009-12-22 05:17

yes! so they include the GN-Sword II Blaster and LOL at the MG Exia Transam version well if the colour turnout to be nice I might get it

Edit: But then again MG GN-X and HG 007S would be my priority

Ardi220288 2009-12-22 05:45

HG 007S and MG GN-X definitely on my list - pass on the transam Exia

MG Redframe looks really nice but somehow the amount of astray variant starting to really scared me :heh: - pass on this one

helois 2009-12-22 06:26

i'm the only one that think the Astray Mirage Frame Second Issue is a flop? not the Astray Mirage Frame is good,but... this.... :confused::confused::confused:

JackRydden224 2009-12-22 06:46

Damn the MG Red Frame looks awesome! I guess the extra equipment explains where the "kai" comes from.

Does anybody else smell a Red Frame w/Flight pack and BeCue head in the future?

Nightwing(T_T) 2009-12-22 08:11

ahh finally 007S and with GN Sword II Blaster nonetheless. LOL I wonder if they purposely withhold the announcement to increase RD sales :heh: Hoping for 1/100 or even MG in the future

MG GN-X must get! :D

CrimsonBlitz 2009-12-22 09:08

Yeah i dont buy HG but the 007s is going on my list. I like the GN-x but we all know they are gonna milk it like the Zaku's and come out with at least 3 varients and 2 recolors. which means im getting them all!!!:D

The Red Frame with the the Bucu head and flight pack would get first priority but ill wait till it happens.

Okamidum 2009-12-22 10:28

oh my gosh....the GN-X looks amazing and I love the beam rifle attachments! On another postive note they even have the sliding beam saber thigh gimic from the show. I am all over this when it comes out. And are those double jointed fingers?

For the astrays, im really not impressed anymore with the line. The mirage second release, the red frame mg its just too much for me atleast. But I am really impressed with the GN-X, good job bandai!

pumpkins 2009-12-22 11:09

yup, the GN-X looks really good. nice, clean and sleek look. :)

Okamidum 2009-12-22 11:37


Originally Posted by helois (Post 2832527)
i'm the only one that think the Astray Mirage Frame Second Issue is a flop? not the Astray Mirage Frame is good,but... this.... :confused::confused::confused:

Astray in general is flopping for me. But yes the second issue doesn't win me over.

Spitfire 2009-12-22 11:39


Originally Posted by Okamidum (Post 2832811)
Astray in general is flopping for me. But yes the second issue doesn't win me over.

I actually like the Second Issue. Its unique...and sadly the only original thing to come out of CE in quite some time if you ask me.

Akuma_Blade 2009-12-22 14:49

1- I'll plan to buy Force Impulse and Sword Impulse, but I was heard so both units Core Splender's not-pre paint. I haven't a airbrush or garage equipment. Can I'll paint them only with "Gundam pen sets"?

2- If I will buy Gryphios War Set ( special box for Gundam MK II , Zeta and Hyaku Shiki ) and Super Gundam, can I combine Super Gundam's G Defenser with Gryphios War Set's Gundam MK II?

Kitaeryu 2009-12-22 15:11

Hmm. The Red Frame definately looks awesome with the 2 katanas and the bow form, but I'm kind of split between that and waiting for a 1/100 007S/G. Why can't bandai release these things faster XD

Kitaeryu 2009-12-22 15:54


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2832440)

In the bottom right picture, is that a XN Raiser 7S/G + GN Sword III ? =O

MakubeX2 2009-12-22 18:27

I applaud anyone who will dare try to re-enact the following on a MG scale :-

Heck, I think I'll just give the applause to those who will just buy a small squardron of 5-6 GN-Xs complete with the bases.

bio9205 2009-12-22 18:57

Oh my goodness, Makube. Are those yours?

If I were you, I'd position 10 of them in that circular HRL formation. :)

GrimmReaperNL 2009-12-22 19:06


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2833255)
I applaud anyone who will dare try to re-enact the following on a MG scale :-

Heck, I think I'll just give the applause to those who will just buy a small squardron of 5-6 GN-Xs complete with the bases.

ouch, that would hurt my wallet so bad...

i do have 3 GNX-603T, 2 GNX-609T A-Laws, 1 GNX-609T ESF, 1 GNX-704T, 1 GNX-704T/AC & 1 GNX-704T/SP. all complete with red sparkle clear action base 2's

a quick calculation



(550 = ab1 black, 500 = ab2 red sparkle clear, HG price from hlj, MG price from NgeeKhiong)

Amber.Dawn 2009-12-22 20:05


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2833278)
Oh my goodness, Makube. Are those yours?

If I were you, I'd position 10 of them in that circular HRL formation. :)

Hmm, I think those belong to someone else. The post was quite a while ago.

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